“Of course you can!”

Su Chen smiled.

In the face of such an enthusiastic student sister as Zhou Qian’er, what reason did he have to refuse?

Then the two exchanged letters in front of all the other students.

So much so that the students on the side immediately became a little red-eyed.

“I couldn’t imagine that Zhou Qian’er’s courage was so big!”

“At this point, her suitors are expected to have their hearts broken…”

“Zhou Qian’er looked at Qingchun and couldn’t imagine that she was so clever!”

“Just exchange Fetion, what’s that?”

“Alas, it’s a pity that I’m not as beautiful as Zhou Qian’er, otherwise I would definitely look for Su Chen to ask for a letter…”

But of course, Su Chen wouldn’t, and he didn’t care about this little thing.

Zhou Qian’er is the same.

And then the two of them, still in the school together, happily walked around.

At the same time, we had a good chat.

Of course, it was Zhou Qian’er who was looking for a topic.

“Do you know the seniors, there are more people in our school who worship the seniors!”

“I don’t know about this, but I know there are a lot of people all over the world who worship me!”


“Senior, you are so powerful, it only took one year to develop Tianchen Technology so well!”

“Actually, I admire my own!”


“Senior, how can you be so powerful?”

“I also want to know, maybe this is called talent…”


“Senior, do you usually talk like this?”

“No, I don’t usually keep such a low profile!”


Zhou Qian’er was completely speechless!

Can you still talk well!

But Su Chen was not her suitors after all!

So even if her heart hurts again, she doesn’t dare to show it!

“Senior, are you here to attend the Alumni Association today?”

Zhou Qian’er then asked.


Su Chen nodded.

“Did the senior come alone?”

Zhou Qian’er asked again. ”

“No, there is also your sister Lin Yao.”

Su Chen also replied again.

So Zhou Qian’er immediately stopped speaking.

Although she did not know Lin Yao, she had seen the information and photos of Lin Yaoxue on the Internet.

I also heard some stories from some senior students about Lin Yao’s deeds.

All she knows very well that Lin Yao Xuejie is now not only the vice president of Tianchen Technology.

Or Su Chen’s senior classmate!

And it looks very beautiful!

At that time, it was rated as the school flower for four consecutive years!

Even if she was named the new “Pure School Flower” after Lin Yao’s sister graduated!

Of course, this is not to say that her appearance is not as good as Lin Yao.

It was only after Su Chen and Lin Yao graduated that she entered the school.

But even if she is more confident, she does not dare to say that her appearance is definitely higher than Lin Yao’s sister!

At most, it is only between Bo Zhong!

Even in terms of temperament, she was even worse than Lin Yao’s sister!

Therefore, in her opinion, it is also a very normal thing that Elder Su Chen will be with Lin Yaojie!

But she was obviously still a little undead!

“That… Lin Yao, is it the girlfriend of the senior? ”

Zhou Qian’er couldn’t help but ask with some trepidation.

However, this time, Su Chen did not answer her.

Instead, he looked at her with a slight smile.

So much so that she couldn’t help but be stunned!

But then, she reacted!

Elder Su Chen was telling her that it was not important for male and female friends?

Or do you think that he is the richest man in Longguo, the boss of Tianchen Technology, and will have only one girlfriend – since Su Chen’s information was exposed on the Internet, he has become the richest man recognized by all Longguo netizens!

Of course, this kind of words Su Chen is definitely impossible, directly say it.

So this is just Zhou Qian’er, her own guess.

Although she knew, her guess was absolutely not wrong!

Not to mention today’s Tianchen Technology, not only Lin Yaoxuejie, a vice president, but also another deputy general manager, Ding Ning!

The appearance value is not worse than Lin Yao’s sister!

So to speak…

Could it be that Vice President Ding Ning actually had an unusual relationship with Su Chen?

Realizing this, Zhou Qian’er’s mood was suddenly a little entangled…



Su Chen and Zhou Qian’er stroll through the university campus together.

Where I passed, I naturally attracted the attention of many students.

At the same time, when encountering a teacher who knows him, Su Chen will also take the initiative to come forward to say hello.

At this time, Zhou Qian’er would honestly stand by his side and not say a word.

Looks like a very competent secretary!

But what no one knows is that Zhou Qian’er, who seems to be calm at this time, is actually not at all calm in her heart…

“I couldn’t imagine that Elder Su Chen could be such a person!”

“But he’s so handsome, so rich, and so capable!”

“It’s normal to be liked by so many girls!”

“Yes, it must be so!”

“Those girls took the initiative on their own!”

“Elder Su Chen is just embarrassed to refuse!”

Zhou Qian’er worked hard to find a reason for Su Chen.

But in fact, it is also convincing yourself.

She took the initiative to approach Su Chen before, and what the purpose was, naturally self-evident!

But if Su Chen is single, then even if she takes the initiative, there is no burden.

But now, Su Chen has “definitively” told her that he is not single!

At least the relationship between him and Lin Yao’s sister is absolutely not ordinary!

Maybe even maybe he had other women besides Lin Yao’s sister!

How could she accept this!

She also never thought that one day she would be a “little three” for others!

But if this person is Su Chen…

At this time, Zhou Qian’er suddenly found that she was really a little bit and could not resist this temptation…

“Elder Su Chen, please help pick up the ball, thank you!”

At this time, Su Chen suddenly heard a shout not far away.

At the same time, there was a basketball that rolled over to his side.

It turned out that he had unconsciously walked to the side of the school’s basketball court.

And when he first went to school, he also liked to play basketball.

So I saw him smile, and then I walked over and picked up the basketball.

But he didn’t, just threw the basketball back.

Instead, he slapped the ball while walking toward the basketball court.

When I got to the side of the court, I saw him suddenly take off and the basketball shot instantly!


A beautiful off-court three-pointer!

Or hollow into the net!

So much so that around the entire basketball court, there was an immediate roar of fierce cheers!



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