Su Chen sneered in his heart!

These people are in the name of grandiose, in fact, they see that he has “no money”, so they want to swallow his chip technology!

To know that the current 28nm chip technology, even in the world, it is also the most advanced!

Few countries can master it!

But what they say is indeed the truth!

The chip industry, if it can not continue to invest, or in a few years the technology will lag behind, or even eliminated!

Compared with these investments, the 20 billion that Su Chen invested before is nothing at all!

Unfortunately, what they don’t know is that Su Chen wants to develop chips, and he doesn’t need money at all!

At the same time, Su Chen didn’t believe that they would really have such a kind heart!

Maybe there are other plans!

For example, is it really to develop Dragon Kingdom’s chip technology?

It is estimated that I want to use these chips to restrict those domestic mobile phone manufacturers!

At that time, even mobile phone manufacturers will listen to them, that is the real world invincible!

There are also those capitals, some to make money, but more, may still have the intention of making trouble!

After all, these capitals basically have the figure of the Eagle State University Consortium behind them!

As for these banks, they are just pushing the boat along the water, and want to take the opportunity to take a stake in Tianchen Technology!

Anyway, Su Chen has a full set of chip technology in his hands, and he will not lose money on how to see it!

But could Su Chen let them get their wish?

Of course not!

Unless the state really came forward in person, he might be able to talk about it!

But that’s just talking!

Not necessarily!

Anyone else, including any country, he had no interest in talking at all!

Not to mention this group of so-called capital!

“What if I say no?”

Su Chen still smiled.

But anyone could see that his smile was full of mockery!

“Then we have to compete fairly with Mr. Su!”

Commander Ma said with a serious face!

And deliberately put the four words “fair competition” into a particularly heavy bite!

The so-called fair competition, of course, is their BAT, plus a group of capital here, together with Su Chen!

After all, Su Chen only has 10 billion in his hands now!

As long as he consumes these 10 billion, then Su Chen will only have three choices!

Or abandon other industries and protect the chip factory!

Or abandon the chip factory and protect other industries!

Or find a way to get money from somewhere else!

And no matter what he chooses, they can make a profit with these capitals!

Especially the third kind!

At that time, it will not be them, who want to invest in Tianchen Technology.

Instead, Su Chen begged them to join the shares!

In a word, Su Chen wanted to eat alone.

I also want to eat all the industries!

This is simply not at all, these capital giants, put it in their eyes!

Then don’t blame them for hugging!

However, this time, Su Chen ignored Commander Ma.

Instead, I looked at the group, the representatives of the banks.

“Mr. Su, please rest assured that we at Longguo Bank were only invited to participate in the meeting to promote the talks.”

“It’s not going to be in your favor.”

“In addition, if Mr. Su lacks funds, we at Longguo Bank can also provide loans to Mr. Su free of charge!”

A representative of Longguo Bank was the first to stand up and take a stand.

At the same time, he was also the one Su Chen had dealt with before, the president of the Modu Branch.

But now it seems that he should have been promoted.

At the same time, representatives of several other banks also stood up to express their views.

It is all said that you can give Tianchen Technology a loan!

But of course, Su Chen would not accept their “good intentions”.

The so-called short hand.

Even if he does not need to use the shares of Tianchen Technology as a mortgage, he does not need to pay too high interest.

But this money, after all, must be repaid!

If one day he can’t afford to pay for it, it’s not at the mercy of these banks!

However, this also allowed Su Chen to once again determine the attitude of the state.

The state still hopes that he can concentrate on the development of the chip industry!

At least the chip industry should be regarded as the main business!

Instead of throwing coins around like this!

The key Su Chen is such a crazy coin, it may not be a wise choice!

For example, Feixin, before Su Chen suddenly invested, a full 40 billion!

Although the penguin’s V letter was killed.

But how long does it take to earn back so much money?

Even now, Feixin can make billions of dollars a year.

That would take at least a dozen years!

This is also because the cost of Tianchen Technology is relatively low!

Otherwise, this time, it will be even longer!

Maybe even before you return the money, Feixin has been eliminated!

Therefore, it is better to shake hands with other companies and make peace, and everyone will develop the market together.

So as not to push other companies too hard.

After all, in the end, everyone belongs to the company of the Dragon Kingdom, so why kill each other?

Unfortunately, as a reborn, Su Chen really knows all too well about the future behavior of these companies!

The idea of the state is to let them develop at home.

After growing, then go to international competition!

As a result, these companies are doing well, crazy in the country, and all the industries that can make money are squeezed clean!

But they did not dare to compete abroad!

Or go and send money!

Give the money earned at home to those foreign capitals in vain!

The key is that they also throw all the problems they have caused to the country!

So much so that the state not only can’t do anything to them, but also help them wipe their butts!

So Su Chen now has the opportunity to get rid of these companies.

He certainly won’t compromise!

Even after the Dragon Kingdom, there is only one Internet company in Tianchen Technology!

That’s also better than a tanuki penguin bride, and what comma, chopsticks, magnesium balls and the like!

Much stronger!

At the very least, Su Chen felt that his bottom line was still much higher than theirs!

This is not to say that Su Chen’s bottom line is too high.

It’s just that the bottom line of these companies is really too low!

So much so that any ordinary person may have a bottom line than them!

“Then thank you for your support, but I, Su Chen, don’t need to find someone to borrow money for the time being!”

Su Chen said lightly.

Then he looked at the horse commander again.

And the little horse brother and Robin Lee next to him.

And all the capital tycoons behind them.

“I’m here to tell you Su Chen.”

“And I’ll just say it again.”

“I hope you listen.”

“I’m Su Chen, I’m not short of money.”

“I’m in a showdown, I’m just going to fight all of you to the end!”

“Not convinced? Don’t you have the ability to beat me? ”

“If any of you can convince me, I will immediately give up a penny and give Tianchen Technology to you!”

“But if you don’t have this ability, then obediently wait and be picked up by me!”

“Listen, all of you here, including you LACK horses, PONY horses, and Robin Lee!”

“Sooner or later, one day, I’m going to bankrupt you all!”



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