“Son, you are not young, when will you bring a daughter-in-law back to your mother…”

“Mom, I’m only 23 years old…”

“What’s wrong with 23 years old, others are 23 years old, and they have long been fathers!”

“Then shall I give it to you first, the whole grandson or granddaughter, so that you will not be idle every day?”

“Come on, you’re just idle every day!”


In this way, Su Chen, who had been at home for more than half a month, returned to the magic capital again.

As for the daughter-in-law and the marriage, that is naturally impossible.

It’s impossible in this lifetime.

Including children, he didn’t want it for the time being.

Although he knew that several of his women were very eager to have a baby for him.

Unfortunately, with his current physical control ability, as long as he doesn’t want to, they definitely don’t want to succeed!

At the same time, with the launch of Feixin Yuli B, the balance of A Beaver B has also been greatly impacted.

It was far from meeting the original expectations of Ah Tanuki.

Even with Ah Beaver’s funds, problems began to arise.

After all, it’s only 2013.

The earning power of the beaver and the penguin is still far from being as strong as it is a few years later.

In particular, the emergence of Su Chen also led to a serious decline in the profits of Ah Beaver and Penguin last year!

A fox almost lost money!

Penguin’s profit has also dropped to less than 5 billion yuan!

The stock price is also not up and down!

But even so, Su Chen wanted to completely kill them, it was not so easy!

At least not for a short time!



“What does this Su Chen really mean?”

“Does he have to fight us to the end?”

“It’s not a matter of him stumbling with us, it’s that we can’t knock him!”

“Isn’t it bad that everyone earns their own money and has nothing to do with each other?”

“Alas, what is the use of saying this now…”

The headquarters of Ah Tanuki, Commander Ma, and a group of capital representatives are holding a secret meeting.

If before, Su Chen was in the takeaway market and was unwilling to shake hands with them.

It can also be said that Su Chen wants to dominate the takeaway market.

But now, Su Chen launched this Yu Li B.

A 5% interest rate is also given directly.

That is absolute, harming others and not harming oneself!

Because the highest interest that a bank can give is 5% a year.

And there has to be a certain deadline.

So in fact, after giving 4% interest, balance B has not much profit.

Directly give 5% interest, and even more 100% will lose money!

Of course, what they really value is not this profit.

Instead, everyone keeps their money in balance B and can bring them cash flow.

But now, Su Chen directly handed over the money of Yu Li B to the bank supervision.

Do they want to learn this?

If you learn, the value of balance B will also be greatly reduced!

But if you don’t learn…

Do you think others will still put money in their balance B?

“Or should we raise interest rates and then take the money and put it somewhere else?”

“No, what if the investment loses?”

“Is this a capital protected financial management, or can it be withdrawn at any time, once there is an accident, who can be responsible?”

“Alas, it’s all this Su Chen, if it weren’t for his Tianchen Technology, we wouldn’t be so difficult now!”

“Now even financing is getting harder…”

A group of capital sighed again.

In fact, Su Chen’s biggest blow to them was not how much money they had lost.

Besides, they didn’t lose any money.

At best, it is an upfront investment.

In the later stage, it is still very possible that it can be recovered.

There may even be earnings!

However, the existence of Tianchen Technology has greatly increased their financing costs!

After all, knowing that they are going to compete with Tianchen Technology, who dares to lend them money!

Especially those banks in Dragon Country!

Now even the shares they mortgaged are not willing to accept!

Or bid very low!

In addition, if you want to borrow money, you only accept physical collateral!

But Internet companies, there is a fart entity ah!

There are at most a few buildings!

But they can’t, even the headquarters of the fox and the penguin, mortgage it!

“Or … Just as I said, let’s sell the fund! ”

At this time, one of the capital representatives, opened his mouth.

In fact, they all know that the balance of B’s money must not be moved!

Otherwise, if something goes wrong, none of them can afford to take on this responsibility!

At best, it can only be used to make some profitable investments!

But such an investment, the profit will also be very low!

There is no solution to the funding problem they are facing now!

But the fund is different!

Because the fund is not capital protected, even if they lose money, they are not responsible!

And the income of the fund is also much higher than that of the deposit bank, or balance B!

Under the temptation of high returns, no one is worried about buying!

No, they can’t still advertise and attract others to buy it!

Big deal, give them a little more, the sweetness is to taste!

Of course, they are definitely not cheating money.

They’re just going to take that money and invest in companies and projects that have relationships with them.

When the time comes to earn, naturally everyone is happy.

But if it loses…

Isn’t that normal?

After all, investment, where there is a steady profit without loss!

“That’s not good…”

Another representative of capital, pretending to be a representative, said.

However, there are indeed many problems in selling funds online.

Otherwise, they would have done this long ago!

“What’s so bad about it, don’t sell it now, do you wait until the supervision is strict and then sell it?” Or let the fast brother taxi and magnesium group takeaway go public now? ”

Another representative of capital said.

There are problems that can be overcome.

Now as long as you can make money!

As for letting the fast brother take a taxi, or the magnesium group takeaway, it will be listed now.

That’s certainly even more impossible!

Otherwise, the money they invested in the early stage, let alone return the cost.

It’s nice to be able to come back halfway!

So next, several representatives of capital began to discuss fiercely again.

But it’s not them who really decide here.

Because now, the entire Dragon Country, suitable for selling funds, there are only two.

One is Tianchen Technology’s Feixin, and the other is Ahu’s ZFB.

Fetion is definitely not to be counted on, the only thing left is to pay B is the most appropriate.

So in the end, they all looked at the horse commander again.

Then I saw that after hesitating for a while, Commander Ma finally nodded…

So after a few days, netizens suddenly found that ZFB, which had just launched the balance B not long ago, could buy funds again…



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