Rebirth: Outstanding

Chapter 366: John Keswick and his Jardine

Luo Zhuankun sat in his office and exhaled heavily. The old guy Song Tianyao found from the UK seemed to be at odds with him. This old guy is now telling Luo Zhuankun and his people to stop targeting Xizhen in the stock market. The action of buying a home instead waited for his arrangement.

Fortunately, even if Luo Zhuankun no longer raises Xizhen Real Estate’s stock price, Xizhen Real Estate’s stock is still on the rise, but this situation will not last long. If Luo Zhuankun holds a large amount of Funds are pulled up, and the popularity and price of Xizhen Real Estate will drop rapidly after a few days.

"Mr. Luo, let your traders buy that Fuxing Rubber stock in the stock market."

Jonathan Gore did not let Luo Zhuankun wait for too long, and arranged a new company for Luo Zhuankun on the second day of arrival in Hong Kong.

"What you mean is that we not only help the Lin family raise the share price of Xizhen Real Estate, but now we also help them raise the share price of that Fuxing Rubber? You should know that the stock market has no increase limit..." Luo Zhuankun received Jonathan- After Gore's call, he got up and went to the other party's office, opened the door, and asked Jonathan Gore, who was looking at the information at the desk.

"In Hong Kong, don't you need to knock on the door to enter someone else's office?" Jonathan Gore put down the information in his hand and looked up at Luo Zhuankun. The expression on his face seemed to be cynical, but also a pair of sea blue. His eyes are piercing.

Luo Zhunkun's voice was cold and expressionless: "Mr. Gore, I need to remind you that the Lin family uses the Lin family to collect money in the stock market, and the money collected will be used to buy back shares in the hands of Yihe."

"I know, is there any problem? When I have the right to decide something, you'd better do what I say, otherwise I will let the young Mr. Song change to a more obedient person to help me do things." Jonathan -Gore yawned and said in a weakened spirit.

Since he arrived in Hong Kong yesterday, he has not slept for more than five hours until now. He has been reading various stock information, HSBC information, Jardine's information, Lin's information and even some Chinese bank information. Make a plan and deal with this Chinese helper who seems to be dissatisfied with him.

"No problem, what is the requirement?"

“The more the better, the Lin family’s share price is now fully raised by the Lin family using money, and has just begun to be active. There are only a small number of investors who have actually started the transaction. Most of the investors are still on the sidelines. The original holders of Xing Rubber stocks were very active in selling. It seems that this stock must have given them a headache for a long time. Now there is a chance to sell them and they don’t hesitate. So within two days, you should be able to get 8%. To 10% of Fuxing Rubber shares, and the shares of Xizhen Real Estate, temporarily let those investors who have made money before..." Jonathan Gore made a dancing gesture: "Let them vent their enthusiasm and wait for them. When you have doubts, you will continue to raise the stock price, and in this way, keep both stocks on the rise."

Luo Zhuankun took a deep look at each other, then turned and walked out: "Okay."

"Remember to close the door for me, Mr. Luo." After Jonathan Gore ordered, he continued to lower his head to work.


Queen's Road is next to the Jardine House of the Hong Kong Club. The three brothers Lin Xiaoze, Lin Xiaohe and Lin Xiaosen finally met with the Jardine Taipan John Keswick who had arranged a time. They wanted to have lunch with John Keswick. , But obviously the Jardine class did not have as long as a lunch for the three of them. This was not a good start for the three Lin brothers.

In the executive office on the seventh floor of Jardine's Building, the door is greeted by a large-scale oil painting. The person in the painting is an energetic, resolute and cold-hearted elderly English gentleman. This gentleman is the founder of Jardine Matheson, William -Jardine, it was the British who used his Jardine cargo ship to load opium. After the Dutch and Portuguese, it opened up a way for the British to plunder wealth from China. Now, this person uses opium to attack China and is notorious. The notorious British drug lord, who was regarded as a god, was hung on the land of Hong Kong, China by the successors of Yihe, for everyone who enters and exits Jardine's Building to pay respect.

"Mr. Keswick." After John Keswick's secretary brought in the three Lin brothers, he said to the British man who was leaning over the large office in front of the oil painting to review the documents: "The guest you want to see is here."

The Englishman behind the desk looked up. At this time, a beam of sunlight came in from the French window next to him and hit his face, leaving half of the Englishman’s face exposed to the light and half hidden in the shadows. Clearly, the gray-blue eyes are slightly sunken in the eye sockets, with sharp edges and corners like a statue.

Facing the Lin family three persons entering the door, the 55-year-old John Keswick did not get up, just put his hands on the table and smiled. He called the three persons by their English names and greeted enthusiastically: "Li Chad, Sam, Colin, my friends, long time no see, please sit down."

After speaking to the three of them, he looked at his young assistant again: "My boy, let my old servant prepare morning tea for four for my friends and me in five minutes. Go ahead."

"Okay, sir." The assistant turned neatly and left, and helped close the office door outside.

Lin Xiaoze, Lin Xiaohe, and Lin Xiaosen sat on the large sofa aside, and Lin Xiaoze spoke to John Keswick and said, "Mr. Keswick, it’s been a long time since we have seen him. The weather in Hong Kong is not so good recently. I have never had time to invite you to play golf."

"I know, I know, we really don't have much time to watch horse races or go golfing together recently, but Sam's wife and my wife often have some ladies parties together." John Keswick has a relaxed tone and smiles. He said kindly: "I heard that they are sitting together and are planning to start a ladies club recently. You know, women... They are always whimsical."

In fact, John Keswick’s mood is exactly the opposite of the expression on his face at this moment. He has not met with the Lin family before, and it is indeed not intentional to shirk, it is really busy. He just went to Beijing, China with his brother. Trying to make the last effort for the various businesses of Jardines in the mainland, the result was once again without success, and as soon as I returned to Hong Kong, I learned that HSBC had also been given multiple-choice questions by mainland China.

Therefore, in the past two days, he and HSBC ambassador Morse have been in face-to-face discussions to discuss the issue of the assets of Jardine and HSBC in mainland China.

Compared to HSBC, Jardine’s losses were even greater. Half of Jardine’s assets in the Far East were located in mainland China. There were almost all Jardine’s offices in Tianjin, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Qingdao and other port cities. When the Chinese Civil War broke out , Other British-owned foreign banks are speeding up their withdrawal as soon as possible. Only Jardine Matheson has not withdrawn its staff and assets because Jardine’s relationship with the Kuomintang is too close. When the Kuomintang government fell, Jardines wanted to leave. Too late, after the founding of the People's Republic of China, Jardine, which used opium to enter China to plunder wealth for nearly a hundred years, naturally had its assets in mainland China been directly confiscated by the Chinese government.

John Keswick is also a powerful character. He brought a team of votes, including lawyers, former British MPs, etc., and started to rush in Beijing and Shanghai, expressing his position to the Chinese government outside of his words, and Jardine’s legitimate rights and interests in China must be protected. , Jardines’ legal assets in Mainland China must be returned to Jardines unconditionally.

However, the Chinese government did not pay attention to John Keswick at all. John Keswick, helplessly, was outside the gate of the Shanghai Jardine Branch. When he wanted to go in and check on the branch office, he could not get in. It was said that he was angry and said something. Speaking harshly, to the effect that the British government will never ignore this kind of thing. If the Chinese government does not give himself an answer, he will return to London to report this issue to the British government, and then the matter will rise to the level of the country. Big trouble between.

As a result, Keswick was dumbfounded after this harsh remark. The Korean War broke out and China faced the United Nations army, which was mainly composed of the British and American forces, in the Korean War.

It wasn't until this time that he went to mainland China again, and finally heard an answer that was not an answer.

The other party was a small official in charge of foreign affairs in Shanghai. When he saw John Keswick, who came to Shanghai again to declare that the Jardine branch did not belong to the Chinese government and the confiscation was invalid, the small official said: "Go back to Hong Kong. Pack up your things and quickly return to the United Kingdom. Everything on Chinese soil belongs to China. Now I have time for you to clean up. I really wait for the American devils to be killed in the Korean War and even the entire Hong Kong Island will be lost. Take it back to China."

It was also the beginning of the Korean War and the confident words of this young official that made John Keswick understand the reality. China is now not even afraid of the United Kingdom and the United States together. How could he be afraid of him as a British businessman? The so-called cruel words?

Keswick returned to Hong Kong in complete despair, and met with HSBC's Morse again. The two of them had the same illness and wept in tears.

However, Keswick’s situation is better than that of Morse, because the Keswick family is Jardine’s largest shareholder and has absolute control over the largest British consortium in Hong Kong. Even if Jardine suffers heavy losses in mainland China, Keiser Ke is not worried that someone will oust him, and the resignation of HSBC tycoon Morse is already certain.

When Keswick discussed the situation in Hong Kong with his think tanks, almost everyone lacked confidence in the future of Hong Kong. Mainland China is now too strong. On the Korean battlefield, the United Kingdom and the United States have given a step for a ceasefire. China must refuse. After a wave of superior results, stop and continue the talks. This attitude shown on the battlefield can already explain China’s attitude towards future development. Hong Kong is not North Korea. If China wants to regain Hong Kong by force, it may not take twenty. Within four hours, the small city of Hong Kong can be quickly occupied by force. Even if Britain and the United States fight back hard and the Hong Kong war breaks out, the industry of Jardines in Hong Kong will probably disappear in the war.

In the end, Keswick and Jardine's shareholders agreed that the most important thing for Jardine to do is to go public, sell assets, take cash, and prepare to withdraw from Hong Kong at all times.

The Lin family wants to repurchase Xizhen Real Estate's stock. Of course John Keswick is willing to see it happen, but the news of the rapid rise in Xizhen Real Estate's stock price in the past two days has been heard in his ears. For him, although Jardine is eager to take out cash to protect itself, it is not the business style of the Keswick family to sell stocks casually.

Maybe Yihe and the Lin family have two generations of friendship, but at this time, there is no money in friendship.

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