Rebirth: Over the Horizon

Chapter 87 - Judgement (1)

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"Very well. We begin now."

Hadrene snaps her skeletal fingers, and a soul manifests in front of him.

It is the spirit of a middle-aged man, with close-cropped hair and grizzled features.

He wears armour of heavy chain, with a conspicuous damaged portion over his chest.

It looks as if someone struck at his heart with a heavy blade, though any injuries he suffered no longer appear on his incorporeal form.

"This is the first soul I bring before you," Hadrene says, moving behind him to allow Adam to look the man over.

"Commander Arktis, leader of the Black Rose, one of the world's most feared, respected, and expensive mercenary companies."

"A great warrior and victor of countless battles, he petitions to spend eternity in the feast halls of Palindera, revelling and sparring with other great soldiers. His fate is yours to decide."

Hadrene skeletal fingers snap again, and two objects appear in his hands.

In his left hand, a heavy pouch of salts. The cloth is cold to the touch.

In his right hand, a mirror with a rippling surface.

"Let the judgment begin." As she says, Hadrene fades from his sight.

Without a hint of hesitation, Adam raises the mirror in his right hand and commands it to show the life of this man.

After all, he didn't like to ask this man's annoying details through him.

The mirror shows no reflection, only a swirl of silvery liquid. And then, appears four new lines.

»How did this soul die?

»This soul's greatest achievement.

»This soul's greatest regret.

»When this soul felt its greatest pride moment?

"Show me how this soul died..."

"Hahaha...My Name is Arktis, I am the leader Black Rose Mercenary..."

The surface of the mirror swirls and shifts, changing to display a raging battle outside a burning village.

Surprisingly, there was also sound coming out of the mirror.

Adam hears the din of metal clashing with metal, the screams of pain and terror.

Arktis is in the middle of the melee, fighting alongside the rest of the Black Rose.

He is clearly a superb warrior, effortlessly cutting down his foes.

From the looks of their mismatched and rusty equipment, he seems to be doing battle with some sort of poor farm militia.

Victory seems assured, at that moment a young boy wielding a heavy farmer's scythe approaches Arktis, his eyes burning with anger and grief.

The boy can't be older than twelve, barely able to hold the tool in his hands.

Arktis lifts his blade, ready to strike again, but hesitates when he sees the boy's face.

The child takes advantage of the mercenary's hesitation, driving the blade straight through Arkti's heart.

Blood gushes out, and he plops on the ground with a 'thud'

The mirror returns to normal, the again three silvery lines appear on it.

»This soul's greatest achievement.

»This soul's greatest regret.

»When this soul felt its greatest pride moment?

'Even though I can already judge this man by seeing the previous flashback, I can't be 100% sure if it.'

'Just in case...let's watch one more flashback of him.'

"Show me this soul's greatest regret," Adam commands.

The mirror shows Arktis and one of his lieutenants standing on a hill overlooking an encampment surrounded by wooden walls.

"Burn it," Arktis commands. "The flames will force them to leave their fortifications behind."

"With luck, they'll surrender. If not, they'll be easier to fight out in the open."

The mirror distorts, shifting to a scene sometime later. The encampment is in flames. Bodies litter the ground.

Some wear armour and bear weapons, but many are clearly unarmed civilians.

There are even burnt corpses of children among the dead. Arktis looks over the scene with horror.

Arktis' shade looks away in shame, profound remorse obvious in his expression.

"The noble who hired us told us it was a bandit camp. He said they were thieves, murderers, and rebels."

"He never mentioned families. I… I should have made certain before I gave the order."

The mirror returns to normal, Adam gazes at the Arktis, how is currently in his soul form before him.

"I am ready to judge this soul." He declares Hadrene appears before him again, appearing out of thin air.

Her presence is as unnerving as ever. "Very well. The time for judgment is at hand."

"What fate will you deliver to Arktis, Commander of the Black Rose?"

"I will grant Arktis' petition and allow him eternal reward in the realm of Palindera, alongside other great warriors."

"Very well." Hadrene turns to the mercenary commander's spirit.

"Arktis. You have been judged. You will be permitted to enter the feast halls of Palindera, to spend eternity revelling with the other great warriors and commanders of history."

"You will tell stories of your triumphs and enjoy the pleasures of competitions of strength and strategy with others of your calibre."

Arktis smiles with obvious relief, though Adam can't help but note surprise in his expression.

"I… I wasn't sure I deserved this. Thank you."

Hadrene sweeps her skeletal hand through the air and a softly glowing grey portal opens up directly beneath the shade.

Adam can hear sounds of battle and laughter through it. The portal swallows Arktis whole, then shuts a moment later.

"An interesting decision," Hadrene speaks again after a moment of grim silence.

"Not the decision many of my Judges would have made. But your trial has only just begun."

The Goddess of Death snaps her fingers again, summoning another shade.

"This is the second soul I bring before you." Hadrene speaks. "King Edrix of Navalle. With his passing, he is mourned by his people as 'Edrix the Great'." 

"He worked endlessly for the betterment of his realm and the good of his people. He went without many of the luxuries typically enjoyed by royalty so that his people could have more."

"He was singularly devoted to the maintenance of peace and prosperity in his lands."

"Now he petitions for a place in Borthe's realm of plentiful abundance, alongside others who have tamed nature for the benefit of man."

"The judgement is yours to grant." 

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