
Seeing this old man, the beautiful dealer immediately and very obediently shouted.

But the old man just nodded slightly.

Then he looked at Su Chen again.

“Young man, why don’t I come and gamble with you?”

The old man spoke.

“How to gamble?”

Su Chen asked casually.

He knew that the real master of the Crane family was the Crane Gambling King.

But the crane gambling king itself does not have any gambling skills.

However, the Crane Gambler King has a brother who is very skilled in gambling.

It is even said that the God of Gamblers in “God of Gamblers” Gao Jin is based on him!

“Let’s bet on the dice, a winner or loser, you win, I lose you another 359.2 million, I won, you left with the 359.2 million, and deleted all the materials about the Crane family on the Internet, how?”

The old man, or the god of gambling, said again.

But Su Chen suddenly laughed.

The expression on his face looked even more disdainful!

The God of Gambler’s proposal seems to be very generous to him.

Even if Su Chen loses, he can still take the 359.2 million with him and leave safely.

As for the materials on the Internet, the purpose has now been achieved, even if it is deleted.

But does Su Chen care about that, just a few hundred million people?

Besides, he couldn’t see anything, this was a gambler, and there was no certainty of victory over him!

It can even be said that this is the gambling god who knows that he will undoubtedly lose!

That’s why I’m willing to spend more than 300 million yuan to understand this matter!

After all, with the gambling skills shown by Su Chen before.

Even if you are a gambler at your peak, if you want to win, it is very difficult!

Not to mention the god of gamblers who are now seriously old and frail!

You know, casting a gambling skill, that is quite mentally draining!

Especially the card swapping stunts!

Ordinary people, on the other hand, can only rely on the consumption of physical strength and replenish spiritual power!

Including Su Chen as well!

It’s just that Su Chen’s physical quality is really too perverted!

Coupled with having so many god-level skills, spiritual power has long been not, and ordinary people can compare!

Therefore, by exercising gambling, you can drink water and eat as easily as you can!

And this gambling god in front of him, maybe the gambling technique is only a little worse than Su Chen.

That is, infinitely close to the god level!

This is definitely enough to be called in ordinary people, quite awesome!

But don’t talk about him, he hasn’t reached the god level yet.

Even he possessed the same god-level gambling skill.

The effect of casting is definitely far worse than Su Chen!

However, since the God of Gamblers had opened his mouth, Su Chen still had to give this bit of face.

After all, no matter what, he was also the first one Su Chen had encountered so far.

People who can put a skill to this level!

Unfortunately almost is almost a little!

At the current age of the God of Gamblers, it is impossible to have another chance to truly practice gambling skills to the level of God!

Or more precisely, ordinary people, it is simply impossible to practice a skill to the god level!

Because ordinary people simply can’t provide the spiritual power needed to perform god-level skills!

Therefore, even if there are people, they can comprehend god-level skills.

At the moment of learning, he will directly become a vegetative person because of excessive consumption of mental energy!

Or the kind that will never wake up!

Unless he can, like Su Chen, have a system!



“Well, then follow the method you say, and I’ll gamble with you!”

Su Chen said.

At the same time, seeing Su Chen nodding, the God of Gamblers was finally in his heart and quietly relieved.

As Su Chen guessed, he personally came forward this time, not to defeat Su Chen.

Instead, it was to let Su Chen breathe a sigh of relief, so as to let go of the Crane Family!

It turned out that at the beginning, the Crane family wanted to come, although they couldn’t put Su Chen how.

But Su Chen was the same, there was no way to take them from the Crane Family.

Therefore, the Crane family will think that Su Chen is disgusted on the Internet.

By the way, get some face.

As a result, I didn’t expect that Su Chen would actually have such a clever gambling skill!

And dare to go alone and come to their casino in Ojo to smash the field!

In this way, there were only two choices in front of their Crane family—either to defeat Su Chen at the gambling table or to kill Su Chen under the gambling table!

The first one, they can’t do it.

The second one does not dare.

So I had to choose the third one, concede defeat and surrender!

But even if you concede defeat and surrender, you have to pay attention to the method.

Otherwise, you directly kneel, shame and do not say, what if Su Chen Lion opens his mouth?

In the end, they had no choice but to ask the god of gambling to come out.

It is better to win Su Chen.

If you can’t win, then spend a few hundred million more, and then lose the name of “God of Gamblers”, so that Su Chen will not pursue it again!

Unfortunately, they crane family, obviously still do not know much, Su Chen’s character.

Besides, this time, he came and went, just a few hundred million, and wanted to send him back?

How is this possible!

The next moment, I saw the god of gambling take out a metal dice cup, put in three dice, and began to shake it.

So in an instant, the whole VIP hall, there was a sound, “rattling” the sound of rolling dice!

And after shaking for more than a minute, the gambler put the metal dice cup in his hand on the table!

“Mr. Su, please!”

The God of Gamblers looked at Su Chen and pretended to be relaxed.

But Su Chen could clearly feel that his breath had begun to be chaotic!

If this is a change of the gambling god at the peak, not only does it not need to use a metal dice cup!

It won’t be so hard at all!

At the same time, Su Chen was also very clear about the number of points shaken out by the God of Gamblers.

0 points!

Not only that, but the three dice in the dice cup have now completely turned into powder!

Of course, the God of Gamblers also knew that Su Chen could “hear” his points.

Not only Su Chen, but even the beautiful dealer could “listen” to it.

As for the others, even if they don’t have such a skill, they can guess some of them.

But the next moment, what all of them didn’t expect was that Su Chen suddenly stood up.

And with a minimum denomination of 100 Ao chips in his hand, he came to a nearby gambling table.

“359.2 million, I buy 3 6, leopard!”

With that, Su Chen gently placed the 100-denomination chip on this table, 3 6 leopards!

And you know, according to the rules of the casino, this leopard with a specified number of points is a full 150 times the odds!



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