Although Mu Jin didn't know Ran Qingying's thoughts, she saw the dark killing intent in her eyes. In her heart, as long as the leader wants it, she will definitely work hard to help her finish it.

This time the right guardian's punishment of the leader made her understand her situation at this time. Although she understood that You Hufa was the biological father of the leader, but in her Mu Jin's heart, such a father was too unsympathetic. I have never given a trace of concern, blindly asking the leader to meet his requirements, there will be no rewards for success, but harsh punishments for failure.

If you can really kill the pavilion master of Xinxi Pavilion, Mingyoujiao's plan in the Central Plains will be smooth sailing, and even the right guardian will have no reason to punish the leader.

Thinking of what his master said that day, Mu Jin couldn't help but hesitate. As Mingyou teaches Yao Lao, the master inherits the income of previous Yao Lao, and I don’t know what level of Gu Poison Control Technique has reached! At least one thing is certain, her master is a terrifying existence.

Although he was a useless person who was unable to act and had lost his skills, even the right guard dared not show any respect to him during the teaching. No matter whether it is the most vicious or the so-called hard-hearted people who would rather die than surrender, no one can survive the master's tricks.

But no one can get these abilities out of thin air, and no one can think of the price her master paid for it. The master said she was talented and was willing to give it to her, but he also told her that this is a way to send others to hell, so she needs to go to **** first.

It's just that her master is not optimistic about the leader. When she gets older, she doesn't want to do the shameful things for the teaching. If she can learn it, she can naturally help the leader better. But she couldn't accept that she became a human being, neither ghost nor ghost, so there would be no chance to accompany her. Her eyes fell on the person who was eating quietly, a bit bitterly entangled... She still has time to choose, right?

In the early morning of the next day, Ran Qingying finally opened the door and stepped out of the room where she had stayed for three days.

His face was a little pale, but his spirit was no longer gloomy, his eyes were slightly dull, and a pair of peach blossom eyes were slightly raised, with a sharp flattery. He whispered to Mu Jin to pack up, and then walked towards the yard where Lin Yintian was.

The courtyard where Lin Yintian is located is the most intricately arranged by the Mingyou Sect except for the residence of the leader. It was originally a common residence for the left and right guardians of the church. Only ten years ago, Zuo Hufa was killed for apostasy, and here was also Lin Yintian. Live alone.

When Ran Qingying stepped into the yard, all the guards in the yard saluted. Ran Qingying's face was indifferent, and she went straight into the inner courtyard. There are not many people in the inner courtyard, but they are Lin Yintian's confidants, with no expression on their faces, and they only slightly nodded when they saw Ran Qingying. One of the men in mysterious clothes said quietly: "The master said, if the master comes, go to the study to find him."

The tone was not respectful, and there was not much ups and downs, Ran Qingying raised her brows, but silently went to the study room on the left.

Lin Yintian was sitting at the desk when he entered, and when he saw her, he raised his eyes and said coldly, "Master, finally I know that I have come out?"

Ran Qingying pursed her mouth, and sat down on the grand master's chair beside her: "If you figure it out, you will know it will come out naturally."

Lin Yintian didn't answer the call immediately, but just snorted lightly, and then whispered: "You sent someone to investigate the matter about Xinxi Pavilion, do you know some useful information?"

Ran Qingying's eyebrows sinking slightly: "Xinxi Pavilion has always been very mysterious. It first appeared because of the end of the Nightmare Gate in one fell swoop. I noticed it at the time, but only got a whistle of wind, and other news went on without any problems. And then it ended up. Suddenly fell silent, until we started to act in the Central Plains, many inexplicable forces interfered with it. Those people shot quickly, understood our actions well, and were very targeted, and their strength was stronger than those of the so-called big sects in Central Plains. There are many. From the Wanyan Sect in the Western Regions, the Liusha Sect in Yuzhou, the Liuzhou Hengyang Sect, to the Luoxia Tower, these sects that have been destroyed one after another are related to the Mingyou Sect. Although the people who shot are not all the way, I The news I get now is from the hands of Your Excellency Xinxi."

Lin Yintian's eyes were slightly cold: "You mean Xinxige has been targeting Mingyoujiao all the time?"

"It should be, but I don’t understand. What is its purpose? The Mingyou Sect was established for nearly a thousand years. Although there are many enemies, I have never heard of that sect specifically targeting us, and has not moved for so many years, but now it is so fast. Why?" This incident entangled her heart when she received the attack on Luoxia Tower. Although she was not completely alone in power these years, she had basically handled the affairs of Mingyou Sect, and she had never had anything wrong with it. Even if Mingyou teaches a few small schools of control are tripped, she still thinks that she is within her control and can even be used as a pawn. But since she learned that the problems she was facing came from the same force, and she didn’t know until now, and all she knew were just a few words from the man’s mouth. For Ran Qingying, this was definitely for her. Humiliation.

Lin Yintian listened to her, but then suddenly he said, "I heard that you asked Lin Dingtian to send someone to assassinate someone?"

Ran Qingying was stunned, her eyes were a little stunned, but then a little gloomy and self-deprecating, her every move, no matter how concealed, was clearly spied by this person, the leader? Oh, not the leader, let alone the daughter, just a puppet, a chess piece!

Looking at the person sitting opposite, Ran Qingying's heart was frosty, but her eyes remained unchanged: "Yes." After a pause, before he asked, she had already given a reason.

"Shen Mei, the daughter of the master of Wanyanmen, knew a man named Su Yan, who happened to be the younger brother of a hall master of Xinxi Pavilion. This man was so enamored of Shen Mei that he accidentally revealed that every Mid-Autumn Festival, New Year's Eve, his heart The hall masters of the pavilion will go to Suzhou, rain or shine. The people who can let the hall masters who hold the Xinxi pavilion and see them not far from a thousand miles away, besides their masters, who else can they be?"

"You found the pavilion master Xinxi Pavilion?" Lin Yintian's eyes flashed, and he said in a deep voice.

Ran Qingying paused: "We were discovered by them. We didn't find anyone directly, but we found out that they were connected with the No. 1 merchant in the south of the Yangtze River in Suzhou, so I guessed that the mysterious and very mysterious Xinxi Pavilion Lord might be in Suzhou. In this way, Xinxige’s financial support will make sense."

Lin Yintian nodded: "It's a good job. Even if it is wrong, you can't let it go. The trash hasn't killed that person until now. You can intervene in due course."


"However, you know too little about Xinxige. You must know that you know yourself and your opponents before you can survive a hundred battles. Don't let me think that you are in charge of the entire Netherworld Sect, and you can't even do this." Lin Yintian stood up. , Preparing to leave, but stopped and glanced at her diagonally.

Ran Qingying clenched her fists, suppressing the response.

Lin Yintian looked at her, then turned her head slightly, and sighed softly: "I know you blame me, but you are my daughter. I don't want me to choose an incompetent person. Your mother, I must also hope you can Become a girl who doesn't let her beard."

A man in a navy blue brocade robe turned and left, his hair was a bit gray, but his posture was still the same as before, tall and stalwart. There was still a low voice in her ears, and Ran Qingying was a little startled when she heard him personally admit that she was his daughter for the first time. The expectation that she was going to be completely buried, suddenly emerged from the grave, causing Ran Qingying's heart to tremble for a moment. Declining his head, he muttered: "Mother, he's really amazing, just let me...he..."

Lin Yintian's mouth curled up with a sneer when he was leaving. If there is a mother, there must be a daughter, and that's true.

It's just that a small problem in his heart was interrupted by this episode. When he remembered, Ran Qingying had already left Xijiang, and this later made Lin Yintian regret it.

In Suzhou at the end of November, the cold became more and more intense, and people on the street were still coming and going, but all of them were dressed in thick jackets. The cold water vapor in the south is always more difficult to bear.

But even so, it can't resist the enthusiasm of the businessmen. The stalls large and small open as usual. The steaming bun shops and the scented chaotic noodles on the roadside make the pedestrians who are a little cold, even more coveted.

Holding the warm steamed dumplings, I sat down to eat a bowl of hot wontons, feeling warm all over.

Compared with the bustle on the street, the residents are much quieter. Wen Moxian is slowly eating a small steamed bun. The small steamer in front of Gu Liuxi is already empty, but the situation that she can finish two baskets in the past is obviously weakened.

With half a steamed dumpling stuffed in Wen Moxian's mouth, he looked up at the worried Gu Liuxi, and said strangely: "Why don't you eat it? There is still a cage, I can't finish it."

With her cheeks bulging, she tilted her head to look at Gu Liuxi, with an inexplicable urge to pinch.

It's just that Gu Liuxi, who was worried, was no more happy at this time, but didn't know what to say, bored and ate another cage of steamed buns.

Wen Moxian swallowed the buns and looked at Gu Liuxi, who was still frowning. She shook her head helplessly. Then there was something sly in her eyes. He stretched out his hand to clamp the buns and dipped them in the balsamic vinegar. When Gu Liuxi finished swallowing the buns, Tucked into her mouth.

He was used to feeding the ink string from time to time, and Gu Liuxi bit down like a conditioned reflex. The secret balsamic vinegar made by Suzhou Zhendelou is very fragrant, and the sourness is also very authentic. Gu Liuxi narrowed her eyes and shrank her neck.

"Um, so sour..."

A beautiful face wrinkled into a bun, and his head shook a few times. The bun in his mouth was too bad for his image. Gu Liuxi could only swallow it in a hurry, and after smacking his mouth several times, he stretched out his wrinkled face. His eyes looked at Wen Moxian with some accusations, the water in his eyes was shining, tears were stimulated, and the nose was red, with the little aggrieved appearance, the heart of Wen Moxian turned into water. However, it still does not hinder the unstoppable low laughter of the Great Pavilion Master Wen, elegant and tactful, pleasant and pleasant.

"Xie'er, you look exactly the same as you were back then, and you are still so afraid of acid."

Gu Liuxi wiped away her tears, with a helpless expression, and muttered in a low voice, "Aren't you, you've been so black-hearted since you were a child, and it's nothing like before. It's all this big, and you're still mischievous."

Wen Moxian looked at her with his cheeks supported, and then said warmly: "Worry about me?"

Gu Liuxi paused and lowered his head slightly: "Ruojun told me that your internal strength is very strong, but also very messy. After so many years, your meridians will stagnate and shrink, which will be very hard and dangerous."

Wen Moxian smiled: "Don't be afraid, I will have nothing to do. Although it will be very hard, but there will be nothing. Regardless of whether I will not be killed by my own internal force so easily, Ruojun will not let me die here. above."

"Can't you just put that word on your lips?" Gu Liuxi was a little annoyed and hated her for her unreserved words, but seeing her seriousness, she quietly settled down.

Today was the last medicine. After breakfast, Su Ruojun came to Mo Garden with the medicine box. Seeing Su Ruojun, Gu Liuxi couldn't help feeling nervous again, watching her come and get Wen Moxian's pulse anxiously.

Su Ruojun took the pulse carefully, and said warmly, "It's alright, Amo, are you ready?"

Wen Moxian smiled comfortingly at Gu Liuxi: "It's okay."

After Su Ruojun went out for a while, several maids carried the bath tub in, and a bucket of hot steam was poured into the bath tub.

Su Ruojun whispered: "I need to give you a medicated bath. The medicinal properties are a bit strong, so let me bear with me for the time being."

Gu Liuxi bit her lip and looked at Su Ruojun.

Su Ruojun turned his head away, looked at her and said, "You don't need to be naked, you can wear a single coat."

Gu Liuxi's face flushed, she didn't mean it at all, okay? !

As the two talked, Wen Moxian had already untied the belt, and stepped into the bathtub, wearing only a white single coat.

Since she recovered, Gu Liuxi still hasn't let go of helping her. For more than a month, people who have lost a lot of weight due to that serious illness now have a lot of meat. Although she was still thin, she was not that rugged, and she had grown a lot taller. Now she is almost as tall as Gu Liuxi, and Gu Liuxi feels better after seeing it.

Su Ruojun accepted the ridicule on his face, laid out the prepared medicinal materials, and began to put the medicinal materials into the water.

The medicinal materials are all sun-dried, so throwing them in like this would have no effect. But what is strange is that as Su Ruojun put the medicinal materials in a little bit, the pure and transparent water started to roll, the color began to become dull and gradually became A blood red.

Gu Liuxi was shocked when she saw it, wouldn't it be so hot to smell the ink?

Su Ruojun seemed to know her thoughts and said warmly: "It's just appearance, the water temperature is not hot, but she will be very hot, but it won't hurt her, don't worry."

After listening to Su Ruojun's words, Gu Liuxi did not relax. After all, the churning potion was as red as blood, which was shocking.

However, Wen Moxian's snow-white single coat was never stained with a trace of red, which surprised Gu Liuxi very much.

However, after a while, Gu Liuxi didn't have the mind to pay attention to these. Because of the calm expression of the ink string, his whole complexion turned from ruddy to pale, and then it became red, and the sweat on his forehead fell on the medicine. In the soup.

In the end, she even bit her lip, seeming to restrain the pain of wanting to break her mouth.

There was a dead silence in the whole room, only the heavy breathing of Wen Moxian, the low pain, and the sound of the boiling and rolling of the soup.

But Gu Liuxi's whole body was trembling, these voices were too tormenting for her. I asked with annoyance, why did she still have the pain, and why tortured her? !

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