"This is the independent dormitory that the school has granted me." Jiang Che looked back at her and said, "In addition to cooking, I also have to help clean up here... Xiaoyu classmate, you shouldn't mind, right?"

"I..." Xiao Xiaoyu shook her head: "I don't mind."

"Well, I'll give you a key, and you can come and go here at will in the future." Jiang Che directly gave one of the two sets of keys that were separated in advance to Xiao Xiaoyu.

Xiao Xiaoyu didn't take it, she felt that this was not good.

Jiang Che stuffed it into her hand and said without hesitation: "How can you come here in advance to cook without a key? Do you want me to deliver a key every day?"

"Oh..." Xiao Xiaoyu didn't refute it anymore, and weakly reached out to take the key.

The yard was clean and tidy, but the two empty spaces seemed a bit empty. The other small yards were full of vegetables, and only his was bare. He opened the door and entered the house. The two-story building, although each room was small, exuded a warm feeling. As soon as Xiao Xiaoyu stepped in, he felt a sense of liking it.

Her big eyes rolled around, and she looked around for several times. Suddenly, she found the kitchen. Then she remembered why she came here. She quickly picked up the big bag of things Jiang Che bought and said, "I'm going to cook!"

"Well, you do it. I'll go out for a while."

Jiang Che said, left the courtyard and drove to the nearest shopping mall. He bought a big bag of shampoo, shower gel, mild facial cleanser, moisturizing liquid, hand cream, bath towels, two sets of sheets, quilt covers, quilts, brooms, mops, and a lot of other things. He carried eight bags and brooms and mops, as if he had bought goods from there and returned to the courtyard.

As soon as he entered the door, a fragrant aroma hit his nose. Two dishes were already on the table, but they were covered with plates so he couldn't tell what they were. At this time, the delicate figure came out of the kitchen with a plate of fried tomato and eggs. She put down the plate and said softly to Jiang Che, "The meal is ready, go wash your hands and eat."

This sentence made Jiang Che a little dazed.

Two scenes that can be regarded as one of the happiest in life, one is the mother's chopsticks hitting her hand: "Have you washed your hands before you eat?"

The other is that after returning home, the virtuous wife gently said, "Go wash your hands and eat."


Jiang Che smiled and nodded, put down the things, washed his hands and sat at the table. Xiao Xiaoyu had also opened the plate covering the two dishes. There was a braised black chicken cube, a braised sea cucumber strip, and the last fried tomato and eggs. There were three dishes in total, all of which were well cooked.

But after Jiang Che sat down, Xiao Xiaoyu lowered her head and became a little embarrassed: "I, I read for too short a time, so I didn't remember too many recipes. I only remembered one braised dish, so I made braised dishes for both..."

Jiang Che picked up a piece and put it in his mouth, and took a bite of the other one. The taste was very good, a bit like Ms. Chen's cooking, which suited Jiang Che's taste. Jiang Che took a big mouthful of rice and nodded in admiration: "Very delicious... Wait!"

Jiang Che looked at Xiao Xiaoyu and asked: "You just said you were going to read a book... Did you read a recipe?"

Xiao Xiaoyu nodded: "Yeah..."

Jiang Che looked at her, and had a strong urge to rub her head, or even hold her delicate body in his arms. She was seriously cute, or silly cute, and pitiful... He took a deep breath and said, "Let's eat."


Xiao Xiaoyu picked up the chopsticks and picked up the bowl full of rice.

But he didn't eat much.

Jiang Che found that her chopsticks had been stuck in the plate of tomato and eggs, and they were all tomatoes.

He immediately understood what Xiao Xiaoyu was thinking. Jiang Che pulled the plate of tomato and egg in front of him, poured the rice in the bowl into the plate, stirred it a few times, and started eating directly with the plate.

Xiao Xiaoyu's chopsticks froze in mid-air, looking at the remaining two dishes, a little at a loss.

She had specially fried tomato and egg...

"Eat this, this thing is very nutritious, you have to eat it in moderation, eat too much and get angry, and you have to go to the hospital for an IV drip... You have to eat at least half of this plate."

Jiang Che picked up several sea cucumbers and put them in Xiao Xiaoyu's bowl, and also picked up several black chicken pieces, filling up Xiao Xiaoyu's bowl directly, and then said again: "Eat it all, otherwise you have to throw it away."

Xiao Xiaoyu lowered his head and started eating.

Jiang Che didn't notice... her beautiful eyes turned red in just a moment.

Seeing her eating, Jiang Che continued to eat.

"Why are you doing this to me?""How about it?" Xiao Xiaoyu stopped eating chopsticks at some point, and asked in a low voice like the buzzing of mosquitoes and flies.

"Hmm?" Jiang Che, who was eating his rice, heard Xiao Xiaoyu seemed to be talking again, but he was not sure, so he stopped eating chopsticks and looked up at her: "Xiaoyu, did you just talk to me? "

"No, no..." Xiao Xiaoyu shook her head gently, without repeating it again, so that Jiang Che could hear her question clearly. She picked up a piece of sea cucumber as long as her palm and nibbled it in small bites...

Soon, Jiang Che was full and got up to go to the living room to turn on the TV.

He sat opposite Xiao Xiaoyu after eating, which only made her anxious and affected her slow eating rhythm.

The most important thing is that after he left, Xiao Xiaoyu knew that she had to finish the remaining dishes, otherwise she would have to throw them away.

"After drinking the lid, my waist doesn't hurt anymore, my legs don't feel sore anymore, and I have more energy to walk..."

It seems that he is watching TV, but in fact his eyes have been on the girl who was eating in small bites. As he watched, Jiang Che suddenly discovered something.

Xiao Xiaoyu has always been eating very slowly, so it is not obvious , it's hard to notice.

But thinking back carefully, this skinny girl's appetite is really not small... No, it should be said that it's a bit amazing.

Jiang Che's appetite is already very large, and she can eat even more than Jiang Che...

This reminds Jiang Che of a female character in an anime.

At the same time, it's even more distressing.

She can eat so much, but she used to eat so little all day, and it was pickled vegetables and rice, how could she not be malnourished?

She ate everything on the table in small bites, and ate the rice in the pot with the braised sauce. Xiao Xiaoyu burped again. After burping, she found something wrong, and turned her head to look at Jiang Che quietly. Seeing that Jiang Che didn't notice her, she breathed a sigh of relief and started to clean up the dishes and chopsticks, and took them into the kitchen to wash them...

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