There were only three of them at noon.

After it was over.

Zhou Lian cleaned up the table and asked Xiao Xiaoyu to help wipe the dirty part of the car.

After she and Jiang Che were the only ones left in the room, she was silent for a long time, but still looked up at Jiang Che and asked: "Jiang Che, I know it's a bit presumptuous to ask this, but... why are you so good to Xiaoyu?"

Zhou Lian knew that asking this question might make Jiang Che's kindness to Xiao Xiaoyu disappear, and might also make her lose the job she just got, as well as her daughter's part-time job...

But she didn't know why Jiang Che did that.

She was afraid.

She was afraid that Xiao Xiaoyu would be pulled out of the quagmire and pushed hard into the endless abyss.

So, she would rather suffer a long pain than a short one.

Cut everything off before her daughter got deeply involved...

"Because I like it." Jiang Che answered the question without any concealment.

"Like?" Zhou Lian heard this answer, her eyes widened, her face full of disbelief: "But..."

"But Xiaoyu has nothing outstanding, why do I like her?" Jiang Che asked the question Zhou Lian wanted to ask, and smiled: "Auntie... you should have confidence in your daughter!"

Because she likes her.

Hearing this answer.

Zhou Lian's heart was full of waves, and she was silent for a long time before she smiled dumbly.


You should have confidence in your daughter!

Because Jiang Che was so outstanding, she preconceived that it couldn't be because of love.

Directly excluding the correct answer, she couldn't figure out why Jiang Che was so good to Xiao Xiaoyu.

But if it was because of love...

Jiang Che did all these things with such painstaking effort!

In an instant, Zhou Lian figured it all out.

It could be that the phone fell into the toilet, so he replaced Xiao Xiaoyu's phone;

Hiring Xiao Xiaoyu for a job, letting Xiao Xiaoyu cook and feed her;

Say he happened to come here for something, so he let Xiao Xiaoyu be his tour guide...


All of them were Jiang Che's way of treating his daughter well in the best possible way to protect her self-esteem!

Even including opening a chain store near his home.

They are not a prosperous area, but Jiang Che opened a store here on purpose...

Zhou Lian's tears burst out like a dam bursting, happy and flustered, happy that Xiaoyu has someone who is really good to her and takes so much trouble to take care of her, flustered that her rash question this time will make Jiang Che...

"Auntie, just call me Xiao Che."

At this time, Jiang Che said with a smile, his smile was extremely sunny, and his teeth were white and neat.

"Okay! Xiao Che!"

Zhou Lian choked up instantly, wiped her tears and nodded continuously.

These are happy tears.

I'm happy that someone really treats Xiaoyu well. Xiaoyu is alone in a foreign land, and someone cares for her!

October 1st is already early autumn.

But the sun in the south is still extremely scorching, especially in the car parked in the sun, the temperature is ridiculously high. Xiao Xiaoyu is sweating profusely, and she is wiping it hard with the towel she put on Jiang Che's car last time, and she almost cleaned every ventilation hole on the seat.

Jiang Che almost forcibly lifted her and lifted her out of the car.

If this continues, I'm afraid she will get heatstroke in the car.

After returning to the house, Xiao Xiaoyu found something strange. Zhou Lian's eyes looking at Jiang Che always felt different, but she couldn't tell what was different...

Knowing that Jiang Che must not have rested well last night, Zhou Lian asked Jiang Che to go to Xiao Xiaoyu's room to rest for a while. Xiao Xiaoyu helped Jiang Che tidy up the bed and left the house with a shy look. Jiang Che lay on the bed, a faint fresh fragrance entered his nose, and the corners of his mouth were raised, and he was in a good mood.

After confessing to Zhou Lian that he liked Xiao Xiaoyu, everything was clear, and many things would become much simpler.

Jiang Che smelled the unique fragrance of Xiao Xiaoyu, and as he thought about it, he felt sleepy and fell asleep.

When he opened his eyes again, it was past two in the afternoon. Xiao Xiaoyu was helping Zhou Lian clean up the house. Zhou Lian saw Jiang Che got up and asked him if he was hungry or thirsty. She asked about his well-being for a while.

At this time, she looked at Jiang Che and had entered the stage of liking him more and more.

Jiang Che was neither thirsty nor hungry.

He wanted to discuss something with Zhou Lian.

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