Jiang Che: "Are you awake?" (three hours ago)

Xiao Xiaoyu: "Jiang... Jiang Che, I overslept, sorry..."

This is a voice message.

After such a long time.

This is the first time that Xiao Xiaoyu has sent a voice message to Jiang Che.

And it started last night.

It was also the first time in such a long time that she called Jiang Che's name without the suffix of "classmate" after it.

She called him softly, but she always stuttered when she opened her mouth.

Jiang Che couldn't help laughing and replied with a voice message in a gentle tone: "Why apologize? Come downstairs."

Xiao Xiaoyu: "Oh! OK!"

Not long after.

Xiao Xiaoyu's figure trotted out of the girls' dormitory building, looked around, and after seeing the white Cayenne, she trotted into the car.

And as soon as she got in the car, she bowed her head deeply.

The reason why Xiao Xiaoyu couldn't sleep last night was because she didn't know how to face Jiang Che.

She also suddenly became extremely lost...

How could she not be afraid of losing.

She has never had it in her life...

"Look up."

But Jiang Che suddenly came over and said.

Xiao Xiaoyu raised her head timidly.

The pair of watery eyes were red and swollen.

"Did you cry last night?" Jiang Che stared at her eyes.

She turned her head away, not daring to look him in the eye, and did not answer, but the result was obvious.

"Put it on your eyes."

Jiang Che took out a bag of milk from his pocket and handed it to Xiao Xiaoyu.

Xiao Xiaoyu took it, and the milk was still hot.

Her eyes were immediately moist again, and she quickly put the milk bag on her eyes.


All things are inferior, only reading is superior.

Jiang Che followed Xiao Xiaoyu to study. At first, Jiang Che watched her study for a while, but after a few days, it became Jiang Che who often pointed out Xiao Xiaoyu's mistakes. She opened her cherry lips and listened absentmindedly, and finally nodded seriously, which made people want to rub her head.

Jiang Che found that after finally realizing his feelings, Xiao Xiaoyu became very obedient.

When asked if it was cold in the dormitory, she said it was cold. When asked if she wanted to live here, she told Jiang Che seriously that it was not too cold. If it rained like it did some time ago, she would stay here...

Jiang Che originally wanted to install a heater in Xiao Xiaoyu's dormitory, so that she could get closer to her roommates, but the dormitory manager disagreed, and the dormitory switch disagreed...

Since that day, the three of them in 202 have been studying hard. The guilt in their hearts suddenly made them understand a lot, but this understanding could not alleviate their guilt.

Shi Qi and Han Teng often came to Jiang Che to smoke a cigarette, and then repeatedly asked Jiang Che if they were too much. Li Feng didn't talk when he smoked, but suddenly went crazy in the middle of the night and sat up and slapped himself twice.

This situation lasted for a week before it finally subsided.

The three agreed not to go home after the holiday, but to visit the guy they had hurt. Although the story was very tragic, Jiang Che repeatedly reminded the three to be careful and not to get hurt...

The final exams were getting closer and closer, and the first college holiday for Jiang Che's students was also in the countdown.

Jiang Che had completely mastered the knowledge of various subjects to be taken this semester, and entered a boring stage. He went to the Sanda Club more frequently.

"Charity cocktail party? Yeah, okay, I have time."

Chen Yun called, Linyuan Xianyu received an invitation to a large-scale charity cocktail party held by the government, and asked Jiang Che if he had time to attend. Jiang Che agreed. Xianyu did not ask for cooperation or investment, but after all, he was located in Hangzhou, and he should show his face when it was time.

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Che changed into a thick winter sportswear. The Sanda Club's training hall was indeed a bit cold. He was about to complain to Dou Ming when he heard Dou Ming's voice outside: "Jiang Che is here? Where is he?"

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