Wu Xiaomin naturally saw this video as well.

After seeing her comment being screenshotted, she was first stunned, then angry.

She wanted to comment on Jiang Che, asking him what right he had to screenshot his account, but when she opened the comments, she saw that they were all directed at her, which frightened her so much that her heart couldn't help but tremble, and she quickly changed the name of the forum.

After changing it, she continued to be angry.

But she didn't dare to question it with her real name, so she posted a comment from the perspective of a bystander: "You screenshot someone else and post it here, aren't you afraid of being held accountable?"

As soon as she posted this comment, the next second, the background started to ring non-stop, all of which were replies to her comment.


"What a weird question."

"Hahaha, she cursed someone by name, and others can't screenshot her?"

"I'm dying of laughter! Officials are allowed to set fires, but ordinary people are not allowed to light lamps. How many years of cerebral thrombosis can it take to say this... Wait, you are not the 'Fried Chicken Fairy'?"

"Fuck, it really looks like this, this person's name is Loves Fried Chicken..."

Wu Xiaomin quickly deleted her comment and changed her Xianyu name. Fortunately, she was fast, otherwise...

"The person who slandered Jiang Che on the forum must be someone from our school!"

"It's so disgusting..."

At this time, Jiao Lan and Zhou Xin, who also saw this video, sounded indignant.

Wu Xiaomin felt a chill down her spine, and instantly felt extremely lucky that her forum name had never been known to anyone, otherwise...

She clenched her phone tightly, watching the video over and over again, thinking frantically in her mind how to retaliate against Jiang Che. She ran to the customer service and kept reporting Jiang Che's account, but it was obvious that there would be no result at all.

She felt that it was useless to report it alone, but Wu Xiaomin didn't know where to find someone to help her report Jiang Che, and just when she was helpless and furious, Jiang Che's account immediately posted a second video.

What is an independent woman in the new era?

Then, screenshots of people who said they were independent but engaged in privilege and double standards and attacked men crazily were posted.

Another lightning strike at the beginning.

After the lightning strike, it was the truth.

Is this independence?


This is provocation.

The whole process, provoking gender confrontation!

The consequences and costs of doing so are all harm to oneself.

Extreme personality, deviant thinking, unsatisfactory work...

What is an independent woman in the new century?

The opening picture appears again.

Then, short stories of many women of different styles flash by one by one.

Some of them are heroic, some are cute and sweet, some are tall and strong, and some are petite and beautiful.

The story is very short, with only one scene.

The very fast pace makes people clearly feel their self-improvement, perseverance, and independence...

Finally, the picture freezes.

"This is an independent woman in the new era!"

After watching this video, Wu Xiaomin was like a cat whose tail was stepped on, and she became even more furious.

She clicked into a group chat and wanted to greet people and ask them to report Jiang Che's account.

But unexpectedly, someone sent a message first, saying that they wanted to quit the group.

She said that their thoughts were indeed wrong. If they continued like this, they would only poison themselves and sink deeper and deeper. It would be better to return to normal as soon as possible...

These words gave me a feeling that it was time to turn back from the endless suffering.

Soon, the number of people in the group chat dropped sharply to less than one-fifth.

The remaining people who did not quit were undoubtedly those who had been deeply poisoned.

Wu Xiaomin first criticized the people who quit the group, and then called on people to report Jiang Che's videos and accounts.


A group of people reported until late at night without any results.

There was nothing abnormal about Jiang Che's videos and accounts.

Wu Xiaomin waited in line for half a day to ask the customer service why they did not handle the report of Jiang Che's account.

The customer service almost sent a question mark on the spot, and finally chose to ignore this message without replying...

"It must be that there are too few people reporting! Sisters, find more people!"

"I have a way!"

"What way?"

"Go to Taobao, there is a store on Taobao that can get likes. If likes can get likes, reports can definitely get likes!"

"There really is such a store! I found it!"

"I found it too, but it's too expensive, why don't you go grab it!"

"It's okay, let's all pool our money and get 10,000 reports first!"

"That's right, let's all pool our money together! I'll pay 200, everyone transfer the money to me, and I'll buy it!"

A group of people sent red envelopes one after another.

But after that person received it, he directly exited the group chat.


LeftThe people who followed him were almost vomiting blood in anger.

Many people were awakened by his stupid operation, and a large number of people left the group.

Wu Xiaomin suppressed her anger and prepared to raise money again, but after the previous experience, those who did not leave the group stopped raising money. She gritted her teeth and took out her living expenses for one month.

But she didn't sleep all night, and when she waited until the next morning, Jiang Che's video and account still had no response.

Wu Xiaomin went to the online store to ask angrily, and the online store customer service sent a laughing expression: "Why didn't you report it successfully... A video with almost tens of millions of likes overnight can be removed with hundreds or thousands of reports? Are you kidding?"

"Besides, take a look at the certification of the account you want to report, okay? Even if you go to the king of heaven, he can't report it successfully!"


Wu Xiaomin opened Jiang Che's account homepage and looked at it. Only then did she find that there was a conspicuous check mark on Jiang Che's homepage, which was the official certification mark.

Jiang Che——

Founder and Chairman of Linyuan Xianyu Group

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