Rebirth: Over the Horizon

Chapter 118 - Dark Elves

The village that the elves live in looked like the world of a fairy tale.

With strong cloth fabric draped over a large tree as their homes scattered everywhere. 

There were spirits similiar to Yuna, the legendary darkness sprit which he got as a reward from Erebus.


"It's a human!"

"It's a human!"

"Mr. Ryukyu must have brought him."

The young dark elves that were playing with their spirits halted what they were doing and stared at Adam. 

Sparkling eyes, half full of curiosity and fear.


The young dark elves were so cute that it randomly gave Adam the thought of wanting to have cute kids like them.

I stood there and waited for the guards to escort me, at the moment a child dark elf approached him. 


Adam smiles and said, "Yes, you are very cute!" 

Facing his aburpt complementary the dark elf looked perplexed, "Ah, Thank you mister...Um, I have seen figures like you in descriptions." 

"Are you...are perhaps the creatures called: Human!" 

"Of course, I am. My name is Adam, could you tell me your name?" 

"My name is elli and," the child waved it's hand, and a dark little circle formed, "This is my summoned spirit eru." 

Seeing Elli's conversation with Adam, many small dark elves started to surround him. 

"Mister, you are so tall." 

"Yeah, what us the black robe you are wearing?" 

"Your hair and eyes are like golden rays of sun!" 

"Yes, we like you." 

'Dark elves...they are nit scary after all.'

"Can you show us your spirit?" 

"Hum? My spirit, of course you can see it." 

Yuna took form on Adam's palm, after seeing a full grown humanoid spirit, they dark elves were amazed and surprised. 

"Wow! It's like queen's spirit: Kela" 

"Yes, though kela doesn't has those tiny circles on her chest!" 

"You! You!" 

"Wow, this spirit can even speak." 

"You all! I am not 'this spirit' my papa has gave me a name, it's 'Yuna'." 

"Of course, I-i have beautiful chests because I am a female spirit!" 

Yuna shouted and hid in Adam's hair, but she was clearly seen because his hair was that if blonde color. 

Seconds after, a middle aged elf man cane to the spot, "Children go there and play." 

"Hello Mr, I am Bajega Royal guard of Dark Elf queen." 

"Queen has heard that you have slained the Giant Dust serpent, our queen wishes to see you." 


The dark elf queen had slenderand beautiful skin, and a light blackish hue skin which indicated her triat as a royalty. 

Beside her stood, Ryukyu he made small wave and said something to the queen. 

The queen stood from her place and bowed to Adam, which shocked the elders sitting below. 

She raised her head and spoke again, "I am very thankful for your help of slaying the Giant Dust serpent, but I can't accept your request." 

'I already knew this would turn out like these.' 

Adam thought, even though he expected that chances of this were less, it occurred. 

"What should I do for you come under me and became part of my family." 

At this question, the elders were perplexed, they didn't expected this human to ask question like that. 

They thought, he would use force to tame them, but unexpectedly it was quite opposite. 

"I...okay, I will say what I want." 

"I the dark elf queen, will serve under you if you manage to convince the Ice elf queen, Kiya to join your army." 

"I also wish fir them to join me, but, I have already slaughtered all if them!" 

"No, I am not talking about the greedy evil ice elf who lost their senses and settles down on snow territory leaving their home behind." 

Adam was surprised to hear that they were not original ice elf. But, he was instantly filled with happiness because if he get to add ice elfs into his army it will only strength jis troops. 

[Mission: Convince Ice elves to join your army. 

Rewards: +5 level and Dark elf badge] 

"We have prepared a portal for you with that you can reach underneath the Ice God's valley, where the original Ice elves territory is located!" 


Adam slightly nodded his head and then he stood at the center of the alter.

"Good Luck." 

Then, the white blinding rays descended upon him and sucked Adam with them. 


He was standing before a whity snow gare, it seemed like a city gate. 

Suddenly, Adam hears a suspicious noise from behind. 'Nothing was there a moment ago. Someone must have snuck up on me!' 

'Let's not make an unnecessary assumptions.' 

"Who are you?" 

Adam slowly tuned around and tries to speak to the sneaky man. 

While he asked, Adam got a glimpse of the person sneaked upon him. 

He was very short and had grey hair around the fringe of his bald head. 

He had wire rim glasses perched on an enormous nose. 'He certainly doesn't look like the type of thief who could sneak up behind me so quietly.' 

Adam spots a shimmer ripple over him. The short man grows even shorter and his nose grows larger. 

His skin takes on a ruddy appearance and his grey hair turns even more wiry. 

'He is not an old human man at all. He's a gnome.' 

Gnomes are named to be dwarfish creatures who are supposed to protect the world's greatest treasure. 

'I certainly didn't see any gnomes in my previous life.' 

Adam pondered while the gnome spoke. 

"Good day to you, Human," the gnome says. "I am Snarflan. Come with me; we have been expecting you."

He turns his back to Adam and steps toward the solid brick walls of tye huge city gate. 

He takes another step and passes through it as though it were coloured fog.

'Well, that explains how he snuck up on me.'

Adam steps forward and puts his hand out. It passes through the illusionary wall with no resistance at all. 

He also takes another step and walks through the brick wall. 

As soon as he crossed over a illusionary fog, Adam finds himself in a huge warehouse. 

'Are these gnomes!' 

There were huge number of gnomes working on the warhouse.

Despite being in a peaceful environment, Adam spots few beautiful creatures with white hair and ice blue skin standing on balconies overlooking the entrance. 

'Ah, Ice elves!'.

They were holding complicated looking crossbows and guarding the entrance he have just passed through. 

They each nod to h in a friendly manner. Adam notices that their crossbows have special attachments that hold multiple bolts, which he suspects could be quickly loaded by moving levers. 

'This is a definitely good example of gnome ingenuity.' 

Although gnomes are masters of illusion, the diminutive race is also clever with physical devices and mathematics.

"Come along," Adam's gnome guide says, leading him through the sprawling complex.

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