The first thousand and twenty-third chapters of the mysterious box

The formation used by Zhuo Bufan is not very complicated. People with the mental power of Zhang Qiang can also describe it, but the power required on the armor is aura. After the armor is used for a period of time, it needs to be supplemented in a place with ample aura. Similar to the effect of charging, if the Wumeng can find spirit stones or energy stones, it can increase the combat time of the battle armor.

To help Lan Guo Wumeng, Zhuo Bufan himself, as a Lan Guo citizen, wants to dedicate a little of his own strength, but Zhuo Bufan cannot teach more, otherwise it will break the balance of the world, and his secrets will be lost to other places. Knowing that it is bound to cause more trouble for myself.

However, after visiting the research base this time, Zhuo Bufan has a better understanding of the strength of the current great powers.

The place that Elder Lou took him to visit is probably not the core equipment research base of the Wumeng. It is very likely that Lan Guo has already developed super weapons such as lasers, electromagnetic guns, or small nuclear weapons.

In the face of these weapons, perhaps even the strong innate will be afraid.

So, as the Eagle Nation, the current overlord of the Blue Star, whether it has more powerful weapons, Zhuo Bufan frowned. With his current strength, it is indeed impossible for the Blue Star to run rampant. At least these super weapons hidden by the current powers, It can make him jealous.

Zhuo Bufan took his sword to eat in the restaurant, planning to leave Tianlan City and return to the Star Gate after the meal.

After all, Zhuo Bufan has completely offended the hidden gate now, and there are innate strong people in the hidden gate, and he must hurry up to cultivate.

When the two were eating, suddenly a figure appeared in front of them.

"Hey, why are you here?" Shi Jian said with a cold tone, curling his mouth.

Standing by the table is Huo Yongshi in casual clothes.

Huo Yongshi looked at Zhuo Bufan with embarrassment on her face and suddenly said: "Mr. Zhuo, I'm sorry about the last time, I was not very polite at the time."

Hearing what he said, Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but stunned for a moment, raised his head, and said indifferently: "You sent someone to follow me just to apologize to me?"

After leaving the base, Zhuo Bufan discovered that someone was following him, but Zhuo Bufan ignored him. With his current strength, the only people who could pose a threat to him were the powerful innate powers in the current world and the hidden gate.

It was just that Huo Yongshi would come to him to apologize in person.

"I came to see Mr. Zhuo. Actually, it was not just an apology, but my grandfather wanted to talk to Mr. Zhuo for a while." Huo Yongshi said, biting her thin lip.

After seeing Zhuo Bufan’s ‘super power’ in the base, Huo Yongshi felt that his outlook on life had been subverted.

"Your grandfather is looking for me?" Zhuo Bufan frowned. Now that he is in his current position, he has no communication with ordinary businessmen. After all, he doesn't need money now.

"Well, my grandfather invites you to visit the house, saying that there are some things that will interest Mr. Zhuo." Huo Yongshi said.

Zhuo Bufan frowned, pondered for a moment and said: "Yeah."

Although Huo Jiaming is an ordinary person, he is the man at the helm of the Huo Family in Skylane City. The other party invited him to be a guest, and he must be asking for something. Huo Jiaming must be a smart person, and there is nothing that can't move him. I will never invite myself easily.

After dinner, Zhuo Bufan came to Huo's house with his sword.

Seeing the style of the Huo family, even Zhuo Bufan was a little surprised. The Huo family’s manor occupies a small portion of the Hongye Mountain.

"Mr. Zhuo, you are here."

It seems that Zhuo Bufan has long been known to come back, and Huo Jiaming is already waiting at the door.

"Mr. Huo." Zhuo Bufan's expression was indifferent.

Huo Jiaming invited Zhuo Bufan into the living room and immediately looked at Huo Yongshi and said: "Little poem, you go make two cups of tea and bring it to Mr. Zhuo."

Huo Yongshi squirmed her lips when she heard Huo Jiaming's words, and finally nodded and walked out, making two cups of fragrant tea.

"Mr. Zhuo, please use tea." Huo Yongshi put the tea away and stood obediently behind Huo Jiaming.

Zhuo Bufan held the tea cup, took a sip, and immediately looked at Huo Jiaming and said, "Mr. Huo invited me to be a guest at home, probably not just to buy me a cup of tea?"

Huo Jiaming smiled and said: "Mr. Zhuo, this time I invite you to my house, at least not to invite you to drink tea. Xiao Shi has already told about the things that happened last time. It is because she did something wrong. Xiao Shi is not happy. Apologize to Mr. Zhuo."

"Grandpa, I have already made amends with him." Huo Yongshi said, still whistling: "I'm sorry, Mr. Zhuo."

With an arrogant personality like Huo Yongshi, I am afraid that without Huo Jiaming's pressure, he would definitely not apologize for being an ‘extraordinary’.

"Actually, I asked Mr. Zhuo to come. One is to ask Xiao Shi to apologize to you, and the other is to invite Mr. Zhuo to see something." Huo Jiaming said, whispering to the servant around him.

Soon, the servant took out a photo from the room upstairs and presented it to Zhuo Bufan.

"Mr. Zhuo, please see what this thing is?" Huo Jiaming frowned and said with a solemn expression.

Zhuo Bufan took the photo and took a closer look. It seemed that the photo was taken in an exhibition hall. Inside it was a black wooden box with many strange symbols and patterns carved, giving people a very strange feeling.

Zhuo Bufan frowned. The first time he saw the photo, he felt that there seemed to be some secret hidden in it.

Although I didn't see the real thing, only seeing the photos can also make people feel a weird and gloomy feeling, which shows that this box is not ordinary.

"My son, how does this box look so weird? The symbols on it feel weird." Shi Jian stood by and said with frowned eyebrows.

Huo Jiaming said: "Our Huo family also has some industries abroad. This box was dug from under a developed real estate and sent to an exhibition under our group. However, some weird things happened afterwards. People who have touched this box ended up going crazy for no reason and then committed suicide."

"Mr. Zhuo is not an ordinary person, I think this box Mr. Zhuo will definitely be interested." Huo Jiaming quietly patted Zhuo Bufan's flattery.

Zhuo Bufan said with a smile: "This thing is indeed unusual and has a devilish nature. I do have some interest, but I don't know why Huo didn't hand it in?"

Huo Jiaming was stunned for a moment, and then said with a faint smile: "This is not a cultural relic, but it seems a bit strange. If it is helpful to Mr. Zhuo, I will treat him as a friend of Huo Jia and Mr. Zhuo."

Zhuo Bufan didn't say anything. Huo Jiaming was able to create such a large family business, and his thoughts were meticulous. Just like his relationship with the Martial Arts Alliance, he would give up the interests of a certain individual when he encountered the need to consider the interests of all.

Huo Jiaming's doing this is nothing more than trying to get closer to him, and it will be good for the Huo Family in the future.

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