Jiang Che didn't even look at her. He took off his shoes and put them on the shoe rack. He took down a pair of slippers and put them on. Then he spread out Su Rongyin's test paper in front of the coffee table.

I have been here countless times, but Gao Yun was always there before.

This is the first time I am alone with Su Rongyin.


Jiang Che's heart is like a bottle with a lid on.

No matter how he shakes it, it won't spill a drop of water.

"Do you want to listen? If not, leave."

Seeing that Su Rongyin didn't mean to come over, Jiang Che said.

Su Rongyin pouted her cherry lips and limped forward. It was just a little difficult to sit down. She stretched out her hand to ask Jiang Che to help her, but Jiang Che was indifferent and ignored her. She was so angry that she took back her hand and sat on the sofa with her butt. She was so angry that she forgot that she fell on her butt yesterday and took a breath of cold air.

Damn Jiang Che!

Stinky Jiang Che!!

The girl's fragrance penetrated into his nostrils, and who could not help being moved by the young man's love? Jiang Che put aside all distractions in his mind and started to talk about the topic directly: "First, here, Qin will attack Wei, and the King of Wei heard about it and met Mengchang Jun at night..."

Jiang Che talked very well.

He wrote down everything the teacher said word for word, and after integrating it in his mind, he told it in a more concise and easy-to-understand way.

Su Rongyin was still angry at first, and did not calm down and listen attentively. Even so, she still understood and understood it, which made her gradually get into the mood, immersed in the rhythm of Jiang Che's lecture, and studied seriously.

In the interval between Jiang Che changing the papers.

Su Rongyin unconsciously looked up at Jiang Che's profile.

This face is really beautiful in every angle, she had never noticed it before...

"Is this... Xiao Che?"

The living room door opened, and a middle-aged woman walked in. She was well-maintained, and her facial features vaguely resembled Su Rongyin. It was Su's mother, Xu Jingjie.

She was shocked to see a boy at home, and only after a closer look did she realize that it was Jiang Che.

"Xiao Che changed his hairstyle? He is getting more and more handsome as he grows up!"

"Aunt Xu! Teacher Gu asked me to help classmate Su with some easy-to-mistake knowledge points in the mock exam!"

Jiang Che said with a smile.

"That's really troublesome for you! Auntie won't disturb you, you continue!"

Xu Jingjie changed her shoes and said with a smile, and walked towards the kitchen, but a hint of doubt flashed across her face.

She felt that it was not just the hairstyle, Jiang Che seemed to be different from before...

And, the way he addressed his daughter...

Classmate Su?

"It's the last paper, hurry up." Jiang Che said to Su Rongyin, and without waiting for her to answer, he started talking without saying anything, so she had to concentrate on listening.

Jiang Che spoke very quickly this time, and before she could digest it, he had already stood up and walked to the entrance to change shoes.

Su Rongyin took notes and looked up to find that Jiang Che had already left.

She didn't know why she was anxious and shouted, "Jiang Che, where are you going?"

"Of course I'm leaving after the lecture. It's so late, are you staying at your house?" Jiang Che said while putting on his shoes.

"You! Go wherever you want!" Su Rongyin glanced to the side angrily.

Jiang Che put on his shoes and opened the door.

"Jiang Che!"

Just as he was about to leave, Su Rongyin called him again.

Jiang Che turned around and looked at her.

Su Rongyin lowered her head and asked, "Can we still be like before?"

Jiang Che walked away without hesitation, and the crisp sound of the door closing was the answer to her question.

"Xiao Che left?" Xu Jingjie heard the door closing and walked out of the kitchen.

"Yeah." Su Rongyin replied sullenly.

"It's so late, why don't you eat before leaving?" Xu Jingjie asked in confusion and returned to the kitchen. This time she did not close the kitchen door. Her question was heard in the whistling sound of the range hood:

"Yinyin, why do you feel that Xiao Che is a little different from before?"

As soon as these words came out.

Su Rongyin, who was sitting on the sofa with her head down, could no longer hold back and burst into tears.

Xu Jingjie was startled, and quickly turned off the fire and walked out quickly: "What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

"Mom! Jiang Che ignored me!" Su Rongyin raised her head and looked at her mother. After a while, her face was already full of tears.

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