"Rongyin, you are so beautiful. When the class starts, there will be a lot of flies around you, but don't worry, from today on, I will be your flower protector!"

Su Rongyin met her flower protector, her roommate Wu Xiaomin, as soon as she entered school.

As soon as Wu Xiaomin finished speaking, her cell phone rang.

She took it out and saw that it was Weibo. Someone refuted her remarks under a Weibo post. She immediately started typing back as if her fingers were left with residual images. She was undoubtedly a first-generation Weibo fighter.

After scolding the other party, Wu Xiaomin opened the school forum again.

She wanted to see if anyone had posted about Su Rongyin.

As a result, she found that the posts on the entire forum for the past three days were all about Jiang Che.

"This forum says that Jiang Che is not only the highest-scoring liberal arts champion in history, but also very handsome... Is it true? Is he just bragging?" Wu Xiaomin sneered.

"It should be true! The sophomore who posted the message is a student union cadre in charge of freshman registration. They must have seen Jiang Che to say that!" Roommate Jiao Lan poked her head down from the upper bunk.

"I met that senior. She's pretty. She's also a student union cadre. She's met a lot of people. She said he's handsome in such an amazing tone. He must be very handsome!" Another roommate Zhou Xin also popped her head and said.

Jiao Lan: "I really want to meet him and see how handsome he is!"

Zhou Xin: "Me too."

Wu Xiaomin looked down on them.

Two crazy fans.

Listening to the roommates' discussion, Su Rongyin, who was sitting there, raised her chin at some point, looking proud.

Jiang Che, who the whole school was talking about... applied to Zhejiang University because of me!

“Your name is Jiang Che? You have the same name as this year’s top scorer in the college entrance examination… Wait! You are not the real top scorer Jiang Che, are you?”

“You are from Shi City… Jiang Che is from Shi City, you must be the real one! Damn!!!”

As the top students in the college entrance examination, Li Feng and Han Teng reacted quickly and exclaimed in succession.

Shi Qi on the bed also poked his head out.

“I didn’t expect that the big guy would be assigned to the same dormitory as us, please accept my greeting!” Han Teng was so silly that he wanted to kneel down on one knee to Jiang Che.

“I will make the bed for the big guy!” Li Feng is a practical person.

“I will help…” Even Shi Qi, who had been shyly curled up on the bed, sat up, making Jiang Che laugh and cry.

With the help of the three people, Jiang Che’s things and bed were quickly packed.

Jiang Che also sat on the edge of the bed and joined the three people who were just chatting.

After hearing that Jiang Che was the top scorer in the college entrance examination, several people couldn't help but feel a sense of distance.

But as they chatted, Jiang Che's easygoing and humorous attitude made this feeling disappear without a trace.

Li Feng talked about why people would apply to Zhejiang University, and was stared at with doubt by Shi Qi and Han Teng.

Han Teng first asked Li Feng how many points he had scored. After confirming that it was about the same as his, he said speechlessly: "With this score, where else can you go if you don't come to Zhejiang University? You can't go to Tsinghua or Peking University."

"Is there no other reason?" Li Feng asked.

"It's because the school is good! What other reasons can there be?" Han Teng said.

"I also came here because Zhejiang University is the best school to go to." Shi Qi also said, his accent was a bit heavy, probably because he was shy and didn't want to speak.

"You guys really have no pursuit." Li Feng shook his head and said.

"You have pursuit, so what is the reason for you to come to Zhejiang University?" Han Teng asked.

"It's because... my grandma's family is in Hangzhou!" Li Feng replied.


Han Teng was stunned for a moment, then burst into laughter, and even Shi Qi couldn't help laughing.

"What are you laughing at?"

Li Feng said contemptuously: "I applied to Zhejiang University because my grandma's family is in Hangzhou. It's not because I want my grandma and grandpa to take care of me, but because I can take care of them when I have time!"

The two people's smiles all stopped, and they looked at each other and gave Li Feng a thumbs up.

"What about Jiang Che?"

"You can't be because Zhejiang University is the best school to go to, right?"

Li Feng asked, and Han Teng and Shi Qi looked at Jiang Che who was sitting cross-legged there, smiling and listening to their conversation. Han Teng asked: "Yes, Jiang Che, you gave up Tsinghua and Peking University to come to Zhejiang University, there must be a reason, right?"


From the moment Jiang Che was reborn, he had already decided to come to Zhejiang University. How could there be no reason?

However, he didn't say much, just chatted a few words, and then suggested that people go out for dinner together to celebrate the vast crowd, but they just happened to be the four of them gathered in 202.

They hit it off!

It was getting dark.The four of them walked out of Zhejiang University and came to the street of food stalls opposite.

There were many people who had the same idea as them.

The street was already crowded. After waiting for a long time, they finally got a seat. After sitting down, the first sentence Li Feng shouted was: "Boss, let's go to Laoshan first!"

The big green stick was placed on the table, and the atmosphere immediately came up.

The friendship of the teenagers quickly heated up with each toast.

The best appetizer is to talk about everything.

The most talked about topic, besides cars, is the opposite sex.

This is a topic that men will never change no matter what age.

When they first entered school, they didn't know the opposite sex yet, so in this regard, they just said in passing that they hoped there would be more beautiful girls in the class, and then jumped over.

"Did you see it when you came out? There was a white Cayenne parked outside our dormitory door!" Han Teng said.

"Of course I saw it! It's a Porsche! How could I not see it!" Li Feng nodded.

"Then do you know how much this car costs?" Han Teng pretended to be mysterious.

"How much?" Shi Qi didn't know much about cars, but that didn't mean he had no interest.

"More than one million?" Li Feng raised his eyebrows.

"So expensive?" Shi Qi was shocked.

"To be precise, it costs one million or three hundred thousand! I just took a look, it's a new model that just came out this year, the Platinum Edition version! The platinum version!" Han Teng studied it more thoroughly and directly said the price.

"It's parked downstairs of our dormitory. It's probably the car of our students..."

Li Feng enviously said: "That's great! I've decided that my ideal at this stage is to buy a car like this!"

"Me too!" Han Teng nodded.

"Me too!" Shi Qi also immediately agreed.

The three people turned from envy to ambition.

Jiang Che smiled and raised his glass and said: "Come on, toast to your ideals!"

"Cheers to your ideals!"

"Cheers to your ideals!"

"Cheers to your ideals!"

"Cheers to your ideals!"

The four glasses clinked together and drank them all in one gulp.

Putting down the cup, Han Teng noticed something and turned to look at Jiang Che who had not spoken just now: "Jiang Che, why didn't you say anything just now? Isn't your ideal to buy this car?"

Jiang Che shook his head: "My ideal is to go to school well! Enjoy four years of life!"

The three looked at each other and said "huh" together!

The dinner to celebrate the encounter ended with Shi Qi drinking two bottles of beer and sleeping on the table.

Early the next morning.

The four of them went to the classroom of Class 1 of the Department of Industrial Management.

Only Jiang Che was in normal condition. The other three all had big dark circles under their eyes and looked very haggard. They all muttered and complained that they would never drink so much again.

But in fact, they didn't drink much at all. There were 12 bottles in a box of wine. Shi Qi drank at most 2 bottles, and Li Feng and Han Teng drank at most 3 bottles. For Jiang Che, this was not enough to fill his teeth.

On the way here, the three of them gave money to Jiang Che. Jiang Che paid the bill yesterday, and they wanted to split the bill, but Jiang Che refused. It was enough for them to think of giving them money, and said that he treated them this time, and someone else could treat them next time. The three of them readily agreed to this.

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