“Tang Xiaoxue is so pretty!”

“Gao Wen is so stunning!”

“I still think Yang Huan is the most feminine!”

“Although Yang Huan’s appearance is not as good as Gao Wen and Tang Xiaoxue, her temperament is better!”

“After all, Yang Huan is a first-line star, Gao Wen and Tang Xiaoxue are still a little worse than her!”

“That’s because Gao Wen and Tang Xiaoxue are still young and their debut time is short, but they will definitely not be worse than Yang Huan in the future!”

“In short, the three of them are absolutely first-class beautiful women!”

Netizens are talking about it!

Then I saw that after the three beautiful women got out of the car, they actually stopped at the same time.

And they all looked back at the car.

So at this moment, everyone knew at once.

The true Lord is finally coming!

“Look, Su Zong is out!”

“Su Zong is mighty and domineering!”

“Mr. Su is also too handsome!”

“Obviously, you can eat by your face, but you have to rely on talent…”

“Mr. Su’s appearance is absolutely the top in the entertainment industry…”

“Look at Deng Chao and Hu Ge, in front of General Manager Su, they were immediately compared!”

“Deng Chao’s appearance is not low, not to mention Hu Ge, but compared with Su Zongyi, it is not a grade at all!”

“The key Su Zong, whether it is body shape or temperament, is also the top!”

“You see Deng Chao and Hu Ge, following Su Zong’s side, just like two followers…”

“Yang Huan Gao Wen and Tang Xiaoxue are also like the three beards…”

“This is the real gap between the star and the big guy…”



Just see today’s Su Chen, obviously carefully dressed.

It’s even more handsome than everyone has seen before!

Especially under the background of a group of big-name stars, it is even more obvious how powerful his aura is!

At the same time, the reporters on the side are also frantically pressing the shutter!

Bring those stars who have walked the red carpet.

I can’t help but look back!

At this time, looking at Su Chen, he had already walked through the red carpet.

The female host, who could not wait for the scene, immediately ran over!

“Mr. Su, why did you come to this award ceremony today?”

The hostess asked.

At the same time, a pair of eyes kept looking at Su Chen.

The excitement on his face could not be hidden!

Unfortunately, although her appearance is good, the breath on her body is too chaotic, and she can definitely be called experienced!

Su Chen naturally wouldn’t be interested!

“Isn’t that the invitation you sent me?”

Su Chen asked rhetorically.

After all, he couldn’t always say, he was just bored.

Coupled with this time, Yang Huan Gao Wen Tang Xiaoxue three beautiful women, the performance is indeed good.

That’s why he will accompany them to this award ceremony…


The female host was stunned, and did not expect Su Chen to answer like this.

Fortunately, her reaction was not slow, and she immediately asked again: “Does General Su have any views or suggestions on our Golden Eagle Award?” ”

“The suggestion is that the awards are fair, who has good acting skills, high director level, and good script writing, give the award to whom, don’t engage in those who don’t!”

Su Chen replied again!

And his advice is definitely the best advice!

Unfortunately, he also knew that this was simply impossible!


The hostess was stunned again.

Of course, she also knows that many of these so-called awards are actually set up long ago!

But this kind of thing, Su Chen such a big guy dares to say, she is a small host, but dare not say randomly!

“That last question, Mr. Su, do you think you can win the prize tonight?”

The female host quickly changed the subject.

“In fact, I think this is not at all a question of winning awards or not awards!”

“You put me and other candidates together, which in itself is the greatest injustice to them!”

“This is not to say that you will give me the prize!”

“I don’t think my acting skills must be better than others!”

“Although this is the case!”

“It’s just that for me, I can’t win this award, it doesn’t matter at all!”

“But some of them really need this award!”

Su Chen suddenly said with a serious face.

And listening to him say this, all the netizens in the live broadcast room were stunned at first.

Immediately after that, it was exciting!

“Hahahahahaha, Su Zong is also too damaged!”

“Isn’t this obviously talking about people, black box operations!”

“I didn’t say that you would definitely give me the prize, but I know that you will certainly do it!”

“The key is that you give me the award, and I don’t care!”

“It seems that their sudden nomination still makes Su Zong very unhappy!”

“, a big guy like Mr. Su, even if you want to nominate him, you have to say hello to people in advance!” Otherwise, if you directly cut first and play later, in case people don’t come, won’t you be said to be putting up a shelf? ”

“Putting up a shelf? In the identity of General Manager Su, even if he does not come, who dares to say that he is putting up a shelf? ”

“Su Zong is just giving the Golden Eagle Award face, otherwise it is right not to come!”

“And Su is also right, for him, it really doesn’t matter whether he takes the movie emperor or not, but for other actors, whether he takes the movie emperor or not, the difference is big!”

“Yes, that’s right!”

“Or Su always thinks thoughtfully…”

“Su Zong is so conscientious…”

“But isn’t it, who doesn’t know the products of Tianchen Technology, the most conscientious!”

“Su Zong’s Tianchen Technology has never played virtual, unlike other Internet companies, they like to engage in some bells and whistles!”

“Not only the Internet companies, but also our entire Dragon Country, there are few companies as conscientious as Tianchen Technology!”

These netizens really guessed correctly.

Su Chen is really a little upset about this, the organizer of the Golden Eagle Award!

Even if you rub the heat, you even dare to send him an invitation!

The key is that they also found a leader and called him!

It is a pity that leadership at that level, in the eyes of others, may already be a great leader.

But in his eyes, there was no difference between him and an ordinary little leader!

However, he has come now, and people are a piece of “good intentions”, and he is not good enough to do too much.

Just what should be said, he still has to say!

Even if he knew it was useless, it was still the same!

Besides, that’s not what he wants to say!

You just have to ask!



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