“Mr. Su, what do you mean by that?”

The vice president asked with a puzzled face.

“It’s not interesting, just want to invite you to enjoy a few small movies I just downloaded.”

Su Chen said.

He glanced at Lin Lu’er again.

“Girls better not look!”


Lin Lu’er was stunned.

Don’t understand what movies girls can’t watch?

But the next moment, hearing the sound coming out of the computer, she immediately “ah” a sound, and covered her eyes!

“This Su is really, and even put this kind of movie in front of others!”

“Thanks to the fact that I thought he was handsome and had a little bit of a good feeling for him!”

“I couldn’t imagine that he was such an obscene person!”

“Hey, in this movie, what do you say, what do we say Chinese Goryeo?”

“And this voice, how can it sound familiar?”

Thinking of this, Lin Lu’er couldn’t help but quietly reveal a little finger slit.

Then through the slit of his fingers, he secretly looked at the computer screen.

But the next moment, she was completely stunned!

“So it will be like this!”

“Isn’t this our company’s Ziyan predecessor!”

“And this man, it seems that he is also the president of a big company!”

Not only that, but then Su Chen clicked on another small movie.

The “actor” in the movie is still the person Lin Lu’er knows!

There are even some people she is very familiar with!

Then the third, the fourth…

So soon, looking at the familiar figures that appeared in the small movie, Lin Lu’er was completely shocked!

“How can this be?”

“Why this kind of thing, I don’t know at all!”

“And my future fate, will it be like this?”

“No, I absolutely don’t accept it!”

“Even if it really becomes his private possession, I don’t care!”

Thinking like this, Lin Lu’er looked into Su Chen’s eyes and immediately became a little different!

I heard Su Chen before and wanted to hide her.

She absolutely, ten thousand unwillingly!

Even if it weren’t for this incident, they would indeed be at fault!

She absolutely could not have promised to be given as a gift to Su Chen!

But now, she suddenly found that being able to be hidden by this man may already be the best end she can get!

You know, she’s only 22 years old this year!

Maybe she’s just red now, and this kind of thing won’t happen to her!

But who can guarantee that she will always be red?

With her appearance, even if she is 32 years old in ten years, as long as she is not red, there will definitely be countless men who are interested in her!

And there is definitely no shortage of them, like the “big people” in these movies!



“Mr. Su, where did you get these things from?”

The vice president asked with a look of horror!

“You don’t care where you get it from, but it’s not true, you should have a number in your mind!”

Su Chen smiled.

But this smile, in the eyes of this vice president, is simply more terrifying than the devil!

At the same time, Lin Lu’er looked into his eyes and was also full of contempt!

Because his vice president is also one of those “male protagonists” just now!

“I am still the condition just now, as long as you agree, I promise these, well, small movies, will never be passed on, otherwise, the consequences you will consider for yourself!” 」

Su Chen said again.

But this time, this vice president, who dares to have half an opinion!

If only these little movies were really leaked out!

Don’t say they MS Company will be doomed!

For their entire country, it was definitely a violent earthquake!

Then quickly, he left in a hurry.

Lin Lu’er naturally stayed.

And at this time, Lin Lu’er, the miserable expression on his face, was also completely gone.

Looking at Su Chen’s expression, it was even more full of smiles!

There is even a faint hint of it… Tempt!

So Su Chen, naturally, will not be polite with her!

What happens next, needless to say…



For seven consecutive days, Su Chen did not let Lin Lu’er leave this villa.

Of course, it’s not that he’s too much.

It’s just that Lin Lu’er, now in the Dragon Kingdom’s popularity.

As long as you go out, you will definitely be recognized!

After seven days, Su Chen finally released Lin Lu’er and returned to the Goryeo Kingdom.

Then, as soon as Lin Lu’er returned to his residence, he was surrounded by eight sisters…

“Lu’er, this time I am really fortunate to you…”

“Luer, we hurt you…”

“Lu’er, that Su Zong, didn’t do anything to you…”



A group of beautiful women surrounded Lin Lu’er, constantly “comforting”.

But Lin Lu’er, of course, did not need their comfort, and kept saying that he was fine.

But they obviously won’t believe it either!

“Lu’er, are you really okay?”

After a while, one of Lin Lu’er’s sisters still asked with some unease.

After all, they knew very well what Lin Lu’er was going to do these days!

And they are also very clear that the previous Lin Lu’er, but there is no half, this experience!

“Didn’t I say it, I’m fine now!”

Lin Lu’er couldn’t help but roll his eyes fiercely.

And at this time, her sisters finally found out.

Lin Lu’er’s expression not only looked very normal.

The tone is also much better than before!

Especially the smile on his face, he couldn’t hide it!

At the same time, there was also a sister who found that the bag Lin Lu’er was carrying was different from before.

“Lu’er, is this bag you bought new?”

The sister couldn’t help asking.

Because this bag she knows, if it is genuine, it seems to cost more than 50 million Korean yuan!

That’s 300,000 RMB!

Such an expensive price, even if they are reluctant to buy!

What’s more, this bag is still a limited edition!

You can’t buy it with money!

“Ah, yes, I almost forgot to bring you a gift!”

Lin Lu’er said again.

Then open your suitcase and see that it is full of bags from various luxury brands!

It’s all unopened!

And it’s all limited edition!

At the same time, each bag, as well as the appraisal certificate issued by the counter, is genuine at a glance!

So much so that her sisters were immediately frightened!



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