Rebirth: Over the Horizon

Chapter 21 - The Three Odd Wolves

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Chapter: 21

[Golems: 12, Avg. HP: 1670/1720]

[Adam: 7200/7200]

[Emily: Max. ]

[ Remaining wolves: 30 + 1(Silver wolf Lord) + 3( Young Alphas) ]


Adam cautiously gazed at the surroundings and vigilantly moved towards the cave.

Now, he has killed more than 70% of wolves the boss monster would have noticed it even the animals like snow monkeys, snowball, and many more would have noticed it.

Adam looked at his arsenal for the CD of his skills.

[Earth summon: 18min]

[Dark pierce: 4 min]

He sighed and kept walking towards the cave.

Suddenly, three wolves appeared out of nowhere and tried to ambush him.

Luckily, Adam had quick reflexes, he rolled backward and commanded the Golems to attack the three wolves.

They are clearly higher-level monsters and had more intelligence, even their fur was mixed with red color which showed their superiority over the other wolves.

Before Golems could catch them, wolves disappeared deep inside the forest.

The trees were not like in the inland area, three were only winter pine trees, Christmas trees(fir trees), etc.

These types of trees didn't provide much stealth, he can even see the wolves from afar.


He wasn't a fool to hunt down them by going to the lengths as far as to chase them.

He was clearly outnumbered. It was like walking into the trap of the enemy.

Adam again started to move in the direction where the cave is located.

As he moved closer and closer, Adam can clearly see the wolves standing beside the cave, down the cave, and letting out their howls.

The cave was not directly located on the ground, it was slightly above the ground surface.


Adam gazed at the wolves in awe, before finally preparing to attack them.

Adam didn't give the opportunity to wolves to surround them, when facing an outnumbered enemies you absolutely can't let them surround you.

The Golems charged at the wolves and started to tear their bodies or smash their heads.

[Ice spear]

[Fire ball]

[Fire ball]

[Fire ball]

Adam didn't directly engage in the close combat, instead, he supported the Golems from the rear.

He had no intention of building up fatigue at this time, he didn't know the power of the silver Lord wolf other than its level.

He can't let himself get tired now and fight a tough battle against the silver wolf.

Even if he emptied out his Mana there is an MP potion to recover it instantly.

But, there is not anything like a fatigue potion or stamina potion.

At this time, the three wolves from earlier appeared before him. He absolutely can't let them fight with his Golems.

Even with buffs and constant healing from Emily, two of the Golems have been already demolished.

If they fought with these three wolves, they will instantly perish.

Adam gripped his spear and rushed at them, to his surprise the wolves had very high intelligence than he expected.

The three of them surrounded them and started to attack from a different direction and aiming for different parts.

Adam ducked the slash, dogged the slap but he can't react to the last assault and ended up receiving damage.


Though his HP reduced drastically, it wasn't much impact on Adam, he slid down and tore the abdomen of one of the wolves.

Be it humans or monsters once the abdomen is damaged the opponent's strength will greatly reduce.

Though it can't be considered a vital part it will affect the enemy both mentally and physically.

It surrendered its claws and let out a low cry it seemed like it is surrendering

Seeing this, one of the wolves suddenly grabbed its neck with its fangs and broken it, letting the wolf die.

Adam was in a rage, be it the wolf killed it out of mercy or out of rage, his EXP was stolen by someone else.

"You stupid MONSTER!! DIEEEE!!" this time he was really angry.

He stabbed it multiple times continuously, "DIE! DIE! DIE! DIEEE!!"

Even after the disappearance of the body he still stabbed the ground a few times.

[You have obtained a new skill: Crazy]

[-1 Skill slot]

'This was unexpected, but why the hell it is named as 'crazy'

He remembered one player from the past who only did odd things and obtained countless unique skills.

No one knew if that player did these things intentionally or unintentionally but, not any player can fight against her.

Even for the high-ranking player, she would give a tough fight, but she mysteriously disappeared after 2 months from the launch of the game.

Some of them even tried to search for her in the real world, but she also disappeared from the real world.

Later it was found out, that she was from slums, after hearing this many of them lose interest in her.

''Enough Author-san go back to the present"

okay! okay.

The third wolf didn't even make a move it was like a frozen statue, Adam instantly killed it and deal with the remaining wolves.




[Golems: 6]

There was much loot to collect on the ground, the wolf meat also overflowed from the inventory.

More than anything the silver wolf Lord didn't even come out of the cave to help its subordinates.

The sun was also started to descend from the sky, soon it will be night.

'It is not best time to attack the boss monster'

More than half of his Golems were also destroyed from the initial number.

'I have to be fully prepared, before attacking it'

Someone one's said 'Prevention is better than cure' though it was not for fighting, in 2045 what is not possible.

'I will wait and summon more than ten golems before heading inside the cave'

"Adam, I have to head to the water by now," Emily said softly it was obvious that she was exhausted.

He also completely forgot about the fact that Emily was a mermaid and have to at least stay in the water for 3 hours per day.

But, in her current state. Can she walk 10's of kilometers and reach the nearest water body.

"Okay, I will bring you there"

"Thank you very much, Adam"

Adam left the golems to guard the entrance in case it tried to escape while he was gone, of course, there was no chance of it happening though

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