After the National Day holiday, the whole school was bustling. Jiang Che walked on the road with the three musketeers who returned to school. They were stopped countless times in a short distance.

"Classmate, are you interested in joining our club?"

"Classmate, let's learn about the stamp collecting club!"

"Calligraphy club! Cultivate your character, establish your morality and mind..."

All three of them waved their hands and refused.

Li Feng complained: "Isn't the point of joining a club to find a partner? This group of men are all big and strong. It doesn't look like there are girls in the club. No one would go there!"

Shi Qi had two big dark circles under his eyes: "Moreover, there is actually a singles club..."

Han Teng: "Outrageous."

Jiang Che shook his head and said: "You might as well think about it from another angle. The girls who join this singles club are also single. As long as... Li Feng, why are you going?"

Li Feng turned around and left: "I'm going to the singles club to take a look!"

Jiang Che: "..."

Han Teng: "Fuck! One step too slow! Old Jiang, if you have this kind of thing in the future "If you have any questions, tell me quietly, don't make it public, okay? I'll steal Shi Qi's seeds for you!"

Shi Qi: "No! Old Jiang, tell me how many GB are in my hard drive, I'll give them all to you!"

Jiang Che was speechless and choked: "Thank you, but it's not necessary... Wait! You guys are holding your computer every day, and it's only a dozen GB?"

Shi Qi: "How many GB of seeds!"


Jiang Che gave a thumbs up: "Awesome."

At this time, Han Teng was attracted by a graceful figure, that is, a female general in a costume, with two feathers on her head, heroic and valiant.

Han Teng quickened his pace and walked forward. The female general turned her head to look at him, but when she spoke, it was a man's voice: "Classmate, are you interested in joining our opera club?"

Han Teng ran back, making Jiang Che and Shi Qi almost laugh.

"Basketball Club!! Basketball Club!! CUBA school team members will teach you basketball skills! Classmates see that you are tall and strong, with an extraordinary appearance, and you are really a good material for playing basketball. Do you want to join us? It is not impossible to join the school team!"

Someone tried to recruit Jiang Che to join the basketball club, but Jiang Che refused. Playing basketball occasionally is fine, but there is no need to join the club.

The more people you go to, the more clubs recruit people on the roadside.

"Two-thorn Ape Club, get to know the classmates! They are all girls who can Cosplay! They can also take you to comic exhibitions!"

Several girls in strange costumes held signs, and many people gathered around them. This kind of thing is still quite avant-garde now, and it really attracts people's attention.

As expected, Shi Qi and Han Teng, two old men, were attracted and became one of the people who rushed to sign up to join the team.

Just like that, along the way, Jiang Che was the only one left in the 202 four-man team...

Jiang Che finally joined a Sanda club. He had not exercised much since his rebirth. Although his physique was ridiculously good, it was not a long-term solution to live off his savings.

"Jiang Che... huh? Jiang Che?!"

Jiang Che was brought to the club by the senior who was recruiting students for the club to fill out the registration form. The senior was only happy that someone had joined the club and did not pay attention to Jiang Che himself. When he saw Jiang Che's name on the form, he was startled and looked at Jiang Che carefully.

"Fuck, it's really Jiang Che!"

After confirming that Jiang Che was Jiang Che, the muscular senior went into the training ground at the back and shouted: "Brothers! Go and pull the banner! Jiang Che has joined our Sanda club!"


Jiang Che never dreamed that one day he would become a means of attracting customers and marketing, and he laughed dumbly.

"I forgot to introduce myself!"

The senior student extended his hand to Jiang Che: "My name is Dou Ming, the current vice president of the Sanda Club, managing almost all matters of the club. Welcome Jiang Che to join our Sanda Club!"

After that, he scratched his head and smiled awkwardly: "If you agree, Jiang Che, we want to use you for marketing. There are too few people in our club. If we continue like this, we may be disqualified from the club this year. Don't worry, it will definitely not be in vain! The club fee is free, and then..."

"Then two barbecues." Jiang Che smiled and took over the words that he didn't know what conditions to make.

"No problem!" Dou Ming patted his chest on the spot: "Classmate Jiang Che, let alone two meals, ten meals are no problem!"

"Just call me Jiang Che."

"Okay, then you can call me Dou Ming too. I'm one or two years older than you, but we are the same age."

Dou Ming laughed heartily. He originally thought that Jiang Che was a difficult person to deal with, but he didn't expect that he was so to his liking.

He brought Jiang Che to the training ground at the back and told a few people to hurry up.Go make banners.

Jiang Che looked around the training ground. There were a row of sandbags on both sides and a ring in the middle. At this time, Dou Ming came back and asked Jiang Che why he chose to join the Sanda Club. Was it a hobby or had he learned it before?

"I learned a little bit before, to keep fit." Jiang Che answered like this.

Hearing Jiang Che say that he had learned a little bit, Dou Ming's eyes widened and he was eager to try: "Then do you want to try? It's just right for me to see your level, so that you can keep up with the average level in future training."

Jiang Che nodded: "No problem!"

Hearing Jiang Che agreed.

The members of the Sanda Club in the training ground all surrounded the ring.

Fighting in the ring is a rare scene.

What's more, it was a fight between a school celebrity like Jiang Che and the vice president.

However, although they all came to watch the fun, the people in the Sanda Club did not have any expectations for the content of this ring.

After all, they are not in the same field at all.

Jiang Che and Dou Ming fought for more than five rounds, which was already very impressive!

"Jiang Che, do you want to wear protective gear?" Dou Ming put on his gloves and asked Jiang Che with a smile.

"No." Jiang Che shook his head.

"Well, you have to be careful, I won't show mercy." After Dou Ming finished speaking, he tilted his neck and made a series of crackling sounds.

Both sides took their positions.

The ring began.

Dou Ming took the lead and threw a hook punch towards Jiang Che's left face.

Jiang Che was not in a hurry, and blocked it with his arm and threw an uppercut at the same time.


Dou Ming lay straight down...


The whole place was silent.

There were only two words on everyone's face in an instant.


Dou Ming shook his confused head vigorously, rubbed his chin with his hand, and said incoherently: "You call this just practicing a little? Jiang Che, you don't have martial ethics..."

Jiang Che scratched his head.

He thought he could stretch his muscles.

After all, it had been a lifetime since he had fought.

But he didn't expect that Dou Ming, the vice president, was so weak.


My hurt to you came from overestimating you...

Jiang Che knocked Dou Ming down with one punch, and someone took a picture of it and posted it on the forum and Xianyu. For a while, the whole school knew about Jiang Che's fighting ability, and Dou Ming became a background board. Dou Ming wanted to cry but couldn't stop laughing. Before he even put up the banner, the girls who came to the Sanda Club to sign up came one after another. In just one day, the number of new members exceeded the total of last year.

Seeing this, other clubs also began to think of ways to recruit Jiang Che.

After hearing that Shi Qi and Han Teng were Jiang Che's roommates, the Er Ci Yuan Club wanted them to help bring Jiang Che in, saying that Jiang Che would definitely agree if they asked.

But a group of girls almost whispered in their ears, but they were still rejected by them.

We can ask Jiang Che for you.

It's Jiang Che's own will whether he comes or not.

But if you say that we take advantage of Jiang Che's difficulty in refusing and bring him in like kidnapping...


That's it.

The two just joined the club and then quit.

According to Han Teng: Er Ci Yuan's thinking is incomprehensible.

Shi Qi shouted: If you don't share the same ideals, you can't make plans together.

It was obviously a righteous statement, but the two looked so heartbroken.

Lots of girls, just gone like that...

Jiang Che was overjoyed, and was also touched by the fact that the two of them did not waver in their desire for sex and firmly defended themselves, so he took the two of them out for a big meal.

The seafood buffet cost 288 yuan per person, and they ate it to their heart's content.

After eating and drinking to their heart's content.

The three of them patted their bellies and returned to the dormitory.

However, they saw Li Feng sitting on the bed in frustration.

Jiang Che asked, "What's the situation? Is the plan to chase single girls difficult?"

Hearing Jiang Che's words, his eyes became extremely resentful, and he almost cried as soon as he opened his mouth: "Fuck, the singles club is full of single men, and there is a woman with dozens of people rushing towards her like dogs seeing shit, and I can't even smell the stench..."


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