“Finally I can see Su Zong’s car again!”

“Last time it wasn’t fun at all!”

“Last time, the anchor could only shoot in the car, and now I can finally see the panorama!”



This celebrity charity racing meeting is still broadcast live on Tianchen Live.

Not only that, but also many anchors of Tianchen Live also came to the scene.

The popularity of the live broadcast room is also very high.

Obviously, these audiences are all coming for Su Chen.

And then very quickly, two cars were seen on the field.

“Look, Su Zong is out!”

“Mr. Su turned out to be the first to appear!”

“Mr. Su also changed a professional racing car!”

“I don’t know if Mr. Su can break the record this time?”

“The last time I drove a sports car with an anchor, I almost broke the record, and this time I can definitely do it!”

Seeing Su Chen appear, all the audience was immediately excited!

Especially seeing Su Chen, he even changed one, a professional racing car!

I couldn’t help but get even more excited!

After all, the performance of sports cars is good, but on the track, it is definitely a professional car that has an advantage!

At the same time, this racing meeting also adopts the method of one-on-one competition.

However, seeing this opponent of Su Chen, everyone split open in an instant!

“Oh, it’s a big baby!”

“Let the big baby play with Su Zong, this is how much we look down on Su Zong!”

“This is clearly to let the big baby, rub Su total heat!”

“No way, who makes people have a background?”

“Forget it, anyway, everyone is the same, we are looking at Su Zong!”

The first opponent of Su Chen was the big baby!

But Su Chen didn’t care.

Immediately after the race began, Su Chen’s car immediately rushed out.

Fortunately, he didn’t go too far.

Just keep it, a little faster than the big baby.

So much so that it took nearly ten minutes to finish a lap!


“Although the big baby failed to win Su Zong, he successfully pulled Su Zong’s strength down to a grade with her!”

“Are you racing or shopping?”

“Mr. Su is indeed a gentleman!”

“That’s what you haven’t seen, Su always let people smash the car…”



Then I saw Su Chen and drove the car into the parking room.

Immediately a man came and took his gloves and helmet.

It was the manager Zheng who smashed the car that day!

Su Chen’s car before was also helped by him!

However, after smashing the car that day, he did not and successfully climbed the big tree of Su Chen.

Su Chen just gave him a check, ten million checks.

Although this is definitely a huge amount of money for him.

But he obviously still wanted to follow Su Chen more.

Unfortunately, Su Chen had checked his bottom line, although it was not too dark, it was definitely not clean.

And his boss.

That is, the previous one, who wanted to curry favor with him, the owner of the racing track Wang Baoguo.

In fact, it is just someone’s white gloves.

Such white gloves, Su Chen naturally did not bother to pay attention.

Not even this white glove.

Even their master appeared in front of Su Chen.

Whether Su Chen is willing to pay attention to them or not, it all depends on Su Chen’s mood!

At this time, the big baby also came over.

Seeing Su Chen, he immediately showed a very ashamed expression.

“Mr. Su, I’m sorry, my driving skills are too bad…”

“It doesn’t matter.”

Su Chen waved his hand casually.

Of course, he also knew that this was Fang Long’s kindness.

Or rather, no arrangement.

After all, everyone knows that racing with him is absolutely bound to lose.

Or even maybe, it will lose very ugly!

So those male stars, who dare to go on!

Only to change to a female star, it is nothing to lose!

But he didn’t care.

But looking at him, there was clearly some distancing attitude.

The big baby still can’t help but feel a pang of disappointment…

In the next few rounds of competition, Su Chen’s opponents were indeed all female stars!

But the level is much higher!

At least no big baby, so crotch!

But even so, in order to take care of them, Su Chen still did not have it, and showed all his strength.

In this way, it was not until the final that Su Chen finally met the first male opponent.

And this opponent is Fang Long!

“General Manager Su, wait for you to stop being merciful to your subordinates, otherwise I will be sprayed to death by these netizens!”

Fang Long pointed to the photographer’s lens on the side and said.

So listening to him say this, the netizens in the live broadcast room came to the energy in an instant!

“You know we’re spraying you!”

“We came to see Su Zong, not to see those female stars!”

“Although those female stars are very beautiful, we still prefer to see Su Zong!”

“If Su Zong can’t break the record today, you will wait to be sprayed!”

“That is, everyone is waiting for Su to break the record!”



At the same time, Su Chen also smiled and said, “Rest assured, I will never show mercy to men!” ”

With that, he put on his helmet and boarded his car.

Immediately after, the final officially began.

So I saw that the signal lights on the scene were lit.

Su Chen’s car rushed out in an instant!

“Lean, too fast!”

“This is the real strength of General Manager Su!”

“It’s almost as fast as an F1 car!”

“It’s certainly not as fast as F1 cars, but Su Zong’s skills are definitely not worse than those F1 drivers!”

“Look, when Su Zong crossed the corner, it seemed that there was no deceleration!”

“There really isn’t a slowdown!”

“This cornering technique is simply amazing!”

“Who just said that Su Zong’s technology is no worse than those F1 drivers?”

“Can an F1 driver compare to Sue? It’s a far cry from the truth! ”

Then soon, Su Chen’s results also came out.

1 minute and 30 seconds!

This result is two seconds faster than the car king’s 1 minute and 32 seconds record!

And you know, the car king drove at that time, but it is known as the most powerful, F1 car!

And Su Chen drove just an ordinary racing car!

Performance is not comparable to F1 racing cars at all!

So much so that the whole scene!

And all, the netizens in the webcast room!

Immediately it began, enthusiastically, cheered!

But that’s not the end of it!

Su Chen, who ran a lap after that, did not stop!

Instead, I started running the second lap!

And soon, the results of the second lap are also out!

1 minute 28 seconds!

Then the third lap – 1 minute and 26 seconds!

Fourth Lap – 1 minute and 24 seconds!

Lap 5 – 1 minute and 22 seconds!

Lap 6 – 1 minute and 20 seconds!

Only then did Su Chen, who was breaking new records over and over again, finally stop!

But this is not because his speed cannot continue to increase!

Because, if you continue, this car may not be able to hold on!



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