Before my mother started talking, Jiang Che, who had roughly understood what she was saying, hurriedly continued, "Is the girl here called Kaixi?"

"Yes, she is called Kaixi." Chen Feirong replied.

"She is a friend of mine. She is working in my company now. I arranged for her to live with my cousin. I don't know why she suddenly came to our house..."

"Mom, calm down first. I'll call my cousin first! I'll give you a reasonable explanation in five minutes at most."

Jiang Che finished his explanation at a very fast speed, hung up the phone directly, and called Chen Qing.

In fact, he had roughly guessed why Kaixi appeared at home.

As soon as the phone was connected.

Jiang Che hadn't spoken yet.

Chen Qing's sneer of revenge sounded from the other end of the receiver.



Sure enough!

Explained it to my mother.

Kaixi said that it was her first time to come to Daxia, and she wanted to experience the atmosphere of the Chinese New Year. She discussed it with her cousin and came to their house.

Chen Feirong was skeptical.

However, looking at Kaixi's appearance, she didn't seem to be blocking the door with a bulging belly as she imagined, so she was relieved. After learning that Jiang Che would not be back for a while, she first placed Kaixi in the guest room.

Jiang Che got home very late, and it was the next day when he met Kaixi.

After breakfast, Jiang Che suggested that his uncle and aunt were on holiday today, so they could go for a walk.

So they set off for grandma's house.

Seeing Kaixi, grandma, grandpa, uncle and aunt were also stunned.

But this is not difficult to explain.

It's the same as the explanation to Chen Feirong and Jiang Liyun.

Employee + friend.

Come here to experience the atmosphere of the Chinese New Year.

After a sudden realization.

Chen Feihai and Jiang Liyun went to cook.

Han Ai and Chen Feirong started making dumplings with their grandma.

Kaixi was very interested in making dumplings and joined in, carefully trying to make them, taking pictures, and never tired of it.

Jiang Che also helped roll out the dumpling skins, taking advantage of Kaixi's presence.

When a group of women make dumplings together, it is no longer a matter of cooking or working, but a kind of fun. They chat, talk about family matters, and gossip. They still feel unsatisfied after making dumplings.

Jiang Che knows how to guide the topic.

While they were chatting, Jiang Che interrupted them with a few words and calmly let them talk about the topic of non-marriage.

"What non-marriage? Chunchun is just showing off." Grandma said with a sullen face.

"Yes! If you don't get married, do you have to live alone for the rest of your life? Other families are happy and harmonious, but you are alone until you grow old, without even anyone to talk to. What's the point of living?" Chen Feirong echoed.

If it was before, when she said this, she might have looked at Jiang Che.

But now.

Jiang Che doesn't get married?

She really doesn't worry at all.

Han Ai nodded and said, "Mom is right, Chunchun is just showing off, and only people who have nothing to do will have such thoughts!"

The three of them criticized people who had such thoughts for a while, and even became more and more angry.

Just when they were criticizing vigorously, Jiang Che, who was rolling the dumpling skin, said faintly: "Isn't my sister a non-marriageist?"


The actions of the three people all stopped abruptly, and they all looked at Jiang Che with their eyes wide open.

Jiang Che looked puzzled: "Ah? You don't know? Then just ignore me!"

"What do you mean by ignore me? What's going on! Explain it to me!" Chen Feirong asked immediately.

"Hey, I have a stomachache, I need to go to the toilet first." Jiang Che ran away and got up.

"Stop right there, explain it to me before you go..."

Chen Feirong wanted to stop him, but Jiang Che disappeared in a flash.

Only three people were left looking at each other, and there was Kaixi who was taking pictures of the dumplings she made and sending them to her father.

"No wonder I've never seen this girl find a boyfriend in all these years..."

Han Ai opened her mouth and squinted her eyes: "I've never worried about her in my life, but it turns out that she might be in love early, and it turns out that she's waiting for me here! Chen Feihai! Chen Feihai!!!"

Uncle was called into the house, and the family gathered together like a three-court trial, and called Chen Qing...

About half an hour later

Jiang Che, who had taken Kaixi to seek refuge, received a message from Chen Qing: "You are so cruel!"

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