Rebirth: Over the Horizon

Chapter 34 - Slaying The Captain Minotaur

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The first slither of rays rises above the sky, as the monsters and players are standing opposite each other.

A huge battle is going to happen today.

Adam shifts his position in front of the large-scale players who are forming a massive army behind him.

You take your place in the formation, the seven-star players behind you, and you think to yourself, 'This may be a chance...I should utilize this correctly,' as he stated in his heart. Adam takes a long breath.

"All right, players, pay attention." Despite the fact that his voice is low, it reaches out to each and every one of the players on the battlefield.

Adam has to take a deep breath and keep his tone cool and his voice under control. The worst thing he could say is that he's anxious.

'I am the commander here, not a frantic soldier like I was in my previous life.' Adam calmed himself for a second.

"You all know what we're up against. The vicious monsters outnumber us by a severe margin, and in any stand-up fight, our chances of winning this battle would be slim, at best."

Nervous murmurs break the silence. The other players know all of this, and they're probably wondering why Adam is bringing it up again.

Behind him, Azumi looks at him curiously, as to why he is bringing this up now.

"The elite NPC's plan doesn't change that. We're still outnumbered, but it does give us one advantage better than any reinforcements. When he uses his spell on the monsters, the enemy will be scattered, confused, and scared."

"If we want to win this fight, we need to take advantage of that. You need to kill as many of the enemy as you can before they start to attack."

The entire battleground is deafeningly quiet once more. His calm, icy tone has taken hold. Now it's time for the finishing touches.

"We can't let our emotions get the best of us if we want to win this war." We must kill them before they kill us. There can be no hesitancy, fear, or mercy because your lives are on the line. ARE YOU UNDERSTANDING ME?

He finished his speech with a majestic commanding tone.






The chorus of responses from the players is cold, aggressive, vicious. Adam's speech has made them committed to a goal.

For a moment everyone feels like they are really in another world and their emotions were now only focused on killing the monsters.

As the monsters approached, the players screamed chorally and raced at them in a high-spirited manner.

As he promised, the wielder of dark magic cast his spell and caused havoc among the creatures.

The creatures were Still there only a moment before, but their behavior altered as they got closer to the players.

They began to act as if they had no souls; some froze in place, while others began to attack other monsters irrationally.

Adam and his group broke through the outer zone and entered into the inner zone in a flash.

The monsters were clinging to each other blindly, so he thrust his spear repeatedly into the last stack of creatures.

At the end, of all rows Adam was finally standing before the huge cave-like tunnel but, it seemed to be artificially made.

The 7 of them entered the cave cautiously, it was dark and gloomy...Adam unknowingly felt comfortable.

'It could be side-effect for becoming an apostle of Erebus' as he assured himself and entered deep inside the cave.

After only a few moments the cave started to vibrate.


The sound of heavy footsteps could be heard approaching.

[Minotaur Captain]

It was a monster which was half-human and half-bull, standing at an average of 4m tall with fearsome horns.

But, they can clearly see, it was not the monster Lord.

'Shit, to think that there would be more underlinings inside the caves,' Adam gritted his teeth and took his battle stance.

He didn't know much past about the war after the second upgrade because at that time it was far later than this.

And he was preoccupied with avoiding Isabella and hitting on Ariana, as well as upcoming graduations, so he primarily studied.

But he can't be bothered right now.

'Those annoying monsters,'

Adam flashed back to his first encounter with Minotaurs. They wielded large heavy two-handed axes with ease, and if provoked would run you through with their horns.

Even star players which had appeared in the rankings had trouble handling them.

However, they weren't a problem for Adam who had been gaining EXP without a break, as well as successfully clearing trials and leaping 10 levels in one go.


[Captain Minotaur has used its battle cry]

[You have been debuffed: •5 secs froze

•Your STR and AGI is reduced by 20% for 1min 30 sec]

All of them stared at the Minotaur in a frozen state.

It rushed towards Adam swinging its axe crazily. He tried to move but it was no use, just a moment before its axe reaches him.

Adam leaped back in the air and arrived few meters away from the Minotaur, he was shocked 'How was I able to move all of sudden' he turned back and the next moment all of them were able to move.

He heard a voice from the far-most left corner "Adam, Focus on the fight, you still have to come back and help me"

It was Emily, he was momentarily stunned before he, gave her a huge grin and continuing on the minotaur.

Andrew sprang forward with his longsword, which looked a lot like a Katana, he easily severed the Minotaur at its waist.


One of the runes engraved on his sword shone with white light. Soon other players followed his suit.

Emily used yet, her another skill, and a blue aura spread out, buffing the party with a 20% increased attack and movement speed.

At the same time, a cute dark lady formed beside Adam, "Attack him, with darkness whip"

[Darkness whip]

It was a summoned darkness spirit. She jumped into the air from adam's shoulders and flapped her wings helping herself to stay in the air.

The next second a long tail-like whip formed in her hand and struck at Minotaur's face deeply.


The angry Minotaur aggressively swung its two-handed axe at her, Yuki dodged to the side, before re-appearing with a flash on Adam's shoulder.


Zhang Zhao stabbed his sword opposite the place where Andrew stabbed before.

Flame spurt out from his sword, cooking the insides of the Minotaur thoroughly.

On the other end, Seo-ha-Rin wielded her Sage's staff, sending a dangerous-looking Fireball with a 20% increase in damage.


It struck the Minotaur's head, burning it to a black crisp.

The party's teamwork had truly come together.

Adam decides not to interfere with them, as they were attacking it with its interest, he spots Azumi who does the same as him at the distance.

They quickly made their way inwards after dealing with the Minotaur.

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