Rebirth: Over the Horizon

Chapter 85 - Don't Unlock...Don't Read...

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This is the draft of my second novel, I have published this by mistake so, don't reed this skip to next chapter. 



"Oh, I am sorry, You must be exhausted after trekking on the mountain and fighting with a two-footed dragon.'

"Of course, you must have a good meal first. I'm still saying something messy here, really stupid, please come with me."

With that said, the mayor turned around and led the way. Issac, Golda and 2 others followed him slowly. 

When they reached the Mayor's house, all the townspeople were already there. 

There was a torch st the middle of the yard surrounding it was many tables and chairs. 

Soon, the servants bought out loads of different varieties of food and the banquet was set up. 

The people in these western towns are fairly simple, and they dance when they are happy. 

Many men and women are singing and dancing at the dinner table, and there is laughter everywhere. 

Several pairs of young people are still holding hands and spinning around the table and dancing…

Issac was really hungry. 

He picked up a roasted lamb leg, took a bite, and instantly felt something's wrong, 'What am I eating? What kind of weird taste is this?' 

'What kind of roasting leg of lamb technique do they use?' 

Even the most unpalatable roast lamb restaurant he has ever eaten couldn't make such baaced it on the table. 

Golda quickly opened the pocket, and there was a bag full of silver coins inside. 

Issac couldn't count it but, there were roughly 300-400 coins.

A businessman came by and placed a large pile of silver coins on the table. He smiled and said, "Mr Golda, that wyvern skin if you don't need it, sell it to me."

Golda smiled and said to the merchant "You are cunning. You can buy it from me here for only two hundred silver coins." 

"If you are in the capital of the holy capital, you may not be able to buy it for five hundred silver coins." 

"Such a good elite double-footed flying dragon skin will be worth than of more than 1500 silver coins."

The businessman chuckles, "What I earn is hard money. To bring it to the capital of the saints, you have to take a lot of risks." 

"There are countless along the way. You can carry it all the way to the capital, but do you think it will be worth it?"

"Okay, I'll give it to you." Golda smiled and accepted the merchant's money, mixed with the remuneration from the mayor.

Golda didn't count them one by one, but he casually divided them into four piles, one of which was relatively large, and the other three were relatively small.

He smiled and said, "Come here, one by one, take it! Mr Issac, this pile of money belongs to you."

He pushed the biggest pile of money in front of Issac. 

This two-footed flying dragon was basically killed by him alone. 

Taking a big share is a matter of course, although Issac doesn't mind the small amount of money, if he really wants to make money with his ability, he can kill black dragons, golden dragons, and dragons of destruction every minute. 

The commission is not to say, just by selling the dragon skins he can become richer than any other noble in the captain... 

It doesn't matter how much money he divides, but he likes to see Golda's attitude of dividing money.

This is something a mature captain or a sensible person should consider.

Issac needs money to survive in this world, so he throws silver coins into the trouser pockets of his jeans unceremoniously. 

The trouser pockets on both sides and the trouser pockets behind the buttocks are bulging up and look weird.

The shape of a T-shirt and jeans is pretty weird in this world, so no one cares about the money.

"Thank you again for the four people who have given us the help of Maple Town!"

Golda laughed loudly, "It's easy to say, next time if you have to get rid of some monsters and come to me again." 

When he said this, he suddenly thought of something and smiled at the mayor, "However, I don't think Maple town will be in danger in the future," 


"Mr Issac said that he had walked a long, long way. He was very tired and didn't want to go anymore." 

"He wanted to find the nearest town to live in, so he followed us to Maple Town. I think he will probably stay here." 

"So, if the town wants to eliminate any monsters in the future, it will be done with no effort, haha!"

Hearing this, the mayor couldn't help being overjoyed.

"Mr Issac, would you like to find a place to live?"


"I'm tired of killing, now I just want to live quietly…"

"I have travelled too far and I am exhausted, and now I just want to find a green hill and water, away from the hustle and bustle of the world. A quiet place for a few years."

The mayor's thoughts quickly wandered. 

'This Mr Issac looks very powerful. As long as he stays in the town if the town is attacked by any monsters.'

'He can't help but protect his home. After that, the townspeople will be safe. Then, there will be no need for me to go through the trouble of inviting adventures' 

He couldn't help but exclaim: "That's great, just stay in Maple Town, there is a green hill and green waters…"

"Green mountains and green waters? Issac immediately reacted, "There are several mines at the entrance of the Town..."


This is very embarrassing, he hurriedly continued, "We are away from the hustle and bustle here, it is very peaceful and suitable for settlement."

Issac continued, "Obviously, monsters often come to make trouble, otherwise, why do you ask adventurers to stop by often?'


The mayor was at a loss for words, he didn't know what to say. 

"Then, how about this. There is a church here, the saint went to the capital a few years before but never came. How about you stay there and manage the church?" 

The basic necessity for a human to live is Food, shelter and clothes.

'Even if I did go to another town, it will be hard for me to find permanent accommodation for a fee like this, let's just live in this town for a while.'

Issac thought and said, "Okay, I live there for a time being."

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