Rebirth: Over the Horizon

Chapter 83 - Trial Of Palindera And Edurmon

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Chen Xi, seeming mildly scandalized by Daedala's suggestion, brushes her idea off with a nervous laugh.

"With due respect to you both, I'm not certain that is what Adornick had in mind."

"We're supposed to be spreading love, not just… base expressions of lust, yes? Besides, I am, ah, very devoted to my beloved wife. I have another idea."

"Why don't we hold another celebration? Just one a little more… romantic?"

"I know many successful couples who first met at my estate's feasts. We just need good wine, music, atmosphere… the rest will take care of itself."

"I agree with that."

Adam said, hearing his opinion Velara nods to Chen Xi's idea, Colosson also agrees with him.

Embris scoffs. "I think it's obvious why no one here has found a mate. Have you seen these people? All skin and bones. Pathetic."

"They are still recovering from a horrible famine." Tiara points out, dryly.

"And we solved that problem. I think the best way to approach this is to get them into shape."

Colosson says with a cocky grin. "I'll run them through a proper exercise program, put some muscles on them."

"Once they're fit, they won't be able to keep their hands off each other."

Adam shakes his head and approaches Chen Xi, then the four of them starts to set some kind of ball.

Chen Xi was more enthusiastic than anyone about this whole event.

"Now we want a musician, who will play good romantic music."

"I can do that."

Dannis says that he can provide romantic music, an essential addition to the festivities.

Qora is recruited for assistance in providing decorations, and as demigoddess of beauty proves uniquely qualified in her aesthetic sense.

The festival goes off without a hitch.

The young and single people of the village mingle, relieved to be free of the looming threats of the island.

Wine and music boost their instincts, and Adam also sees two smitten young women leave early, sneaking into the woods hand in hand.

By the time the celebration comes to an end, one can be certain that this day's efforts were a success.


Next day

Adam gathers with the rest of the Chosen in the centre of the village, ready to begin the celebration.

Before the villagers have a chance to gather with him, the blinding golden light descends and the God of Love appears before the 12 once again.

"Well done, my lovelies!" Adornick shouts with as much exuberance as ever.

Today, the God of Love has taken a female form, a dusky woman wrapped in a golden sheet.

Despite his changing appearance, his identity remains unmistakable.

"I've been watching you all closely, and you've done just a marvellous job!"

"So who won?" Embris asks pointedly.

"Love isn't a contest. When there is love, everyone wins." Adornick sighs in an overly dramatic fashion.

"I suppose some of you were more effective than others."

"One brought more love to this island than anyone else, and their efforts deserve to be rewarded with a blessing. Of course, that person is…"

"Velara Blood Bade"

Most of them almost fainted hearing his words.

That cocky meathead woman is the winner.

Adornick gives him some kind of potion, and he disappears leaving behind golden particles in the air.

The days ends with celebrating Adornick's holy festival, though he only slept and eat that day.

The next morning the twelve appears before the mortals again, Adam glances at Hecate who gives him a vicious smile in return.

This time, Palindera stands at the head of the assembly. The Goddess of War always seems filled with rage, but today she practically quakes with it.

She stomps back and forth, the ground shaking under her armoured boots.

"It seems that once again, the twelve of you are to be coddled."

Palindera begins, casting an angry glance back at the other eleven deities in attendance.

"Today is to be the beginning of my trial. Originally, I planned to give you a true test, nothing like these trivial errands you have been tasked with thus far."

"I was going to provide you each with weapons and an army, to make you face each other on the field of battle like true warriors."

"There is no greater test, no trial equal to war in separating the victorious from the defeated."

Palindera takes another deep breath, perhaps a futile attempt to calm her down legendary anger.

"Yet apparently, I am to be restrained from truly testing your merits."

"The others have forbidden me from mandating any trial where you are required to kill one another. Pathetic."

The Goddess of War continues, heaving another heavy sigh. "Therefore, I will test you with the next best thing.

Golden light enveloped the group and they were instantly transported to a familiar place.

It was the base of the World mountain.

They were in a small village full of activity. The sight of a familiar mountain in the distance is enough to reveal their location.

Specifically, Lica village, the only settlement which is close to the mountain's base.

"Welcome to the Worldsic Games."


"What is that?"

Adam asks Palindera, she scoffs and says "You don't even know that."


"Held every four years in honour of the Twelve, the games are the world's ultimate athletic contests."

"Realms throughout the land sends their greatest athletes to compete for honour and glory in a wide variety of events."

'Oh, so it's like Olympics"

"Running, swimming, and chariot racing all feature prominently.'

"There are also combat sports, most notably a particularly brutal contest known as pankration, a battle with few prohibited manoeuvres."

"I expect one of you to take the golden laurel in every single event." Palindera declares with a challenging sneer.

"You shall be competing against the greatest mortal athletes in the world."

"You will need to be even better than them if you wish to avoid humiliating yourselves."

One of the Twelve suddenly interrupts Palindera's speech.

Edurmon, today taking the form of an abstract swirl of kaleidoscopic colours, zooms up alongside Palindera.

"How splendid! Palindera, may I just say how much better this is than your silly war idea?"

"What a fabulous idea. I, of course, cannot wait to see how they fare in the art competitions."


Though the Worlds games originated as an exclusively athletic contest, more recent contests had begun to incorporate competitions of an artistic nature.

Playwrights debuted their latest tragedies and comedies, seeking laurels of their own.

There were numerous poetry contests, as well as competitions for painters, musicians, and cooks.

"Oh." Palindera, reminded of this aspect of the games, waves her hand dismissively.

"I don't care about any of that. Your trial is to dominate the athletic contests. The rest matters not."

"What?" Edurmon's colours shift to an alarming shade of yellow.

"No, no, no! That won't do at all. Having them present for such displays of artistic expression and not participating?"

"I can't allow that. Very well… I am starting my trial as well."

"The Chosen must not only conquer the athletic trials but the artistic ones too."

With that said, all of them disappeared into the air magically.

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