Rebirth Profession Sells Miserably

Chapter 203: Song of Mermaid

Xingshu chased up in the direction pointed by the gray-tailed murloc, shook Yuqin with his fingertips, and controlled the spirit sword to open the way in front.

The gray-tailed murloc's life is tied to Xing Shu's body, so he dare not point the wrong way at all. In addition, Xing Shu carries a mermaid who seems to be able to sense his brother's breath, and the direction becomes very clear.

"Near near! Just across this ocean current!" The young mermaid grabbed Xing Shu's sleeve and said anxiously.

Seeing that Xingshu wanted to rush up, the gray-tailed murloc was so frightened that he stopped: "Wait! Lord Honglin! This is the descending current, the strongest place of the sea aura. If it breaks directly, it will be torn by the sea current aura. Fragmented!"

Xingshu paused: "Then how did they get up?"

The gray-tailed murlocs had no energy to wonder why Xing Shu didn’t know these well-known knowledge, and quickly said: “They are riding the upward current once every three months! Just this morning! The upward current will only appear for one hour. So, if you want to get to land, you have to hurry up in this time period!"

The gray-tailed murloc said without tears, "Now the time of upwelling has passed, it's too late."

Xing Shu looked at the young mermaid, and the eyes of the young mermaid were also full of despair: "The next upwelling will have to wait until three months later. By then, my brother will already..."

Xingshu swam a little closer, and stretched out his hand to feel the menacing, descending flow that seemed to flow straight down into the Jiutian Waterfall.

At this time they were still dozens of kilometers away from the descending current, but Xingshu could feel that his hand was bearing an extremely powerful force.

There seemed to be an invisible behemoth roaring in the deep sea.

Will be torn apart.

This perception quickly passed through Xing Shu's mind.

"Red...Red scale? Your lord, are you a red scale murloc?" The blue mermaid asked suddenly.

When Xingshu fought with the Scarab Murloc, he wore a black hooded long dress, and his whole body was covered tightly, without the color of the scales at all. The young mermaid had always cared for his younger brother, and had no intention of other things until Now that the gray-tailed mermaid talked about it, the young mermaid reacted.

Xing Shu neither affirmed nor opposed it.

There was a glimmer of hope in the eyes of the young mermaid.

He untied the clothes on his waist towards Xingshu.

Xing Shu: " don't have to..."

The young mermaid threw away his clothes, revealing his long blue tail.

Because the part of his tail exposed before was blue, Xing Shu preconceived that it was a blue-scaled mermaid, but he did not expect that the scales of the mermaid could be a gradual color...

Yes, this is a mermaid with a blue-green gradient...

etc! Blue scales!

Xingshu watched the gray-tailed murloc’s eyes become colder and colder: "Isn’t it said that blue scale fish are already very scarce? As long as there is a small fish that cannot be formed, it must be carefully protected. How can it be now? Guys from other races came to catch the fish, but did you offer them with your hands?"

The blue-green mermaid showed an expression of resentment: "They have long been in collusion with the human race, secretly doing these inconspicuous activities! It is to get the spirit crystals from the human race to promote their cultivation!"

This is not the first time Xing Shu has heard of Lingjing, and Zi Yang gave him some...well, although the process of giving is not so convenient to recall.

"Isn't the sea aura not enough? Why do you need the spirit crystal? The spirit crystal is different from the sea aura. There are attributes, right? Can you absorb the aura of other attributes?" Xing Shu was a little puzzled.

"Master Honglin, don't you know? We can actually absorb water aura and wood aura." The blue-green mermaid has an anxious expression. Now is not the time to expand knowledge: "Master Honglin, please allow me to propose this It sounds absurd request."

The blue-green mermaid folded his hands together, and said a little nervously: "My ancestor has the blood of the blue-scale mermaid, so I want to try with Lord Red-scale, try singing the song of the mermaid in chorus, and see if I can summon the behemoth of the deep sea. !"

Xingshu didn’t say anything yet, the gray-tailed murloc’s eyes widened: "Are you crazy? Where are the deep-sea monsters you can control! Don’t say whether you can call them, even if you can call them." , Can you guarantee that it is here to eat you instead of taking you to the upper stream!"

No, the point is that he doesn't know how to sing. Thank you.

As soon as Xing Shu wanted to refuse, he met the pitiful eyes of the blue-green mermaid.

"Just try! I promise, if I can't do it, I'll give up, please!" The blue-green mermaid pleaded.

Xingshu's fingertips plucked Yuqin: "I don't know the song of a mermaid." Besides, I am not a mermaid either.

The gray-tailed murloc nodded and said, "That's it! Lord Red Scale is a murloc! Don't learn from your mermaid!"

Xing Shu: "..." Who is with you, you, and us? Wouldn't you be embarrassed if your position changed so naturally?

In the end, Xing Shu agreed to use the sound of the piano to combine with the blue and green mermaid, but he had said in advance that his scales were just decorations, so don't expect too much.

After all, in order to break through the barrier of the sea cave, he had merged with the black scale mermaid for so long, and there were no deep sea monsters to help them.

Of course, what Xing Shu didn’t know was that it was not that the behemoth of the deep sea could not come, but that in their chorus, it seemed that every beat was expressing the word “roll”, let alone the behemoth of the deep sea. It would be nice if they all blast away.

The blue-green mermaid was also not sure, but asked euphemistically how much the red scales on Xingshu's body covered.

"Hmph! I'm not afraid to scare you to death, but Lord Red Scale is covered with red scales!" The gray-tailed murloc shook his head triumphantly.

Xing Shu: "..." What are you proud of?

Xing Shu was not angry with this kind of murloc, and directly gave him a heavy punch, causing the gray-tailed murloc to scream and curl up to the side.

"All, whole body..." The blue-green mermaid was overjoyed: "Then we must be able to, as long as Master Honglin uses the power of the demon pill to make a sound."

I don't have a demon. Thank you.

Of course Xingshu was not so stupid as to reveal his identity at this time, and only said: "I will try."

After that, Xing Shu closed his eyes, feeling the infant spirit sitting on his golden core.

Yingling is equivalent to a monk's distracting body, and can still save a life at a critical moment. Xingshu generally will not use him. The first time he played with Yingling, it was when he broke through the out-of-aperture period at sea.

Even when he rushed out of the sea cave with the black-scaled mermaid, he didn't play with Yingling.

Yingyi was called by Xingshu, and he silently emerged from the gold core, posing exactly the same posture as Xingshu, except that Xingshu had a piano under his hand, and Yingling's hand was hanging in the air.


The long sound of the piano made the gray-tailed murloc and the blue-green mermaid tingle their ears, who only heard Xing Shu's magical sound, and they looked at Xing Shu in disbelief.

Xing Shu opened his eyes: "I'm done, let's start."

The blue-green mermaid nodded repeatedly and looked up at the ocean current above, with firm eyesight: Brother, brother, here is to save you!



The magnificent tune surrounds a sea area, like a giant dragon shuttled in the turbulent ocean current, his head hissing, unstoppable, and it quickly penetrated the gap between the layers of the ocean current, tearing open a gap, and madly impacting. In all directions.

The blue-green mermaid raised his head slightly, with his mouth closed, his hands in a gesture of prayer, clinging to his chest religiously.

Unlike what Xingshu had heard before, the black-scaled mermaid sang "Ahhhhh", the singing of this mermaid has tones and lyrics.

[Poseidon gives us strength]

[This is the glory of my sea clan]

[The pious soul is singing]

[Summon the edge of the deep sea]

[Piously calling you, the behemoths of the deep sea]

[Piously calling you, the behemoths of the deep sea]

[Please open a way for us to redeem the souls of trapped prisoners]


There is no harm if there is no comparison. Until now, Xingshu has realized that the real song of mermaid is not "ahhhhhh", but very earnestly in the singing, thanking, praying, and expressing appeals.

Xingshu reasonably suspected that the black-scaled mermaid had forgotten his words and forgot to the Pacific Ocean.

The gray-tailed murloc shook his head and wagged his tail, dancing with his hands, showing a very obsessive expression. He seemed to have been completely attracted by the sound of the piano and singing, even without the shackles of the penal pivot, he had forgotten to escape.

Many schools of fish swam from far away, surrounded by them, and they didn't dare to get too close. They just kept spinning along the current.

As time passed, more and more schools of fish gathered around them. They were colorful and colorful, and they looked quite pleasing to the eye.

The blue-green mermaid's look of expectation gradually turned into disappointment and despair, blood oozes from the palm of his fist, and dazzling blood overflows from his singing throat.

His voice became weaker and deeper and deeper, and the school of fish surrounding him gradually dispersed and swam to Xingshu's side.

Just when his voice was about to disappear completely, a high-pitched singing came in forcefully, coordinating with the tune played by Xing Shuqin, chanting the loudest climax.


The Song of No Words, with a magnificent momentum, shook the turbulent ocean current uncontrollably, and the movement of the fishes stopped for a moment, and then quickly swam towards the direction of the singing.

Soon, a black-scaled mermaid surrounded by schools of fish came up from the lower reaches of the deep sea.

The blue-green mermaid opened his eyes, shocked and surprised to watch the black-scaled mermaid swim quickly to his side, and then...a tail took him aside.

Blue and Green Mermaid: "..."

The black-scaled mermaid didn't even look at the blue-green mermaid, but immediately swam to Xingshu who was Fuqin. The long tail circled in a circle, opened his arms behind Xingshu, and hugged Xingshu in his arms. , His chin rested on Xingshu's neck, then opened a pair of purple eyes and cast a warning look at the blue and green.

This is a gesture of total possession.

The blue-green mermaid shrank unconsciously, then backed up a long distance, covered his already hoarse throat, and silently vomited a mouthful of blood.

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