Rebirth: Over the Horizon

Chapter 217 - Ice Crystal Bird [1]

Adam spread out his palm, and a wind chime Ice flower appeared in his palm. He said, "You discovered this first, so it belongs to you."

Ariana glanced at the wind chime Ice flower, shook he head and said: "This is the reward you got for killing that…that unit yourself."

Adam smiled and said, "Then, it's a gift from your boyfriend." Adam stretched his palm forward and motioned to Ariana to take the flower. At this time, the flower trembled slightly in Linmo's hand, which was the result of the cold wind blowing.

Ariana hesitated for a moment, then stared into Adam's eyes seriously: "Are you really determined to give this item to me?"

Adam said, "Of course."

"Then I will accept it." Ariana said with a serious face, "As a friend, I should also pay back…"

Then she took out an item from her backpack. That is a teleportation crystal. The crystal has a light blue color and is very hard.

"This is a teleportation crystal!" Adam said.

"Yes, this is the reward for you." Ariana said with a slight smile.

Then Ariana clicked on the trading interface, placed the teleport crystal on the trading interface, and then clicked Lock.

Adam smiled a little helplessly at this: "Do you know that although these two items are both very valuable, the transmission crystal is more expensive."

"I don't know." Ariana shook his head and said, "I still have a crystal like this in my backpack, so this item doesn't help me much."

Adam's mouth twitched, and then he sighed. He remembered that he had obtained such a teleportation crystal because he had completed a certain task when he was in the 90s. Because of this, he was so happy that he had insomnia for a day… and was still full of energy the next day.

Adam put the wind chime Ice flower in his hand in the transaction column of the transaction interface~ After clicking the lock, the transaction was completed.

Ariana held the wind chime Ice flower in his hand, and said to Adam, "How do I use this item?"

Adam said: "Just take it directly." His words should be as concise as possible. At this time, Adam sighed inwardly. He already owed this girl so much.

"Your existence itself is a blessing to me, girl."

Kissing her cheeks, startling Ariana by his abrupt actions, Adam continued with his onwards journey.

His actions was very decisive, and at this moment Ariana suddenly said "Hey". Hearing Ariana's slightly surprised voice, Adam also raised his head and looked at where Ariana's line of sight remained.

Both of them saw a huge blue bird flying over from a distance in the dark environment. It seems to reflect starlight, so its body is slightly shiny.

This giant bird is what Adam said, to kill the ice crystal bird that was used to obtain the "Ice Crystal Tears" item. Watching it flap its wings and fly towards its position.

Adam was taken aback for a moment, and then a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "It's an ice crystal bird."

At this time, the skeleton griffon rider still exists for about six minutes, so under Adam's control, the skeleton griffon rider launched a thunder arrow at the ice crystal bird.

Ice Crystal Bird fell into a state of paralysis and stiffness.

Linmo didn't let his body release his skills to attack the ice crystal bird, but waited for the mana value to be restored.

Because to kill this ice crystal bird, relying only on the skeleton griffon rider is enough. The ice crystal bird that was attacked by the thunderbolt fell into a state of paralysis and stiffness, and was attacked frantically by the skeleton griffon rider.

Although Adam didn't get combat feedback, he didn't bother to use the method of changing the horizon to see the remaining HP of the ice crystal bird.

After a few seconds, the ice crystal bird that was frantically attacked by the skeleton gryphon rider also recovered from the state of paralysis.

It made a sharp chirp, then turned upside down and started to run away.

Just when the ice crystal bird turned around in the air and it was not half done, another thunder arrow flew out and hit the ice crystal bird.

After all, not all units have the talent skill "Resistance Boost", so it was attacked again, and once again entered a state of paralysis and stiffness.

Adam smiled slightly and did not make any movements, even his footsteps did not move at all. But in the next moment, the one forty level ice crystal bird was killed by the skeleton griffon rider.

The ice crystal bird let out a cry of mourning, and then turned into light blue smoke in the air. The light smoke spread, and then it dissipated here.

Adam looked back at Ariana, only to see that she bit off a pure white petal from the wind chime snow flower, and then chewed it carefully. She swallowed the white petals, and then she said to Adam, "It tastes good."

"Really…" Adam said, "Well, look at your upper limit of mana and see if it has improved." What he cares about is not the taste of wind chime snow, but its specific effects.

Ariana said: "Let me take a look." After a second, Ariana's eyes lit up: "Well, the upper limit of magic has indeed been raised, and the magic value has increased by more than 100 points."

Then Ariana began to count the leaves on the wind chime snow. She said, "There are still six leaves, which means this can increase my upper limit of mana by almost 800 points."

Adam nodded, how could something that can be guarded by a one forty-five level snow monster…will have no special effects.

Ariana continued to bite the wind chime Ice flower in his hand. Adam saw Ariana's behavior, and then quietly waited for Ariana to wipe out the wind chime snow flower.

Unfortunately, there was only one wind chime snow flower, other wise Adam would have also taken one and increased his mana.

'Although, I am not sure myself even if if another one was present I would use that for myself…'

After all, Adam's mana is already quite high enough and he his quite a bit sad because he often leaves behind Ariana under Azumi's care.

'I hope you will become stronger with this…'

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