That's right.

A top scorer with a very high score.

Jiang Che's total score in the college entrance examination was 735, 15 points away from the full score.

Compared with those who scored 749 points, only one point away from the full score, it does seem to be a lot worse.

But in fact, the gold content between the two is almost the same.

Because Jiang Che is a liberal arts student.

For so many years, the score of the top scorer in liberal arts has never exceeded 710 points.

And Jiang Che got 735 points directly in one fell swoop, which shows the gold content.

In addition to these schools, Renmin University, National Defense University, Political Science and Law University, etc. also called Jiang Che.

There are no welfare conditions.

But even if there are, Jiang Che would not consider it.

In fact, from the day he was reborn.

Jiang Che had already decided which university to go to.

"Xiao Che, it seems that you don't really want to go to Tsinghua University or Peking University?"

While eating dumplings, Chen Feirong's mind, which was overwhelmed by joy, gradually became clear.

According to what Jiang Che said when he answered the phone just now, she analyzed Jiang Che's general idea and asked.

"Well, not Tsinghua or Peking University." Jiang Che nodded and admitted directly: "I want to go to Zhejiang University."

"Zhejiang University..." Chen Feirong glanced at Jiang Liyun and asked: "How about Zhejiang University? Your father and I haven't learned about it..."

Tsinghua University and Peking University are the most famous schools, but if you haven't studied them, you don't even know which school is ranked third.

For example, Zhejiang University now...

"Zhejiang University is the third-ranked university in the country. Although it is not in the category of world-class universities, many majors are not inferior to Tsinghua University and Peking University."

"If nothing unexpected happens, I will most likely apply for the business administration major. This major at Zhejiang University just got an A+ rating last year. Like Tsinghua University, it is the top in the country and world-class..."

Jiang Che briefly described the situation of Zhejiang University.

"Forget it, no matter where you go, your dad and I respect your decision." Chen Feirong smiled with rare satisfaction: "After all, our original expectation was that you could get into a key university, but we didn't expect you to get the top score!"

"Zhejiang University is also good, Jiangsu and Zhejiang are good places." Jiang Liyun briefly expressed his opinion.

"Mom and Dad, you are really the most open-minded parents in the world!" Jiang Che praised.

"That's right!" Chen Feirong was happy and rarely responded to Jiang Che's flattery.

"Then such open-minded parents, can you fulfill what you promised me at that time?" Jiang Che took out the document signed by Chen Feirong and raised his eyebrows.

"No problem!" Chen Feirong agreed without hesitation, put down her chopsticks, stood up and walked into the bedroom, took out a passbook and handed it to Jiang Che: "Here, your father has saved 50,000 private money over the years, and the password is your birthday."


Jiang Liyun stood up directly.

Chen Feirong turned to look at him: "Why, do you have any objections? What I said at that time was the private money for you. You didn't refute it, which means you agreed. Also, I haven't settled the account with you for hiding the private money. What do you want to do with this money?"

"Of course I save it to reward my son when he gets good grades in the college entrance examination! Look, has this imperfect come in handy?" Jiang Liyun changed his words on the spot...

"Spend this money sparingly, do you hear me?"

"Jiang Che, why don't I keep it for you."

"Jiang Che, bring me the passbook. Why do you want to take so much money at such a young age? Do you want to do something bad?"

As expected.

Chen Feirong, who gave the money readily, had three changes in her expression before she even spent the night.

Fortunately, Jiang Che ran away quickly, otherwise the money he had obtained would be taken back again.

"You little brat, come back here..."

Chen Feirong wanted to chase him, but was stopped by Jiang Liyun: "Okay! What are you doing? We promised it, and it's given. It's ridiculous to ask for it back."

"He took so much money, I'm afraid he would do something bad." Chen Feirong said.

"Xiao Che knows his limits. Don't you know your own son? Besides, it's reasonable for him to spend it all. This is what we promised to reward him. Besides, this is my money, why are you so distressed..." Jiang Liyun said.

"That's right!" Chen Feirong turned her head and looked at Jiang Liyun: "I have saved my private money for so many years, and it was taken away in one pot. Why don't you feel distressed?"

"Why should I feel distressed? My son passed the imperial examination, I am happy, I don't have it, if I have it, I will give him another 50,000!" Jiang Liyun waved his hand.

But in fact, Jiang Liyun knew it.

The money will be returned, and it will no longer belong to him...

Chen Feirong's suspicion is not wrong at all.

Jiang Che will really spend it all, and he will not do good things.

Tonight is the opening ceremony of the World Cup, and the competition will officially begin tomorrow. Sports lottery has already started

Jiang Che took the money out of his passbook, deposited it into his bank card, and downloaded the sports lottery app.

Brazil VS Croatia, he immediately bought 3:1 for 60,000 yuan.

Even if he bought the number of goals, the odds were not high, and he would not make much more if he won, but 60,000 to 200,000, which was already a lot!

And the next morning.

After Chen Feirong and Jiang Liyun went to work, Jiang Che received another call from Zhejiang University.

As long as he went to Zhejiang University, he would be given a one-time scholarship of 200,000 yuan + all fees were waived + a place for guaranteed postgraduate study + an independent dormitory...

There were so many benefits that he could not count them.

Moreover, as long as Jiang Che verbally agreed, 200,000 yuan would be immediately transferred to Jiang Che's card!


Jiang Che bought another 200,000 yuan.

The two purchases added up to a total of 260,000 yuan.

And this 260,000 yuan, in just one day, became 740,000 yuan.

It doubled by 2.846 times!

Jiang Che is not a senior football fan. At this time in his previous life, he was still emo and didn't watch much football, so he didn't know much about the results of the game.

However, it was enough.

In the entire group stage, Jiang Che bought 6 more games. If he didn't know the score, he only bought the win or loss. The balance in the card quickly doubled to 4 million.

And this 4 million will be directly doubled 300 times after the first knockout match!

Germany 7:1 Brazil, the game with the highest odds in the world, known as the "Mineiro Pain"!

If you buy it on the Internet, you will lose more.

But the security of the Internet is too poor.

If you win, it is very likely that you won't get the money, and the 4 million will be gone.

Safety first.

Moreover, this kind of thing is too unknown.

What if the result of this game inexplicably becomes 7:2 or 8:1 because of my 4 million purchase on the Internet?

This is the same as a reborn person not winning the lottery, which is absolutely possible.

He just needs some capital to start a business, not to buy football to become the richest man in the world.

300 times of 4 million, a full 1.2 billion, more than the total assets of the previous life, it is more than enough.

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