Rebirth: Over the Horizon

Chapter 31 - Overlord Or What?

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"Huh, where is this..." Adam wake-up from his slumber and blinked his eyes twice.

His view was blocked by multiple system prompts, Adam, can't even see anything before him.

He sighed and glanced at the multiple systems prompts.

[You have become an apostle of Erebus, God of Darkness]

[+250 mana]

[You have received on elemental skill summon: Xi'atta]

[Your level has leaped by 10 ]

[Current Level: 36]

[+10 skill slot]

[You affinity with dark magic has raised expodentially]

[Dark Pierce (C) »»» DEATH BLAST (L)]

[You have received the following abilities:

[DIVISION: Unparalleled Erebokinesis]

»Darkness Manipulation

»Shadow Manipulation

[DIVISION: Advanced Netherkinesis]

»Life-Force Manipulation.


»Underworld wall.

[DIVISION: Advanced Psychokinesis]


»Emotion Manipulation


•Embodiment of Darkness


•Rapid Regeneration


[Erebus was extremely satisfied with your performance]

[You have received two exclusive gifts from Erebus, the god of darkness]

[•Reality Warp-- You can control and bend reality to your whims, capable of altering something as tangible as physics and the universe to something inconceivable like logic.

Mana: 12,345 CD: 750 min

For now, you can only use this skill for 20 sec]

[Spirit of darkness- She was originated from the place where Erebus was born, the primordial void, a chaos place between earth and underworld]

[Erebus has given you the spirit of darkness and reality warp]

[Once of make spirit of darkness as your spirit-mate]

[You can't make any other contract with other spirits]



As he said, magically a newborn female formed in his hand within the darkness.

She had silver wavy hair, blue crystal clear wings, and a cute tanned face and body.

[Please name your spirit]

"Her name will be Yuni"

The cute girl slowly opened her eyes and started to call Adam "Papa..papa.."

"Hey, girl... I am not your father.."

"OK, papa"

After trying for some time, he can't convince her and left her alone.

'Am I now a fucking overlord now,' Adam pondered, he knew what it means to become an apostle.

But, 'Is this...even agreeable' now he understands why the higher-level player, saw him as an ant in his previous life.

'Moreover, what the heck is that skill 'Reality warp', even if I can't use it in my current state, isn't it bit too much'

Just as he was thinking about trying out his new skills...

[You are the second player in [Horizon] to become an apostle of a God.]

[Do you wish to inform it or not YES/NO]

"Yes," Adam said as he quickly opened his inbox and checked the latest world announcement.

[Congratulations to Player, Azumi Chiyoko on becoming the apostle of Athena- Goddess of War and wisdom for the first time in [Horizon].

Of course, Adam would know this will happen, even in his previous life, she was the first one to become the apostle of a God.

'As expected of her,' now all the windows before him closed except one.

[You can choose any 3 items]

Many objects were carefully organized in front of him and were protected by transparent glass.

He can view around 500 things, but Adam can only select three of them.

Adam hurriedly searched the weapons and discovered the spear he had seen earlier in the throne chamber.

[Are you sure you want to choose the Crimson calamity(R)?]


The spear was painted in red and white, and three crystals were placed into it, giving it a majestic appearance.

[Because the spear is created from a dragon's backbone, the Dragon race will be hostile to you from now on]

'What the hell is dragon hostility...I don't care...' he reasoned as he went on to the next thing.

'I have to select a robe and a wand or orb'

Far more on the other side, Adam was standing in front of an orb, which was dyed with blue-red color.

[Are you sure to select Bloody Rose(U)]


Now that Adam acquired both the spear and the orb, he was able to complete his equipment selection.

'All I had to do now was pick a decent robe for myself.'

Adam immediately saw a light-golden colored robe in the room's exact center, which was quite dominant.

[Are you certain you want to choose Robe of Dawn(L)]

"Yes," he said as he put on his new robe, which he found extremely appealing.

[You will be immediately be taken to the battleground.]







This was the last prompt, Adam has seen before a huge golden and white ray sucked him from above.



Even though the war was mandatory, only 3 million gamers were now battling the monster wave in Axsis.

Not everyone took part, and the players that chose Axsis as their beginning town were in the minority compared to other towns.

Only, 3 million participants were involved in the war out of a total of 32 million players.

The players were also quickly slain by monsters; as a result, most players avoided fighting properly

Some were even roaming about the battlefield, observing and playing with the strikes.

Six players were the furthest into the fighting zone.

Azumi, Leon, Yang Zhang, Andrew, and two new star players Ed Abdul and Seo-ha-Rin.

"Hurry up! We have to kill the left-wing monster commander" Azumi said.

The left-wing monster Commander was one of the three subordinates of the Monster Lord.

So, basically, it was like a guardian to the final boss, if they managed to kill it, when it is alone, that will be very beneficial to them.

The 6 players quickly broke through the monster pack and were nearly close to it, when a huge pack of goblins and hobgoblins started to attack them recklessly.

"Where does this goblin bastard's popped out of nowhere," Andrew said, he made a beautiful curve with his sword and slashed out the heads few goblins.

"We only have to kill them, don't die and be quick" a man who seemed to be in the mid-'30s replied to Andrew.

He was Leon Sebastian fourth powerful player among the six and also, most trusted subject of Yang Zhang.

"We have to kill the left-wing monster Commander today, so consume your mana apparently," Azumi said.

When they were talking like this, a hobgoblin chief and one of the guardians of the final boss appeared before them.

The guardian had a large female upper body and snake-like structure for the lower body, the monster has two hands and weapons also.


[LvL: 44]

The hobgoblin chief beside her had a huge frame with green skin and held a huge Sabre in its hand.

These two monsters caught the attention of all the players in the battleground, they stared at Medusa and hobgoblin Lord in awe.

Suddenly the monster kneeled and started to speak "My master, please allow me to take care of these weaklings" it said to the Medusa.

"Hoho...Very well then, slaughter them and give me, PLEASURE, FUFU..."

As soon as he heard her words, the hobgoblin instantly moved and slashed 2 new players who were standing behind Azumi.

She was startled 'The monster at this level isn't even a direct sub-ordinate of the Final boss'

'Then, how much stronger the final boss will be?'

Azumi ran towards the hobgoblin, at her fastest speed but, it was even faster than her.

The hobgoblin gave a heavy blow to Azumi which she blocked but blown back several meters away.

But, it didn't stop there, the hobgoblin leaped high in the air and was going to land on her...

Andrew tried to rush in front of her and planned to block the attack with his sword, but it will be too late.

At that moment... "BBOOMM" with a thunderous sound many white and golden rays fell beside them.

At an instant, a spear came out of the rays and pierced the hobgoblin's palm, and went deep inside its tendon.


The hobgoblin shouted in pain, now all the eyes we're only focused on one thing...the light rays.

After the disappearance of smoke, they can clearly see a person...his robe was Fulltering in the evening sky.

Which perfectly matched the setting sun over the horizon.


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