Rebirth: Over the Horizon

Chapter 45 - Reaching The Peak: Asur Summoner(5)

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The slope of the ground appeared.

It looked like they have entered the mountainous area.

"This mountain," Adam paused for a moment, "I think other players should probably move towards it too, so we should not let them go ahead of us"

"That's okay Adam, let's hurry as much as possible"

The two climbed the mountain quickly. The mountain that they were climbing right now was the tallest. Right now, there weren't any other players around.

Although, there is the possibility that they are climbing from another direction. They couldn't do anything about it.

"Adam! Monsters are coming!"

"I got it!"

Adam took out his weapon: Abyss Angel and attacks the monsters.

It differed from the time when he was battling with the monsters on the ground. There were a lot of monsters, so their battle time also drastically increased.

Oh! I leveled up. I'm level 9 with this!" Ariana said in a cheerful tone. Obviously, this experience she got was all from Adam. She didn't fight with a single monster from the start of the event.

There are enormous boulders here and there, and monsters suddenly jump out from there, so it was a situation they couldn't let their caution down.

By one of them, being always cautious of the surroundings alternately, they prepared for surprise attacks.

Because bird-type monsters attack from the sky from time to time, Adam could only deal with it with magic, not like that his MP was taken away.

The land monsters were monkey and snake types. They attack with quick movements.

The ground is also terrible, so it's hard to do it

"Let's hurry up and climb!"


[Mountain monkey fur]

[Poison of mountain snake]

[You have reached LvL:39]

Adam received series of notifications, ignoring it all he continued to climb the mountain.

Two and a half hours of advancing while defeating monsters.

They finally reached the height where snow literally visible, *ZakuZaku*, they walked forward while making that sound.

Suddenly, two of them spotted a gigantic snake which was near as comparable to the medusa, it also seemed to be very injured, to state that it could die receiving one blow from Adam.

"It will give a good amount of exp, Adam, quickly slay it," Ariana said with joyful eyes.

"No, It's true that we can slay it but, it's also a high-grade beast"

"So?" Ariana asked, confused, like a little girl.

"I think that you have forgotten that you are a summoner" after saying it, Adam handed over two large HP potions to her gestured to give them to the snake-like monster before them.

"Adam, are you sure about it?" she asked with little hesitant eyes.

Adam nodded his head as she closed the distance between her and the monster and fed the potion to the monster.

The wounds on its body recovered, and it twisted and bowed to Ariana, wanting to be petted by her.

"Now, summon it"

"Summon" a faint rune-like design formed on the surface where the monster was standing, after some seconds a notification popped up before her.

[You have summoned Poisoned Dragon]

[Name: Poisoned dragon

Grade: Epic

Caster: Ariana]

She looked thrilled and hugged Adam out of excitement.

"Huh, Do you take lead this time, hmm~" Adam teased her.

"W-wht's going on your mi..nd all the ti-me?"

Ariana shook off from his embrace and quickly climbed the mountain. Adam pursued her suit quickly, in case if she caught up in danger.

"We've advanced, pretty much, right?"

"Hum, probably only another hour before the peak?"

Adam looked up to the peak as he said, because of that, he could also notice the monster ahead.

About twenty meters ahead, there was a monkey that had white fur covering its whole body.

That monkey charged down while kicking off the snow.

"Another one is coming!" Adam yelled.


Now that she had the summoned beast, Ariana can also fight by his side.

Both of them braced themselves.

Near the monkey, two bluish-white magic circles emerged.

There was a different point between the monsters until now and the monkey.

That is right, this monkey could use magic.


As Ariana said, the snake beside her instinctively covered for Adam.

It was a continuous attack with ice gravels like a machine gun, but ju-ju's tough scales blocked them with ease.

When the monkey was close enough, it made the magic circle disappear and, enveloping a white shine to its fist; it punched Ju-Ju.

This time there was a heavier blow that runs through the snakes' body and ju-ju was pushed back a few meters.

'Tch, because of the terrain, I can't even summon my golems'

While Ju-Ju was getting the attention of the monkey, Adam slips beside the monkey and slashes at it from behind.

The monkey screams, but without collapsing, it turns towards him with anger in its eyes and swings its fist madly .

The snow on the ground was a hindrance, so it was hard to move, but Adam dodged with no problem.

"Fire Ball"

"Ice spear"

The two consecutive attack counter leaves a deep wound on the monkey's stomach nevertheless, it didn't collapse.

*Gapa*, from its opened mouth, a white shining magic circle can be seen.


Adam uses wind-related skill with an instinctive decision.

It pierced a large number of sharp ice on the ground, where Adam was standing the moment ago.

Adam dropped from the air, straight towards the monkey's head.

The counterattack after evading the breath of ice finally kills the monkey.

The monkey's body became light and disappear's in the air.


[SKILL: Ice missiles]

[+Ice monkey's Fur]

Adam was delighted to have found a skill at the drops. It wasn't for him; he handed over the scroll to Ariana and gazed around the surrounding.

Fortunately, there was no rule in [Horizon] saying that different classes can't learn other classes' skills, they only can't learn it from guilds and auctions.

The skill scrolls that drop from the monster can be learned by anyone. Even if it was a warrior's skill, a magician can learn it. Likewise, if it was a magic skill, even a warrior can learn it.

The two of them once again advanced to the ice mountain. The monkey seemed to be something like a mid-boss; they did not encounter it again.

Instead, the monster that appears was a mole that was moving through the snow with zigzag while raising a cloud of snow, and a while armadillo that rolls while taking the snow with it.

"We should be careful with the mole, but the armadillo just continues to roll after dodging it so it's very easy, right?"

"I think it would be best if we are in guard"

Discussing things like these, both of them climbed up the mountain and finally reached their peak.

The mountain peak was shaped like a clean round, and there was a shrine made of stone at the center.

There is a white shining magic circle in front of the shrine, and it was shining as if to lure someone.

It was a teleportation magic circle that they have seen before in a goblin's cave.

When the two got close to the magic circle.

From the opposite side of where the two climbed from, another party of two climbed up.

One was holding an enormous sword, another one was petting some monster in his hand.

They also noticed Adam and Ariana and looked towards the two.

Adam prepared for a PvP, but that didn't happen.

"Ah! Ariana, sister!" the boy who was holding the monster yelled.

"Oh? James, I didn't think I'll meet you here"

"I was also not expecting you here. We don't want to fight. I don't even think we would win"

"After all, your boyfriend is ADAM CRYSTAL," hearing his words Ariana slightly blushed.

'huh, so she said about me to her friends secretly, huh' Adam thought in his heart 'It's cute'

"I also don't want to fight. It's okay, right, Adam?"

"Well, I guess so. We also don't want to be exhausted, so it should be good to be cautious at least, but probably it's okay I think?"

Because it could be hardly said that it would be absolutely fine, Adam continued to talk without letting her guard down.

Then, what should we do with this shrine? Both of us cant receive the rewards right?" James asked.

What he said was reasonable, since it would be James or Ariana to enter first. If they were able to successfully capture it, the rewards might disappear.

"What do you want to do, Ariana?"

After thinking for a while, Ariana hesitantly replied, "Hum, Adam, can we give it to James and his friend?"

Ariana, who told that apologetically, was surprised to see a pleasant smile on Adam's face

He closed the distance between them and whispered in her ears, "If you give me a kiss, that is"

"Shut up, you idiot"

"Fine, Fine, you shouldn't regret it! Promise me that, okay?"

"Yeah, I won't regret it"

Ariana informed James to go on first.

"I-Is it okay? Here, it's normal for you to enter first though"

"It's okay! You should hurry and leave before I change my mind, you know?"

After Ariana said that, he said thanks and stood on the magic circle, and disappeared.

The two of them were left behind on the mountain peak.

"You're really fine with that?"

"En, if it became a battle here, and exhaust ourselves, after teleporting we will stand no chance against the boss monster, and most of all, I didn't want to fight with a friend too"

"Hum, it's fine as long as you are not regretting it"

Adam said while looking at the magic circle that had lost its shine.

"What should we do? Do you want to go down? Or, do you want to wait here?"

When Adam suggested that. Suddenly, the magic circle regains its shine again and glows brightly.

It was a sign that teleportation has started to work again.


Both of them were surprised.

"It hasn't been a minute since James and his friend entered. How come it lights up, too quickly?"

It was an unexpected speed. Ariana looked so confused and asked Adam.

"There are two possibilities. One, the possibility that it ended quickly since they only needed to collect the medals or equipment after teleporting."

"The other one is.." Adam stopped in his words for a moment." The possibility that a very strong monster defeated them, without being able to do anything," Adam, who finished, looked at the circle.

"If I were to choose, it is the latter thing. The reason, why the magic circle is still lighting is that someone can challenge it again. So, it should not be equipment, probably"

"Should we enter it?"

Fortunately, there was no sign of any other players climbing.

"Okay, let's go, I want to see for myself, what's inside it?"

As soon as they stood in the circle, both of them become light and disappeared.

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