While the female Bodhisattva was attracting the attention of men, Jiang Che was also attracting the attention of the girls coming and going.

Those who looked at him sideways would not think that he was Jiang Che.

It was just like seeing Papa Ma on the street, and they would subconsciously think that this was a person who looked similar to Papa Ma, and would not think that this was really Papa Ma himself.

In addition, Jiang Che was wearing black-framed sunglasses, which made it even harder to recognize him.

All you can see is... this is a handsome guy!

Xiao Xiaoyu was walking with Jiang Che, but there were still many people who were eager to come forward and chat with him. After all, Xiao Xiaoyu looked so inconspicuous, and was far from the girls who were dressed up.

But Jiang Che walked all the way, his smiling eyes were always on Xiao Xiaoyu, and he took the initiative to hold her hand, which made all the girls finally give up...

There were a lot of people on the pedestrian street.

A lot.

When Jiang Che started to pull Xiao Xiaoyu's hand, Xiao Xiaoyu was a little timid. Jiang Che leaned close to her ear and asked her to look around carefully.

Xiao Xiaoyu looked around carefully and found that there was a pair of young couples holding hands passing by every five meters or so. Then she let go a little and let Jiang Che pull her.

The whole pedestrian street is full of places to eat, drink and have fun. It is also close to a shopping mall, which is an excellent place for dating and shopping.

Jiang Che took Xiao Xiaoyu for a walk.

A claw machine placed on the street caught their eyes.

The dolls inside were very beautiful, and Xiao Xiaoyu looked at them several times.

Jiang Che keenly caught her gaze, pulled her hand and turned a little, and came to the claw machine.

After using Xianyu to scan the code to buy the number of grabs, Jiang Che found.

Xiao Xiaoyu didn't pay much attention to this doll.

The reason she looked at it several times was that she was curious about this claw machine...

Catch the doll!

This word that everyone can associate with when they hear it is extremely unfamiliar to Xiao Xiaoyu.

She used to keep her head down every day, busy with life.

Later, with Jiang Che, her pace still did not stop.

Envy Fish allows people to read about the world without leaving home.

But Xiao Xiaoyu's envy fish has never been used except to pay attention to Jiang Che...

Her hands are small, but slender and slender, very beautiful, and soft and boneless.

Jiang Che held her hand and clenched it a little more, and asked: "Do you like this doll?"

"Hmm..." Xiao Xiaoyu nodded.

"Then I'll catch one for you." Jiang Che said.

"What is the rule of this...?" Xiao Xiaoyu looked at Jiang Che's profile.

"The rule is that you pay one dollar for each catch. As long as you catch it, it's ours. But the claws are very loose. I haven't studied whether it depends on luck or probability to catch it."

After Jiang Che answered, he demonstrated to Xiao Xiaoyu. The claws fell down and caught the doll accurately. As a result, when it retracted, it moved slightly and the doll fell back. Then he tried again and couldn't even catch it...

Xiao Xiaoyu understood.

After watching the doll machine for a while, she looked up at Jiang Che and said seriously: "Jiang Che, you don't have to catch one... As long as, as long as we are happy!"

Jiang Che was stunned, and then laughed again, laughing very happily.

Time and space intertwined, and time seemed to have returned to a day a long time ago.

That day, Jiang Che spent ten dollars to catch a doll. His luck was very good, but he was still despised for being too stupid. He caught it ten times...

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