For the next three days, Su Chen did not leave Gao Wen’s house.

Unfortunately, the next day, Yang Huan went to filming.

Therefore, some of his ideas can only be temporarily frustrated…

Three days later, Gao Wen also went back and continued to record “Running Man”.

So Su Chen let her go.

Then a few days later, Su Chen came again, the Modu Circuit.



“It is a great honor for us to be able to come here in a big way!”

At the gate of the Modu Circuit, the big star Fang Long, with a large group of large and small stars, greeted Su Chen together.

It turned out that today was held by Fanglong, the star charity racing meeting.

And because of the last time, Su Chen and that Liang Fan racing thing.

Fang Long also sent Su Chen an invitation letter.

It’s just that Fang Long didn’t expect that Su Chen would actually come!

“Mr. Fang is very kind!”

Su Chen smiled.

For this Fang Long, to be honest, he didn’t have much good feelings, but he didn’t have any ill feelings.

In his previous life, he did not chase any stars.

Especially male celebrities.

After all, many male stars are not as handsome as he is!

Of course, that’s Su Chen before!

Today’s Su Chen, whether it is appearance or temperament, is definitely not any star, can be compared!

But he is also a good villain, growing up watching this Fang Long movie.

In addition, it is a charity racing meeting.

That’s why he will, give this face.

Immediately after Fang Long, he led Su Chen to a very luxurious VIP room.

And only a few big stars were left to accompany them.

For example, Hong Dabao, Deng Chao, Hu Ge, Yang Sect Master and Big Baby.

And the future…

Miss Silk Vine!

So seeing this Miss Siteng, Su Chen immediately couldn’t help but think of her various cheongsam costumes in the TV series “Siteng” in the previous life.

I have to say that when it is really worthwhile, the four words of “pearl round and jade”!

Even Su Chen at that time couldn’t help but be a little hungry!

But at this time, Miss Silk Vine is just in her early 20s!

It is still far from the mature temperament of the previous life!

But I have to say that her appearance is still very good at playing!

Even if you stand with the big baby, you won’t fall behind at all!

And you have to know that the appearance of this Miss Silk Vine is truly natural!

Unlike the big baby, it is purely acquired!

“General Manager Su, I heard that you have also practiced martial arts?”

At this time, only listening to Fang Long’s master brother, Hong Dabao, suddenly asked.

So much so that everyone present immediately couldn’t help but look at Su Chen.

To know the rumors that Su Chen knows martial arts, in the entertainment industry, it has long been no secret.

After all, when he first slapped it, he flew that crane less, and Xiang Shao, out of the fan several meters away!

And when he kicked the agent of the Koryo star, he threw up blood on the spot!

It is also a lot of stars, who have seen it with their own eyes!

However, Hong Dabao, who had been practicing martial arts since childhood, could not see in Su Chen the momentum that any person who practiced martial arts should have.

Moreover, Su Chen’s muscles did not look like anything at all, they had been trained.

As for the skin, not to mention!

Have you ever seen a martial arts practitioner whose skin can be as good as Su Chen’s?

Not only is it white and red.

Not even a scar!

Is this possible?

That’s why he was so confused.

“It is true that I have practiced the family boxing method within two years.”

Su Chen said casually.

This is also his explanation to the state.

And also handed over some simple internal boxing exercises to the state.

It’s just that according to these training methods of his, at most, he can only cultivate dark energy.

This kind of dealing with ordinary people is certainly more than enough.

But for him, there will be no threat!

“Is there really a Neijia Fist in this world?”

Hong Dabao was shocked!

Ordinary people may not understand what is Neijia Fist.

But for him, it was a child who grew up listening to the legend of the inner family boxing!

It’s just that it is said that as early as a few decades ago, the practice of Neijiaquan had been lost!

Nowadays, only some martial arts families can still stay, so a little inheritance!

And even if it is such a little inheritance, I don’t know if it is real or a deceptive thing!

Anyway, none of those martial arts families can really fight, but they are true!

“I don’t know if it’s really fake, but I’ve been practicing for two years and the results are really good.”

Su Chen smiled.

But apparently not, the meaning of continuing to explain.

Believe it or not, he doesn’t care.

However, Hong Dabao did not have a dead heart.

“Then Su Zongjie doesn’t mind, take a ride with me?”

Hong Dabao said again.

So much so that several other stars on the side were immediately a little anxious!

They naturally know that the so-called partnering is actually the meaning of “fighting”!

But in the capacity of this Su Zong, is it possible for you to have a discussion if you want to?

But now, Fang Long is not here.

With their position in the entertainment industry, they also dare not offend Hong Dabao.

So I can only stand on the side and do it in a hurry.

Instead, that Miss Silk Vine looked at Su Chen and showed a curious look.

“Okay, since Mr. Hong is so interested, let’s take a hand!”

Su Chen didn’t care either, and directly agreed.

After all, it’s just a hand-to-hand approach, and it’s not really a match.

Moreover, he could also see that this was not this Hong Dabao, who was deliberately looking for trouble.

He didn’t dare to do that!

It’s just that I’m really curious about Neijiaquan!

So to satisfy his curiosity, it is not impossible!

So immediately after, he saw Hong Dabao and walked to Su Chen with a solemn face.

Then the body squatted halfway, slowly extended an arm, and held it in mid-air.

At the same time, Su Chen also held out an arm.

And with his hand back to back, stick together.

“Mr. Su, please!”

Hong Dabao said suddenly.

Immediately after seeing him, his feet suddenly exerted!

At the same time, the arm that was attached to Su Chen also began to slowly press towards Su Chen’s body!

But the next moment, he suddenly found that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t shake it, and Su Chen’s arm was not at all!

And then, accompanied by Su Chen a slight smile!

Not only did he lose control of his body in an instant!

The whole body was even more direct, flying backwards and out!



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