Rebirth: Over the Horizon

Chapter 74 - Colosson, The Giant

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"I was sent by Hecate, the goddess of good and evil," Adam says in a simple tone.

They both seemed to be a little afraid, but Dannis quickly returned to normal.

"Ah-hah! A true hero, then. Or a true monster? I suppose only time will tell." Dannis says with a smirk.

Callia looks a little impressed or at least intrigued. "This is really rare she only sent one of the mortals some thousands of years before."

They finally break through the forest and find themselves at the base of the mountain. From up close, it is even more gigantic than it first appeared.

The mountainside disappears into the clouds high above, making it impossible to see just how tall it truly is.

'Can I possibly manage to climb such a tall mountain? Though the GM said I will be transferred to hand pod, I wonder how many days it will take to climb this mountain.'

Dannis lets out a low whistle. "Well. This is going to be quite a challenge. But nothing is beyond the chosen of the God and goddess, eh, friends?"

Callia does not seem to share Dannis's enthusiasm. "It is nearly sunrise."

"We should rest a little and climb this mountain afterwards, We should make camp now and begin to recover ourselves."

"Nonsense," Dannis replies with a wave of his hand.

"This is a perfect time, We can find an outcropping to sleep on midway up if we get tired."

"That way, we'll have less climbing to do tomorrow."

Adman was also full of energy but laziness got him, why bother rushing and exhausting yourselves.

"I think...we should stick with callia's suggestion."

Callia smiles when Adam voice his agreement with her. "See? This one is wise. We should climb the mountain after, some time of rest."

Danni's sighs. "Very well. I suppose we…"

The trio started to make camp, the light rays also gradually fall upon them.

Just as they finished setting up the camp and started to rest a little.

It was interrupted by the sound of heavy footsteps from the forest. They grow steadily louder. The ground shakes as they approached.

For a moment, Adam's instincts reacted and he instantly took out his Abyss Angel and stood up in the battle position.

The trees shake, then bend as they are pushed aside from the approaching giant.

Here stands more than 4times as tall as any man Adam has ever seen.

His skin is the dark grey colour of iron, nearly matching the heavy oversized armour he wears.

His helmet obscures the upper half of his face and looks difficult to see out of.

He has an incredibly muscular frame, no doubt the source of his ability to push trees aside with ease.

(Just imagine him as somewhat similar to GIANTS in Clash of clans)

Adam can see the faintest hint of a grey glow around him, the same sort of divine spark he saw in Callia.

The giant blinks at Adam and his companions then let out a deep, bellowing laugh.

"Ah, finally! The Evil Goddess of War has set before me a challenge. I, Colosson, shall show my legendary strength and defeat any foes set before me!"

He starts showing off, flexing his muscles and grinning at his own ridiculous antics.

'Huh, the evil goddess of war, I only know Athena, but she is considered as a hero...I think, 'Adam pondered.

"Er…" Dannis looks more than a little concerned about this latest arrival to the mountain.

"We aren't, Uhm, any sort of challenge. We were actually sent-"

"Of course you are no challenge!" The giant bellows. "No mortal could ever pose a true challenge to Colosson!"

Adam tilted his head towards Dannis for an explanation.

"I heard that name before. Legends say that only one mortal ever truly impressed Palindera, Evil Goddess of War, He-"

Adam interrupted Dannis" Uhm, Dannis please tell me more about Palindera."

"Ah, You doesn't know who is Palindera, very well then, You're lucky to have me, I will tell you."

Here, he goes again with his flashiness.

"Palindera was the sister of Athena, but she was little less powerful than Athena, so she went to hades and become his disciple"

"That's why she is known as the evil goddess of war, people will worship Athena before the war and Palindera after the war, requesting her to reap this evil soul."

Adam was a little dumbfounded, it also seemed like the game developers has plagiarised Greek mythology.


"Then again, there was a peerless general from the northlands, and she took him as her lover. She bore a child from their union and named him Colosson"

"A giant of impossible strength and bravery." Dannis points at the giant before him and sighs heavily.

The giant also starts to speak its dialogues.

"Still, Colosson has no time to waste dealing with such petty annoyances. Draw your weapons."

"We shall battle, and then I shall climb victorious to the home of the God and Goddess themselves!"

The giant reaches over and casually pulls a hefty tree right out of the ground.

He gives it a test swing, apparently intending to club all of them, with it.

Adam raises his voice to get the giant's attention, quickly explaining that the three of them have also been sent here by God and goddesses.

He quickly convinces the giant, after all his charms were top-notch right?

'After all, I didn't want an unwanted fight, I also doubt whether I can defeat him or not.'

As he finished his explanation, The giant seems like it understands what Adam said, and sinks in.

"So… no battle? Just mountain climbing?" He drops the tree and frowns "What kind of quest is this?"

"The same kind we're on," Callia says, casting Adam a quick look of gratitude.

"Hey, Hey, Why are disappointed? Now I will tell you-" Dannis starts to blabber to giant.

The giant seems a little disappointed but they can do nothing about it.

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