Maybe it was because Ruoruo was still young and looked very similar to the little blue fish Xingshu saw in Bamen, so Xingshu couldn't help saying more.

"That little blue fish is called Yueyue. Although Yueyue is very naughty and always plays with the ball, he is also very cute when he is quiet. He will lean on the edge of his jar, wagging his tail, and vomit. With bubbles, listen to my story, yes, just like you are now."

"The four of them are really small troublemakers. Only when I tell stories can I be quiet. Other times, they are really running around the mountains, but they are weak and they are always chased by the beasts in the mountains. "

"Later, they finally worked together to catch a fierce beast, and it seemed to be more cheerful, and they kept coming over to ask me for credit. It was so cute."

"Hey, you said, will my Yueyue become a murloc, mackerel or mermaid just like you? Then he must be very handsome!"

"Boom Boom..."

"Bobobobo." Xingshu learned from it to spit bubbles.

Ruoruo turned around excitedly: "Bo Bo Bo Bo!"

"Squeaky——" Suddenly, Xing Shu raised his index finger to Ruoruo and made a "hush" gesture to Ruoruo.

This voice Xingshu was still familiar, it was the sound of the fish that came to deliver fresh fruits every day and opened the skylight.

Xing Shu also picked up the stone and drew a line on the wall with the word "Zheng".

However, the sunroof that was closed after opening the food has always been closed, but at this time it has not been closed.

"Shushu... are you there?" A familiar voice came over, it was Aman!

"Shushu, listen to me, now everyone is saying that it was you who colluded with humans and exposed our actions before humans would block us in that place and kill our people."

Xingshu frowned slightly. This TM is about him again? Why are you buckling him?

"But I absolutely don't believe it! Because, because you are so loyal to your Majesty, how could it be you? Moreover, you can still talk to the behemoth of the deep sea, indicating that you are the fish recognized by the sea god."

Xing Shu said: "It's not me. After the volcano erupted, I have been staying with your majesty. If I do something, your majesty will definitely be aware of it."

Aman: "Yeah, I said so too, but they said that the reason why the submarine volcano erupted was because of you. Some people say that this is all your premeditated..."

Xing Shu:?

Aman said: "Because, on the day of the celebration, only one of you fish left Haicheng, and the direction of departure is exactly the direction of the submarine volcano, so they felt that it was because of what you did that angered the sea god."

Xing Shu almost laughed at the speculation made up here: "Your Majesty can testify to me on this point. Did he say nothing?"

"..." Aman hesitated and said, "Your Majesty didn't explain anything, nor stopped it. That's why everyone spread it more and more fiercely. In addition, now you have been locked up by your Majesty, so everyone reasonably suspects that it is. Your majesty will do something bad if you do it."

"Do you believe it?" Xing Shu lowered his eyes, his eyes were gloomy and unclear: "Do you believe that I did this? They did not have any evidence, and they determined that I was a sinner, so what about you? During this time of getting along, What do you think of me?"

"I...I...I don't know."

"Don't you believe me? You also think that I came here for a different purpose. I have put forward so many policies for a different purpose. What I say to you is for a different purpose?" Xing Shu sighed: " In that case, what are you doing here?"

"I...I..." Aman suddenly began to stammer, hesitated for a while, and then said: "You take the red hoof fruits away, what I want to give you is right below."

"Oh?" Xingshu was puzzled, but he walked over and poured out the red hoof fruit, and then... uncovered a shell necklace.

Of course, the point is not the style of the shell necklace, but a red stone on the shell necklace.

A bit familiar.

"I...I just want to tell you, I want to give this to you, I don't know if I should believe you, but what I can be sure of is that I, I..." Aman's face flushed. It was so red that Xing Shu had an ominous premonition, so Xing Shu interrupted without waiting for the other party to continue speaking, "Does this necklace have any meaning?"

Perhaps it was too nervous, Aman didn’t care why Xingshu didn’t know the well-known secret of this Sea-Monster tribe, but blushed, and he hooked out another necklace from his neck, wearing one in the middle of the necklace. Blue stones.

"This is a pair of Hearty Stones. As long as the Hearty Stone is given to the fish of your own heart and the other party accepts it, after a period of time, if the two Hearty Stones are combined into one, then it means that , The fish who received the Xinyue Stone also delighted themselves. They are destined companions." Aman looked at Xingshu cautiously, already flushing from his face to his neck.

Xing Shu: "...What does it mean to combine into one?"

"That is, the blue stone, and the red stone, combined into a purple stone..." Aman's eyes suddenly widened, and all the words were stuck in his throat.

Because Xingshu actually held a purple stone in his hand.

And this is not the ordinary purple, but the kind of deep purple, which looks extremely deep and solemn, as if it symbolizes the deep and strong love between the two fishes.

"I'm really sorry, I can't accept your precious gift, it should be handed over to a fish that is more suitable for you." Xing Shu put the necklace given by Aman in the basket and threw it up!

The only restriction on the skylight is that the basket can come in and out at will, so Aman received the basket and stared at the shell necklace quietly placed inside.

The heart is broken.

"I, can you know who the other party is? Have I ever seen it?" Aman seemed to be unable to stand the shock, his expression turned into crying or not.

Xingshu didn't speak, but looked down at the purple stone in his hand, lost in thought.

Because this necklace was brought by the black scale mermaid on the first day he came to the city of the deep sea, and after the second day, the two stones on the necklace were combined into one.

In other words, the black scale mermaid had already treated him before he came to the city of the deep sea...

No, did he already have a different feeling for the black scale mermaid at that time?

"Could it be..." Aman was heartbroken. He couldn't help but flicked through the shadows one after another around Xingshu, and finally set the target on a fish in horror. He was stunned and said: "Could it be, Is it your majesty? You and your majesty are... really that kind of relationship?"

Aman slammed his forehead: "But, but your Majesty is about to get married with Lord Sasha!"


Aman left heartbroken, the skylight closed again, and Xingshu was the only one left in the empty underground palace.

If it was said that there was just a kind of misunderstanding of grievance before, then now, only the sorrow and pain of the heart are left.

How ironic is the dark purple stone in the palm of your hand? He had just understood the meaning of this stone, and before his joyful mood had burned from the bottom of his heart, he was taken as a bucket of cold water and poured a chill out of his heart.

What is this?

Because he is a human being, no matter what he did, whether he was right or wrong, he could not be accepted.

Because he is a human being, no matter whether he has harmed the Sea-Monster Clan, he has to pay for the real villains, unconditionally bear the crimes committed by others, and unconditionally accept hatred and abuse.

Because he is a human being, any unsatisfactory things that happen to the Fan Clan must be related to him. It is the right thing to set fire to attack him. Anyway, there will be no loss, just to squeeze out a person who is not pleasing to the eye.

Just because he is a human being, this condition is sufficient.

"After all, didn't it depend on me to like you?" Xing Shu pressed the purple stone to his heart.

Plop, plop...

The sound of heartbeat came in bursts.

Since his body began to grow scales, the body's self-healing ability has been significantly improved, and the most significant effect is that he has grown a brand new, beating heart.

This heart grew out quietly after the city spirit broke through and they were chasing the Sea-Monster tribe. At the moment it started beating, Xingshu was shocked. After checking it back and forth many times, he was convinced. He really has grown a new heart, and maybe soon, he will grow other organs, and have a complete body that is no longer weak and needs to rely on the source tree to barely make a living.

At that time, the new heart was still very small, only the size of a little finger. It looked like a small intestine with a crooked place. It was only after Xingshu repeatedly confirmed it countless times that he realized that it was a heart.

Every day afterwards, the heart grew a little bit, and very strongly occupied the original position of the thumb's heart, and began to take over the job of supplying blood to the body.

So from then on, Xing Shu suddenly felt a sense of "I have gained a new life."

And this new born was given to him by the Black Scale Mermaid.

Perhaps, I can really live in this sea, and occasionally go to the land to see the ball and them, which seems to be a pretty good thing.

This idea has been entrenched in Xingshu's heart since then, and it has become more and more determined-he was not a person who would hesitate.

However, reality slapped him severely at this moment, slapped him back to his original shape all at once.

Yes, when he was about to accept that he was the identity of the Sea-Monster Clan, another identity was preemptively pressed on him-the first Patriarch of the Mu Family.

This identity is really too heavy and too heavy, so heavy that Xing Shu can't breathe.

Xing Shu could understand the inner struggle of the black scale mermaid, but... he never expected that the black scale mermaid would directly choose to establish a partnership with Sasha.

"Ha ha... Ha ha ha ha..." Xing Shu gripped the stone fiercely, and let out a low laugh.

In his eyes, two black fireworks lit up, and there were red pupils in the middle of the flames.

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