In the Koryo Star Lounge, I saw a group of girls of about 20 years old, whispering with a worried face.

“I heard that the organizers of this event have a strong strength in the Dragon Kingdom!”

“Will we offend them in this way?”

“In fact, more than 500 million appearance fees are not low…”

“But Park Ji-young, that guy wants 1 billion yuan to appear at the cost, and the nine of us can’t be lower than him…”

“Shhh, be quiet, he’s a senior, and we’re miserable when he hears us…”



This group of young girls is the most popular group in the Goryeo country today.

Before Miss Lin gave them the appearance fee, it was as high as 500 million!

Much higher than their appearance fee in Koryeo!

So they’re actually very satisfied!

Of course, the so-called more than 500 million appearance fees are calculated according to the currency of their Goryeo country.

Converted to RMB, that is, 3 million yuan!

But in a small country like Koryo Kingdom, the market is so big, the appearance fee can have hundreds of thousands of RMB at a time, even if it is not bad!

As for that Park Ji-yong, although it is also very hot now, it is still far worse than these nine girls.

Even if they weren’t for a company, Miss Lin might not have invited him!

So only gave him a hundred million appearance fees!

That’s 500,000 RMB!

As a result, after this guy arrived in the Dragon Kingdom, he was almost scared silly by the enthusiasm of those fans!

I immediately felt that I was also a wrist!

So I thought, let Tianchen game increase the appearance fee!

From 500,000 RMB, directly increased to 5 million!

That’s a full tenfold!

In this way, these nine young girls naturally have to follow.

Fortunately, they are not too excessive, but from 3 million, to 6 million.

Of course, this is all a decision made by their agents.

They don’t want that.

Anyway, even if the appearance fee is doubled, there are not many who can really be divided into their hands!

At the same time, this matter was also raised by Park Ji-long’s agent.

So what is Park Ji-yong’s own thoughts, they don’t know…

At this time, just as they were still thinking, whether the organizers of this time would agree to this temporary price increase condition.

But only to hear a loud “boo”, the door of the lounge was kicked open by someone!

Then they saw a handsome man who was countless times more handsome than Park Ji-yong Oba, coming in through the lounge door!



“Who are you?”

Everyone was shocked to see someone break in like this!

Then a middle-aged man with glasses immediately stood up!

It is Park Ji-yong’s agent!

Of course, he was also talking about the Chinese Koryeo!

“It doesn’t matter who I am, I just want to know, who gave you the guts to dare you to default?”

Su Chen asked expressionlessly!

At the same time, it is also Koryo Chinese!

And very standard!

So much so that the translator who followed him was immediately dumbfounded!

But then, when he thought about Su Chen’s identity as a bully, he was relieved.

Since it is a school bully, it is not also a very normal thing to know several foreign languages?

As for Miss Lin on the side, it has long been strange!

In her opinion now, any strange thing, as long as it happened to Su Chen, it was not strange at all!

“You’re also from Koryeo?”

After hearing Su Chen’s accent, the agent did not answer his question immediately, but asked with some caution.

Because of Su Chen’s momentum, he is not an ordinary person at first glance!

If it is really a Goryeo countryman, it may be from a big family!

How can he afford this!

“Why, you Goryeo country, even if you rob the culture of our Dragon Kingdom everywhere, now even people want to rob it?”

Su Chen sneered with disdain!

“It turns out that you are a Dragon Country person!”

The broker was immediately relieved.

And then, with a high face, he said, “When did we break the contract?” If you Tianchen game and think that we are in breach of contract, then you can go to the court to sue us! But don’t forget, it’s to go to the courts of our Goryeo country to sue, not your Dragon Kingdom’s courts! ”

Apparently, he knew that it was simply impossible for the Celestial Games to go to the Kingdom of Goryeo to prosecute them.

Because even if you sue, you may not be able to win.

Or even if they can win, they will be delayed indefinitely by the courts of their Goryeo Kingdom!


Su Chen suddenly smiled!

Only others sued him, no one else sued others!

Like that fruit company!

Because if one day, he still needs to use the method of prosecution to deal with other people’s words.

Then it can only show that he has lived too failed!

He wants to deal with a person, and he definitely has countless ways to do it!

But at the moment, this guy has provided him with a very good idea.

So the next moment, I saw his figure flash, and then came to the guy and kicked it out!


In an instant, everyone heard a loud noise again!

Then I saw that guy, who was actually kicked by Su Chen and directly kicked out!

And it flew out more than ten meters away, before falling heavily on the ground and directly unconscious!

“You, how can you hit someone!”

This time, the big star Park Ji-yong, finally can’t sit still!

Standing up, looking at Su Chen, he said with a look of horror!

Even the body couldn’t help but start to tremble!

And not only him, including Miss Lin beside Su Chen, but also those Dragon Kingdom stars who peeked outside the door, were all shocked!

It was the first time they had seen such a violent person!

The key is that this person is still a super rich man with a net worth of billionaires!

This is a complete subversion of their cognition okay!

Even Miss Lin seemed to know Su Chen for the first time!

Look at him stupidly!

As for the nine maidens, not to mention!

If their hearts weren’t quite good, it is estimated that they would have been screaming a long time ago!

“Which of your eyes saw me hit someone?” If you have to say that I beat someone, then you can go to court and sue me!” But remember, it is to go to the court of our Dragon Kingdom to sue me, not the court of your Goryeo Kingdom! ”

Su Chen sneered!

So all the Koryo people present immediately obediently closed their mouths and did not speak.

Because this violent guy in front of him is clearly using the agent’s own methods just now, dealing with him!

According to the Dragon People, this is called self-defeating!

Besides, even if it wasn’t, they wouldn’t dare say anything!

After all, they don’t want to end up like that agent!



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