Jiang Che held the girl's hand!

Su Rongyin's face was pale, and her mind was also blank.

How could this happen?


This is not Jiang Che!

I must have seen it wrong!

Jiang Che could not hold other girls' hands!


Su Rongyin kept shaking her head, shouting in her heart that it was impossible.

But tears were already flowing one drop after another, and she couldn't stop it at all.

Everything just happened in front of her eyes.

That profile was Jiang Che.

Absolutely right!

She shook her head again, denied it again, and didn't believe it again.

It was just self-deception!

That gentle smile.

It was an expression that she would only give herself before!


Su Rongyin covered her mouth tightly to prevent herself from crying out loud.

But she tried her best to suppress it, but she couldn't control her tears at all.

Fortunately, there was no one in this bamboo forest.

She leaned against the two plum trees, curled up into a ball, crying for who knows how long, and didn't move for who knows how long, until her cell phone kept buzzing, as if she had fainted, she finally moved.

She took out her cell phone, it was Wu Xiaomin calling, and when she looked up, her eyes were extremely red and swollen, and even more lifeless.

"Rongyin, where are you? The class has started! The professor is calling the roll, I'll answer for you, come quickly! If you are caught skipping professional courses, you will be doomed!"

As soon as the phone was picked up, Wu Xiaomin's anxious voice rang.

"Thank you, but don't worry about me, I'm not feeling well, and I'm going to take a few days off."

Su Rongyin hung up the phone directly, got up and staggered towards the outside of the bamboo forest.

It was not just her legs that were numb, but also her whole body and mind.

She asked the counselor for leave, and left the school without caring whether the counselor approved it or not.

What about failing a course or not, getting credits or not...

Just as she had a ticket back to Shicheng, she took a taxi to the airport.

After returning to Shicheng, she took another taxi back home.

She didn't go back to the dormitory to pack her things.

She only had one or two hundred yuan with her.

After taking two taxis, all her cash was used up, and her phone was almost out of battery.

But she didn't want to care about anything at all.

Now, she just wanted to go home!

It was raining and snowing in Shicheng, which seemed to be snowflakes, but the ice chips that hurt the cheeks of the people who took the photos were falling. The road was a little slippery, and the taxi driver didn't drive too fast. Su Rongyin, sitting in the back seat, looked at the stars falling outside the window, not knowing whether to call it rain or snow, and tears welled up in her red and swollen eyes again.

Su Rongyin felt that the taxi had been driving for a long time, as if it had been a century, before finally arriving home.

As soon as she got off the car, she ran towards her two-story villa, and her tears could not be controlled.

She happened to bring her ID card and student card, but she didn't bring her wallet, and naturally she didn't bring her house key.

She rang the doorbell, but no one answered the door for a long time. She took out her mobile phone and called Xu Jingjie. It took a long time before someone answered.

She asked if Xu Jingjie was at home. Xu Jingjie said she went abroad to find her father. Before she could say the third sentence, her mobile phone was turned off...

Unable to go home, no money, and the mobile phone was out of power...

Su Rongyin was even more desperate, and her tears flowed out like beads with a broken string.

Holding the turned-off mobile phone, she walked into the icy rain.

Aimless and confused.

The icy rain melted on her face, and she couldn't tell whether it was rain or her tears...

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