The boss of Linyuanxianyu Group... is his cousin!

Gu Ning has never been so shocked in his life.

"Gu Ning, what are you doing? Making a phone call during working hours? Since you are so free, I will give you this case!"

"Also, send me the case in your hand within half an hour!"

At this time.

The pot-bellied team leader came over and saw Gu Ning making a phone call. He frowned and slapped a folder on Gu Ning's desk.

The huge movement attracted many people to look over, and they silently mourned for Gu Ning in their hearts.

Gu Ning's heart was boiling with anger. He used to endure it, but now, he can't endure it anymore, and he doesn't need to endure it anymore!

"I can't do it. Find someone else to do it!"


The team leader looked at Gu Ning in disbelief: "You don't want to do it anymore, do you?"

"Hey, I don't want to do it anymore! You idiot, I've been enduring you for a long time, you know? If you give me another one, I'll use all my salary this year to pay for your medical expenses!" Gu Ning slammed the table and stood up.

His height was about the same as Jiang Che, and it was extremely oppressive to stand up like this. The team leader's hands trembled with anger, but he didn't dare to speak again.

"Gu Ning, what are you doing..."

The eldest brother Gu An heard the noise and ran over.

He is two years older than Gu Ning and has a much calmer personality. He thought that Gu Ning couldn't stand it and was mentally broken, so he hurriedly said: "Team leader, he hasn't had a good rest recently, don't bother with him... I'll do this plan, I'll do it!"


Seeing this, the team leader became heroic again: "What does not having a good rest have to do with me? Bring your emotions to the company and I will fire you directly!"

"You don't need to fire me, I'll go and resign now!" Gu Ning sneered.

The team leader pointed at Gu Ning and asked Gu An: "Look, I think he doesn't want to do it anymore!"

Before Gu An could speak, Gu Ning leaned close to his ear and said something. Gu An was stunned and turned to ask Gu Ning: "Really?"

"Of course it's true!"

Hearing Gu Ning's affirmation, Gu An suddenly got angry and slammed the document he had just received on the table, shouting: "Damn it, I don't want to do it anymore! Let's go! Go to the HR department and resign!"

After that, the two turned around and left.

Looking at their backs, the team leader opened his mouth wide, his face full of disbelief.

The colleagues were all stunned, and they were very happy. If it weren't for their lives, they would have slammed the table and left.

At this time.

His cell phone rang, he picked it up and put it to his ear: "Deputy Director..."

"Have you prepared the cases I asked you to hand in this afternoon? There is still an hour."

"Those cases are not finished yet..."

"Not finished yet? Didn't you promise to finish them?"

"Because... the two employees in charge of these cases just happened to..."

"I don't care what your reason is. If you can't hand it in within an hour, it will delay my work, and you will bear the consequences!"


Listening to the busy tone on the phone, the team leader was sweating. The original deadline for these cases was three days later. In order to get the recognition and appreciation of the management, he deliberately moved it up by three days. Not only these cases, but all the cases, he did this, and then came back to squeeze the team members crazily... They thought that these people had finally entered the company to work, and it was impossible for them to resign, and he could manipulate them at will, but they didn't expect that Gu Ning and Gu An would just slam the table and leave, and these cases were just handled by two people!

This is the end of it...

The team leader wiped his sweat and hurriedly wanted to find someone to take over the cases.

"Liu Yin..."

"Team leader, I don't have time. I have three cases on hand and can't finish them."

"I can give you some time..."

"I don't need it."

"Gao Meng..."

"No time."


"I don't have time either. I have a stomachache and I'm in a hurry to poop..."

After the brothers Gu An and Gu Ning slammed the table and left, it seemed to awaken the things that had been smoothed out in people's hearts.

The team leader who had been showing off and oppressing everyone was furious and wanted to explode, but he didn't dare to do it anymore...

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