
Su Daqiang was immediately unhappy!

“If you look at those mobile phones on the market now, which one can have stronger performance than my mobile phone!”

Su Daqiang narrowed his eyes and said!

“It’s my phone okay…”

Su Chen looked helpless.

Besides, this is a phone that will appear in two years!

If you compare it to your current mobile phone, isn’t that a bully?

“What is yours and mine, even your boy was born of me, isn’t yours mine?”

Su Daqiang snorted heavily!

But that’s all he said!

He is such a son as Su Chen, even if these things are really his, they will still be given to Su Chen in the future!

Besides, everything now is still earned by his son, who has earned it by his own ability!

Even he, the old man, has stained his son’s light!

Otherwise, why should even the great leaders of the imperial court be polite to him?

So he didn’t have any other thoughts in his heart besides pride!

“By the way, how much are you going to sell for this phone?”

Su Daqiang suddenly asked.

“It depends on the situation, but it will certainly not be lower than 5000!”

Su Chen replied casually.

If he is not mistaken, the price of the fruit 5 mobile phone in the previous life seems to be more than 5,000.

So how can he not sell cheaper than a fruit mobile phone?

Otherwise it would be too unpressing!

As for making money…

How could he possibly be making money?

When pigs fly!

But hearing him say this, Su Daqiang was immediately dumbfounded!

“5…… More than 5000? ”

Su Daqiang opened his mouth wide and looked at his son with a look of incredulity!

A mobile phone sells more than 5,000?

Although the performance of this phone is very strong!

Better than all the phones on the market right now!

But because all the parts, are their factory, produced by themselves!

So much so that the cost of a mobile phone is not even two thousand dollars!

If the sales volume is large enough, the cost may even be as long as 1500 yuan!

Cost 1500 dollars for a mobile phone, do you sell 5000?

Why don’t you grab it!

No wonder the hearts of capitalists are all black!



September 13, 2012.

The Fruit Company held a launch event at the Yingguo Yerba Buena Art Center to officially unveil their new generation of smartphones, Fruit 5!

At the same time, it was also announced that the mobile phone will be officially launched in a week!

However, among the first countries and regions to be listed, there is no dragon country.

Neither did the second batch.

The third batch still did not.

It wasn’t until the fourth batch, the last batch, that there was finally a Dragon Kingdom!

But the time has to wait, three months later!

But even so, the fruit fans of the Dragon Kingdom are still collectively high C!

“Fruit’s new phone is finally out!”

“Fruit 5 mobile phone, really handsome!”

“Compared with the fruit, other mobile phones are simply happy!”

“Unfortunately, it will take three months to buy it…”

“I really envy foreign countries…”

“The mobile phone is good, that is, the price is a bit expensive, it is more than 5,000 …”

“If it’s too expensive, don’t buy it!”

“This is a fruit mobile phone, the most advanced and fashionable mobile phone in the world, but it is not for you D silk!”

“D silk also comes with a fruit phone?”

“D silk can’t afford to sell kidneys!”

At the same time, due to the port city, it is among the first listed areas.

Therefore, the Hong Kong version of parallel goods has also become the first choice for countless people to bring goods from the port city!

There are even many people who are ready to travel to Hong Kong City in order to buy the Hong Kong version of Fruit 5!

But at this time, on the official website of Tianchen Technology, an announcement was suddenly released!

“The Xingyao generation mobile phone independently developed by Tianchen Technology will be officially listed soon, so stay tuned!”

So seeing this announcement, this time it is the turn of those, not fruit fans of the netizens, boiling!

“What? Tianchen Technology actually produces mobile phones? ”

“When did this happen? How come I’ve never heard of it? ”

“Didn’t Tianchen Technology invest in a chip factory before that?” Could it be that the chip was produced so quickly? ”

“The announcement said that this Star Glory generation mobile phone was independently developed by them! Then the chips should also be produced by themselves! ”

“I heard that Tianchen Technology has 28nm chip manufacturing technology in its hands, and now it seems to be true!”

“28nm chip manufacturing technology? So awesome? ”

“This seems to be the most advanced chip technology in the world at present!”

However, those fruit fans are naturally not willing to show weakness!

Especially after the announcement of the price of the Star Glory generation mobile phone, they are once again high C!

“The lowest price is more than 6000? 1,000 bucks more expensive than a fruit phone? ”

“Why does Tianchen Technology dare to sell mobile phones so expensive?”

“Tianchen Technology is also compatible with fruit?”

“Tianchen Technology can also produce mobile phones?”

“One look is the IQ tax, who buys who is stupid B!”

At the same time, those netizens who originally supported Tianchen Technology immediately stopped talking.

After all, that’s fruit!

Even if they hate the fruit company again, and the fruit phones they produce.

But I also have to admit that the performance of the fruit phone is indeed the best among all the mobile phones now!

Not even one of them!

Of course, this is not to say that the fruit phone is really that perfect, without any flaws!

It’s just that the other phones have bigger flaws and none of them can fight!

So even if the fruit mobile phone is sold a little more expensive, there are still many people who are willing to pay!

But why is this Star Shine generation mobile phone of your Tianchen Technology selling so expensive?

Just because you have 28nm chip manufacturing technology?

You know, a phone doesn’t just have a chip!

The rest of the parts are just as important!

The reason why the fruit mobile phone can be so good is because the fruit company can pick the best parts in the world!

This, you Tianchen technology, how to compare with others?

Not to mention the fruit company, the current market value of up to 500 billion eagle knife!

Equivalent to 10 beavers!

Even if you Tianchen technology is awesome!

In the country, the beaver penguin Du Niang, all pressed on the ground and rubbed!

That can’t be the opponent of the fruit!

However, with the official website of Tianchen Technology, the specific parameters of the Star Glory generation mobile phone were announced again.

As well as a picture of the phone.

The entire Dragon Kingdom network exploded in an instant!



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