Rebirth: Over the Horizon

Chapter 10 - Abyssal Bat Dungeon

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It didn't take Adam a long time to get to the training grounds, where he instantly saw a 'Giant Chicken.'

He didn't have much time; this was the second day of the Horizon, and he needed to do all of the remaining quests from all of the floors, as well as max his wand or staff proficiency.

The hidden event has only one more day to conclude.

"Ice spears"


As he spoke, the temperature around him began to drop, and several ice spears appeared.

When the Giant Chicken was only a few centimetres away, ice spears shot up at an abnormally fast rate, killing it instantly.


[+Giant Chicken's meat]

Soon he killed 10 Giant chickens at ease.





[+Giant Chicken's meat]

[+Giant Chicken's meat]


[+Giant Chicken's meat]

[Quest: Completed]

Adam didn't waste a single second, he quickly headed towards the wizard tower.

[5th floor]

This time the NPC was a hot guy.

"I hope, that you can finish this Quest"

[Quest: Andrew wants you to use the basic skill of Earth magic: 'Earth golem' to kill ten monsters.


Reward: You can proceed to the next floor.

Upon failure: You can't enter the mage tower for the next 3days]

This time Adam didn't go towards the training ground.

There are three types of methods to Hunt monsters and gain EXP in [Horizon]

Killing creatures in the training grounds and improving your character is the first step.

The monsters in training grounds have predetermined movements and only drop the same treasure no matter how many times you kill them.

On the other hand, killing monsters in the wild, which are stronger than fixed monsters on hunting grounds, is the second way to obtain EXP and loot.

They drop less treasure and grant more EXP, and their loot is random.

These two types will typically reward players with early levelling and quests, the monsters will reset in a short interval of time.

The third type is to enter the dungeon kill the minions and finish the boss.

The dungeons are usually spread out in the various parts of the KIngdom.

Players have to explore the land and discover the dungeons.

The dungeons are bliss for the players the monster inside the dungeons will give more rewards and drop rarer loots.

Furthermore, many of the ores and plants used to craft types of equipment and potions can be found in dungeons.

But, of course, it comes with many risks.

The monsters being more dangerous, mysterious and have more variables which make the dungeons special and harder for the players.

One wrong move and you could die, that's why the players who found the dungeons will usually try to enter it alone.

They will Inform the world and will gain fame as rewards from GM.

After that many players will form parties and head into the dungeons to clear it. This is what most players will do, but there were always expectations.

Before absolute strength what will variables of the monster do? If they were mysterious could that be an obstacle?


Before absolute strength, there are only two choices either surrender or die.

Adam still remembered the coordinates of the dungeon that was first found in the past.

He made his way to the dungeon.


After travelling for nearly 40min, Adam was standing in front of the cave.

The nightfall, two torches appeared outside the cave at the same time a window popped before him.

[Abyssal bat Dungeon

Level restrictions- 20+

Max. members- 6

You have founded Abyssal bat Dungeon, do you wish to inform the world.


Reward:+50 fame]

"Later" it was an abnormal answer but he knew that system will understand.

[You have entered 1star dungeon]

The cave was very dark but the ores and crystals which was presented all over the grounds gave light to the cave.

Adam took out the pickaxe he purchased in a nearby shop before coming here. He started to hit the ores and luminating crystals with it.

[+3 Blue crystal]

[+1 Rainbow ore]

[+1 Blue crystal]

[+6 Rainbow ore]


He continued to collect the ore and crystal the disadvantage in the dungeon is that once it's cleared and reset there will be only monsters.

All the crystals, ores and plants or any other valuables will disappear.

After few minutes, a group of bats rushed towards Adam they were larger

than normal bats and had enhanced features.

Adam noticed them but continued to hit the crystal with his pickaxe. When they were only a few meters away from Adam.

He instantly rolled towards his right and cast a fireball. He spent 50G to turn off the pop-up remainder while changing the equipment.

It was very annoying also Adam need change his equipment into a spear sometimes while fighting.

It slows down his movement and leads openings to the monsters.

Therefore he had no other way but to turn it off.



"GRRYAARR!" as soon as the fireball assaulted the bat it cried out loudly and died in an instant.


[+Abyssal Fangs]

'I am familiar with all spells perhaps, I should try close combat' Adam said in his heart.

Adam took out the basic spear as he pointed to the location he was going to attack, he moved at a great speed and slashed through two of the Abyssal Bats' wings, making them fall hopelessly into the ground!



He rolled back instantly changing the equipment into the wand and casting the new spell.

"Earth summons" two golems suddenly formed before him they were fully made out of the soil but they looked sturdy.

[-30 MP]

"Take them out," said Adam, sending the flightless bats towards his golems, as Adam rushed sideways to assist these golems.

Of all the spells he had this one had the longest time of cool down, it was 40m.

Adam helped the golems because he doesn't have the patience to wait for another 40 min.

The Abyssal Bats were out of the game in mere seconds, the golems were very aggressive they continued to smash the bat towards the ceiling!



[+Abyssal Fangs]

[+Abyssal Fangs]

Adam smiled, as he intercepted the large jaws of one of the Abyssal Bats nearing his head with his spear, opening the skull of the bat.


[+Abyssal Fangs]

[You have reached LvL:5 you can learn one additional spell other than the basic spell of 7 affinities]

Adam continued to use a pickaxe to mine the crystals and ores while the two golems used their fists.



[Abyssal Fangs

Grade: Uncommon

Description: Used to sharpen the equipment and increase the durability]

[Blue crystal

Grade: Common

Description: Used to strengthen the equipment can also be used as jewellery]

[Rainbow ore

Grade: Uncommon

Description: Used to create weapons contains Iron and steel]


[Abyssal Bat

Grade: Uncommon

-A unique type of bat which has been isolated for many decades, carves for blood.]


[Earth Summon

Grade: Common

-Loyal creatures which only takes action in command of their master have no intelligence

MP:30 CD:40min]

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