After Han Teng, Li Feng and Shi Qi knew that Jiang Che was the boss of Xianyu, their jaws almost dropped to the ground and they shouted countless times "Fuck, awesome".

Then, they all planned to let Jiang Che treat them to a big meal.

But when Jiang Che returned to the dormitory and the three saw him.

All the words on their lips were held back.

Jiang Che looked around at the three people sitting on the bed and looking at him in unison, and instantly saw through the reason, and couldn't help but laugh and scold: "If you have something to say, say it, if you have something to fart, fart it."

A group of old men in the nursing home chatted and farted together every day, having a lot of fun. Suddenly one day, an old man stopped pretending and showed his cards. There was a halo behind his head, saying that he was the Immortal Emperor.

Even if the other old men were familiar with him, they would definitely be afraid...

Until the Immortal Emperor who was no longer pretending said, "What are you looking at, you old immortals?"

The relationship would be pulled back...

"Old Jiang, you are hiding too well!"

Li Feng ran down the bed, shaking the stairs, and punched Jiang Che on the shoulder. Han Teng and Shi Qi followed him down, and all three of them looked extremely excited.

"Don't say anything! We must go out and have a good meal! You treat!"

The college entrance examination will eliminate poor students, but it cannot eliminate scumbags, so not all people in higher education institutions are good people. Jiang Che was lucky and didn't run into anything weird.

The four of them came to the barbecue stall where they first met. Half a year has passed in a flash, and the four of them are still the same as before. The only change is that the three of them have improved their alcohol tolerance.

Last time, one person got drunk after drinking a box of wine. This time, the four of them drank two boxes. Although three of them staggered, they all walked back by themselves. However, halfway through the walk, the faucet broke and a flood of water flowed into the flowerbed. A student union inspector happened to pass by and was caught red-handed.

"Hey, what are you doing!"


Jiang Che shouted in a low voice, and the three people reacted and ran away.

They ran.

But they had just drunk wine, so they ran like crazy. When they returned to the dormitory, the three of them took turns holding the toilet and vomiting. Jiang Che laughed at them with great joy and asked Lu Han to bring two large plates of hangover oral liquid.

History is always surprisingly similar. There was a class early the next morning. The three of them woke up suddenly at noon and found that Jiang Che was no longer in the dormitory. They cursed him as an animal, dressed in a mess, and rushed to the classroom in a hurry.

After Jiang Che came to the classroom, people looked at him. Some asked for photos with Jiang Che, and some asked for his autograph. They were only freshmen, and there were still many years to go, but who could guarantee what would happen in the future? They had to get it first.

Liu Tai also signed his autograph on the basketball, Meng Ju signed his autograph on a fortune-telling card, and signed in all kinds of strange places. Fortunately, there were no perverts. There were only two people in the class who didn't ask Jiang Che for an autograph for a photo, one was Xiao Xiaoyu, and the other was Gu Wei.

Xiao Xiaoyu didn't want an autograph for a photo, and Gu Wei...

She still had a wild ambition in her heart.

Thinking about herself, she didn't have to ask for an autograph for a photo in the future!

In addition to the two of them, there was another weirdo, the class monitor Chen Fang.

Others came up to ask Jiang Che for autographs and photos, but this woman came up and asked if Jiang Che would go for a spring outing in the West Lake in a few days. If he went, he would pay 18 yuan for the class fee, which made Jiang Che laugh.

What a good monitor!

Jiang Che paid double the class fee and filled in Xiao Xiaoyu's name.

Xiao Xiaoyu asked Jiang Che, didn't he go there once?

Jiang Che told her that they didn't see many spring scenery last time. Xiao Xiaoyu nodded and continued to take notes.

As long as I didn't waste money...

There were two Septembers in the lunar calendar in 2014, so the Spring Festival in 2015 was until the end of February in the solar calendar. So less than a month after the start of school, it was already April in the solar calendar, and Hangzhou was in the midst of spring.

The number of Xianyu users officially exceeded 200 million, and the growth rate slowed down completely, with some signs of saturation for the time being.

This is normal. After all, the current data traffic is still very expensive, and Wi-Fi has not yet been widely covered.

Xianyu's video sharing and fun chat functions have attracted many people who chat and make friends on Xianyu, and have also had some impact on several instant messaging software.

Driven by Xianyu's unique live streaming module, Xianyu Mall has also developed very rapidly, with transaction volume increasing day by day.

While the entire Xianyu is thriving.

Jiang Che had already formulated a QR code payment plan, andThe event has officially kicked off.

——Use Xianyu to pay, scan the code to receive red envelopes, and use them directly when paying, with no threshold reduction!

——The merchant gets the same amount as the red envelope amount scanned by the customer, and there is no commission for receiving the payment!

As soon as this event was launched, Xianyu did not promote it much, but in just a few days, it became completely popular on the entire Internet. When you go to Xianyu, you can see videos of how much money you have scanned in red envelopes today.

"Family members! Hurry up! Just scan it casually when paying. In the past few days, I have used more than ten yuan in red envelopes! I work on the construction site, and I have enough money for a pack of cigarettes!"

"Is it only me who scanned for several days, and it's only no more than one yuan? I'm crying..."

"I scanned eight yuan directly! Who can be higher than me! (European Emperor Possession.JPG)"

All major search engines, Weibo, etc. are also hot topics about "Did you scan the red envelope today?"

This is a real free money thing.

Who doesn't want it for free?

Who wouldn’t want to take advantage of this?

As the market kept growing, Xianyu replaced everything else and became the most convenient, fastest, and most relied-on payment method for people!

The other two major payment platforms reacted very quickly and exited the market quickly, but in just a few days, they had already completely lost the lead. If it weren’t for the natural advantages of both platforms in terms of payment, they would not even be able to get a bite of the soup...

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