Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 1011: Stargate crisis

The first thousand and twelfth chapter stargate crisis

Zhuo Bufan took Ye Ziqin and Long Geyue slowly towards the exit of Lop Nur, and the backs of the three slowly disappeared at the end of the sunset and the desert.

Half a year is not too long for cultivators, but it is not a short time for ordinary people.

"I haven't been back for a long time, I don't know if my mother will worry about me."

Zhuo Bufan whispered to himself, the corner of his mouth showed a helpless and somewhat delighted smile, and shook his head.

The situation inside the Stargate is not very good.

"Puppet corpse gate ancestor, you forgot how the leader treats you, and you actually repay your virtue with resentment?"

Cheng Yingwu's chest and clothes were in tatters, and he looked very embarrassed, with a dazzling blood hanging from the corner of his mouth.

Next to them were Dong Xiangyun and Qiu Xingjian, both of whom were also seriously injured and supported by their disciples.

Behind the three elders were disciples of the Star Gate, and most of them were wounded.

Opposite these people, there are many strange people standing, among them are the ancestors with the puppet corpse gate and the black robe elders.

The ancestor of the puppet corpse gate held a dead wood in his hand, his skin was wrinkled like bark, and his whole body was covered in a red gown. He buckled his back, took a step slowly, and immediately raised his head, revealing a terrible picture. His face is pitted, and none of it is good, which makes his whole body ooze.


The ancestor of the puppet sect suddenly sighed, shook his head and said: "Zhuo Sect is indeed a talented person, of course, he has also given me a lot of help, and even taught me the exercises."

A hoarse and dry voice came from his throat, which made the whole body sweat.

"However, I am a monk and the ancestor of the puppet corpse gate. As long as one day my life is in your hands, then I will not be at ease for a moment. My betrayal today is actually doomed. Elder Cheng , What do you think?" The puppet corpse gate ancestor let out a gloomy laugh.

"If it weren't for the help of real person Fujun, how dare I betray the Star Gate." The ancestor of the puppet corpse gate suddenly cast his eyes on a white-haired old man with a bright head in front, with a little awe in his eyes.

The white-haired old man in front of him is the real Fujun, and there are other people from the Hidden Sect. Today, the ancestor of the puppet corpse gate and the black robe elder betrayed the star gate, stole the token without authorization and opened the guard. The mountain formation method allowed the real person Fujun to lead people into the star gate easily.

"Ancestor, what you promised me has been done, and I will naturally fulfill my promises." The real person Fu Jun held behind his back with one hand, and stretched out a wooden sign in his right hand, with a trace of blood lingering on it.

Real person Fu Jun held the wooden sign, and the blood on it disappeared instantly.

The ancestor of the puppet corpse gate and the elder of the black robe showed excitement on their faces at the same time, feeling that the shackles in the dark had been broken away.

"Thank you Fu Jun!"

"Thank you Fu Jun!"

The two men bent over and arched their hands at the same time.

Real person Fu Jun didn't even look at them, his gaze fell directly on Cheng Ying and others, "Shadow Killer is the head of your Star Gate, and Shadow Killer defeated several Hidden Sect elders in Lop Nor. A terrible felony, but he has fallen now, but you star gate must bear the consequences."

Hearing what he said, the disciples of the Star Gate gritted their teeth with hatred.

Cheng Ying even sneered and spit out blood on the ground, "I bah, you dare to insult the head of my star gate, if you really want revenge, why don't you come after the head enters the space crack? To wait until now, are you afraid that the headmaster will come out of Xiancheng?"

Zhenren Fu Jun frowned.

The faces of the ancestors of the puppet corpse gate and the black robe elders showed a trace of worry and fear, and their pupils contracted slightly. They were really afraid that Zhuo Bufan would come out of the fairy city.

The people in the other hidden doors also showed a trace of fear and worry on their faces.

Cheng Ying's words had already been in their thoughts, and it took Zhuo Bufan into the space crack for half a year before they dared to gather for revenge, and they were afraid that Zhuo Bufan would really come back from Xiancheng.

"Hehe, how dangerous the space cracks are. Needless to say, even if the innate strong stepped into it, it would be a lifetime of nine deaths. Although Zhuo Bufan is amazing and surpasses the martial arts world of Lan Guo, he is not innate after all. He has not come out in half a year and is dead. Inside." The real person Fu Jun said coldly, his eyes condensed like lightning.

The faces of Cheng Ying, Dong Xiangyun, and Qiu Xingjian were slightly discolored.

The angry faces of the Star Clan disciples standing behind could not help showing a hint of pain and confusion.

Even the strong innate cannot survive the cracks in space, can Zhuo Bufan really come back?

Half a year is not long, but it is enough to consume the faith and patience of many people.

"The son will definitely come back. If you stay and apologize now, maybe the son can spare you one life." Suddenly, a man with double ponytails and a white and cyan embroidered dress, looks beautiful, like a fairy, cheating. Saixue's arm was holding a purple-cyan sword.

But the light on the sword was already a little bleak.

But the woman holding the sword has an extremely tough look on her lovely and delicate face.

"I also believe that the headmaster will come back." With blood on the corner of his mouth, Xiao Haiyang stood up holding a dagger, his eyes staring at the real person Fu Jun like a torch.

"I also believe that the person in charge will definitely come back and destroy your group." Xiao Xing also stood up.

Real person Fu Jun looked at the servant sword, "Are you the maid of the Shadow Killer? I am afraid that only you believe that the Shadow Killer will come back."

As he said, Mr. Fu Jun shook his head, his face full of disdain.

"I also believe my son will come back." Suddenly, a woman stood up and stared at Real Person Fu Jun. Although she only had the cultivation base of the initial stage of Qi training, she faced the real person Fu Jun at the peak of the foundation. But there is no timidity or fear, only incomparable determination.

Real person Fu Jun frowned slightly, with a playful smile on his face, "Oh, then, you are the mother of Shadow Killer?"

"Auntie." Shi Jian frowned, with a worried expression on her pretty face.

She didn't want to reveal the identity of Zhou Biyu and others, but she didn't expect Zhou Biyu to take the initiative to stand up.

"Brother Xiao Fan will be back." Zhuo Shanshan also stood up.

Zhuo Mei, Su Mei, and Miao Zhu also followed.

"Well, I didn't expect the family of Shadow Killer to be here. If you tell all of Shadow Killer's things and secrets, maybe I will consider giving you a happy one." Moral Fu Jun said lightly.

"Yes, hand over the things of Shadow Kill, otherwise, you will only have a dead end."

"The crime of shadow killing is not redeemable, teach his treasures and cultivation techniques."

The person in the hidden gate also followed the noise.

Zhuo Luo suddenly took a step and stood in front of the real person Fu Jun. Facing the master in the hidden door, Zhuo Luo looked serious, frowned, with a somewhat majestic attitude, without any fear.

"I am Xiaofan's father Zhuo Luo. You gather here and keep saying that my son is a demon, just to make an excuse for you to covet my son's treasure." Zhuo Luo said with disdain.

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