After eating and drinking, Jiang Che sent his parents to the airport. Before leaving, Chen Feirong pulled Jiang Che to chatter. "Eat well, your figure is very good now, it doesn't matter if you gain a little weight. You are tall, and you can't see the fat even if you gain ten pounds. Pay attention to sun protection and don't get tanned..." When Jiang Che left, he left immediately. Now it was their turn to leave, and Chen Feirong was reluctant to let him go. "I know, mom." Jiang Che agreed one by one, reached out and hugged his mother, and said with a smile: "Okay, just go back and rest for two days, why make it so sad?" "What do you mean just go back and rest for two days? Then we will go on a trip, and you won't be able to see us, right?" Chen Feirong slapped Jiang Che on the shoulder. "Please board flight HB8992, passengers from Hangzhou to Shicheng..." At this time. The boarding announcement sounded. Chen Feirong didn't say anything more, and walked into the security checkpoint with Jiang Liyun, but she still looked back every few steps.

When a son travels a thousand miles, his mother worries; when a mother travels a thousand miles, her son does not worry.

It's not that children don't worry about their parents.

It's just that compared with the ties that parents have to their children.

The ties that children have to their parents are much less.

After having a child, the child is everything to the parents, especially for the older generation.

And for the child.

Parents are just the first stop in the long journey of life...

Jiang Che doesn't like to be sad, and he was a little sad. He shook his head and threw away the emotion. He was going to travel so he couldn't see them, so what was there to be sad about...

Chen Yunsong and Jiang Che came together to see him off.

On the way back.

Chen Yunsong talked to Jiang Che about the school sports meeting.

They happened to have no classes that day, and several roommates in the dormitory were discussing whether to go to Zhejiang University for fun.

After hearing that Jiang Che participated in the basketball game.

Chen Yunsong said that he would go to watch it no matter what.

If his roommate didn't go, he would go by himself.

Jiang Che said that no matter whether his roommate came or not, he could arrange someone to pick up Chen Yunsong from school.

Hearing this, Chen Yunsong was very happy and kept saying to Jiang Che: "Xiao Che, you are so nice."


Jiang Che stopped the car by the roadside.

Chen Yunsong asked in confusion: "Xiao Che, why did you stop? Are you in a hurry to pee?"

"I'm in a hurry to pee! You've arrived, get off the car." Jiang Che said.


Chen Yunsong was not very familiar with the roads in Hangzhou. He looked around for a long time but could not find any familiar buildings: "Where is the place?"

Jiang Che pointed to the subway entrance on the side of the road and said: "After getting off, take Line 1. When you get on the train, look at the sign at the door. Listen to the announcements and don't miss your stop. Hold your phone tightly and don't lose it. If you lose yourself, you can call, but if you lose your phone, you can't find it back."


"Jiang Che, you are really a dog!"

Looking at the taillights of the Cayenne going away, Chen Yunsong stood at the subway entrance and jumped for a while. He looked around at the unfamiliar surroundings, but he held his phone and walked into the subway entrance with a more nervous mood than Tang Seng going to the West to obtain scriptures...

Jiang Che had something else to do.

It took at least an hour to go to Hangzhou Dianzi University.

Moreover, Jiang Che was doing this for Chen Yunsong's good.

You are so grown up, it's time to be independent!

The white Cayenne quickly drove into the underground garage of the mall where Jiang Che bought a watch last time.

After taking the elevator up, Jiang Che walked into a DIY workshop, and soon came out with a small bag, and went to the Vacheron Constantin counter.

A teenager buying a watch worth millions was enough to leave a deep impression on every employee.

Especially after everyone discovered Jiang Che's identity.

The salesperson Han Ling who received Jiang Che last time came up quickly, put his hands in front of him with white gloves, and bowed slightly to Jiang Che: "Hello, Mr. Jiang, welcome to our Vacheron Constantin again. I am your personal shopping butler Han Ling. May I ask if there is anything I can help you with?"

A familiar opening line.

After learning that Jiang Che wanted to find a women's watch of the same model as the one on his hand, he asked Jiang Che if he wanted to make a couple's watch. After getting the affirmative, he recommended several models to Jiang Che.

Jiang Che chose a white strap and silver body, which was very similar to the one on his wrist. It was exquisite and not too eye-catching. He spent 980,000 yuan.

After putting the box in the trunk, it was already evening, just facing the direction of the setting sun. Jiang Che put on sunglasses and called Xiao Xiaoyu.

"Hello, what are you doing?"

"In the library..." Xiao Xiaoyu's voice was very, very low on the other end of the phone.

"Are you coming back?" Jiang Che also asked her in a soft voice.

"Yes, back to, homeThere is no food." Xiao Xiaoyu said.

"Let's buy it tomorrow. We will eat outside today." Jiang Che said: "I will arrive at school in about 10 minutes. I will call you when I get to the library. Don't come out early."


Xiao Xiaoyu agreed, hung up the phone, and began to pack up.

She returned all the books that needed to be returned, leaving only one book to read before Jiang Che came. The place where she put the book was nearby. When Jiang Che arrived, she could put it down and go out immediately.

"Hello, classmate. Can I ask how long you will read this book?"

Since that day, Su Rongyin would come to the library to study after class, and would go to Ji Aohan for advice from time to time. She has never been a shy person, which is completely opposite to Xiao Xiaoyu. Just like now, she searched the bookshelf for several times but didn't find the book. After seeing it with a girl, she came up and asked directly.

Xiao Xiaoyu raised her head and looked at Su Rongyin with a pair of big eyes.

"It's you! "

Su Rongyin recognized that this was the girl who reminded her that she had lost her phone last time and comforted her.

She was deeply impressed by this gentle and weak girl.

"I didn't thank you last time. My name is Su Rongyin, and I'm a freshman in the Department of Finance."

Su Rongyin stretched out a hand and said to Xiao Xiaoyu with a smile.

Although she lived up to her strong pride, her slightly red and swollen eyes were still sad, but it was obvious that her current situation was much better than before. Ji Aohan's words were misinterpreted by her, but turning sadness into motivation was a good result.

"Xiao Xiaoyu, a freshman in the Department of Industrial Management."

Xiao Xiaoyu stretched out her hand and shook Su Rongyin's hand. She introduced herself in a low voice, but her voice was loud enough for people to hear clearly.

Both hands were very beautiful, with long fingers.

But Xiao Xiaoyu's hands were much smaller and soft and boneless.

"Department of Industrial Management? "Su Rongyin was a little surprised. She thought Xiao Xiaoyu was also from the Department of Finance. After all, the book she was holding was a book about finance.

"Let me show you." Xiao Xiaoyu picked up the book with both hands and handed it to Su Rongyin.

"No, you read it first. I'm not in a hurry." Su Rongyin waved her hand. She didn't mean to ask for the book. She just asked how long it would take to read it. If it took a long time, she would learn other things first.

"You can read it... I'm leaving." Xiao Xiaoyu picked up her handbag and stood up.

"Okay, bye then. "Su Rongyin took the book and waved to Xiao Xiaoyu.

Xiao Xiaoyu also raised her palm and waved slightly.

Looking at Xiao Xiaoyu's back as she left, Su Rongyin was still a little confused. From which scene that she had a deep impression but could not remember had she seen Xiao Xiaoyu's back?

Shaking her head, without thinking too much, she sat down with the book and immersed herself in reading.

Turning sadness into motivation.

She wanted to improve herself and use a better self to win back Jiang Che!

"Didn't I tell you not to come out early?"

Xiao Xiaoyu walked out of the library, and Jiang Che's car just arrived outside the door. She sat in the co-pilot, and Jiang Che asked softly.

"I..." Xiao Xiaoyu opened her beautiful eyes wide: "I didn't come out early. When you arrived, I had just left!"

She looked so cute when she explained seriously.

Jiang Che couldn't help laughing, raised his right hand, and pinched her cheek again.

Pinch well...

I couldn't control it at all.

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