Parents who love their children will plan for them in the long run.

Whether it was Chen Feirong or Jiang Liyun, they had already started to think about Jiang Che's future since some time.

For example, what kind of milk powder should he drink when he was young, what kind of cram school he should go to when he was older, whether it was better to drink pure milk or wheat milk, whether drinking Lulu would make him smarter, whether to buy almond milk or walnut milk...

From childhood to adulthood, they had never forced Jiang Che to do anything, nor had they made decisions for him arbitrarily, but everything they did was for Jiang Che.

Working to earn money, saving money, and saving money were all for Jiang Che to have a better life in the future, to buy a house and a car, and to get married and have children.

Now, Jiang Che has spread his wings and soared to a height that they could not reach.

They are still thinking about Jiang Che.

Considering how to not let Jiang Che worry, not to bring him burdens, and praying that he would be safe and happy, healthy and smooth...

Jiang Liyun drove Jiang Che to the airport.

Chen Feirong sat in the co-pilot seat, watching Jiang Che walk into the airport, and she began to think about when to resign.

Jiang Che had been in college for so long.

They had never been to Jiang Che's school!


At the same time, in the bamboo courtyard of Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, the sound of pots and pans could be heard from time to time. Xiao Xiaoyu watched the teaching seriously, and several pieces of white cream splashed on her face at some point, one of which was at the corner of her mouth, but Xiao Xiaoyu was unaware of it.

Making cakes is not an easy task. The whipping of cream alone is extremely difficult. Fortunately, after working hard for a whole morning, she finally succeeded in making the cake base.

Then, she began to paint on the cake with jam.

She was extremely cautious, holding her breath, fearing that her hands would shake and she would have to start over. Now she had no time to start over again.

It was unknown how long it took before she finally finished the painting. She stretched her stiff body and looked out the window. It was almost dark. She quickly put the cake in the refrigerator and began to prepare dinner for the evening.

In the morning, when Jiang Che was shopping in the mall, she had a video call with Jiang Che. As soon as the call was connected, Jiang Che asked Xiao Xiaoyu if she missed him. Xiao Xiaoyu hummed lightly and asked about the approximate time Jiang Che would be back in the evening.

It's almost time now...

Night fell.

The white Cayenne stopped at the door of the bamboo forest courtyard.

Jiang Che opened the door and got out of the car. Looking at the lights on in the house, a smile of expectation appeared on his face.

I don't know what surprise Xiaoyu will give me...

Xiao Xiaoyu came out with a dish. When she heard a noise at the door, she looked up and saw that it was Jiang Che who came back. She smiled lightly: "It will be ready soon."

"Okay! I'll go wash my hands." Jiang Che smiled brightly.

During this period of time, Xiao Xiaoyu's cooking skills have improved a lot. She prepared this meal with great care. The table was full of dishes, with good color, fragrance and taste. There was also a bottle of Lei Bi compared to the past.

"Such a sumptuous meal, must it have taken a long time to prepare?"

"Not long."

Xiao Xiaoyu shook her head, handed Jiang Che chopsticks, and poured him a drink.

Jiang Che picked up a piece of egg and put it in his mouth. The tomato juice oozed out as he chewed, sweet and delicious: "Delicious."

"It's good as long as it tastes good!"

Xiao Xiaoyu smiled again.

She has been smiling at Jiang Che all day, even if her smile is very shallow, it is not difficult to see her happiness.

Lei Bi made wine, Jiang Che and Xiao Xiaoyu clinked glasses.

And they were about to be full.

Xiao Xiaoyu clenched her fists nervously.

The exciting part... is coming!

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