The first thousand and fifty-eight chapters were once brilliant

"Hey, what is the relationship between him and you?" Wu Yuexin showed teasing in his eyes, and suddenly covered his mouth and said: "Could he be the first love you told me before?"

Chen Qingai looked at the backs of Zhuo Bufan and Tang Yitong, hesitated for a moment, and nodded.

"Really? You guys are too fate, right?" Wu Yuexin looked like a gossip, "I heard you say that he is an incredible figure, he became an alliance martial arts elite at a young age, too powerful ."

Chen Qingai took a sip of coffee with a slight smile on the corner of her mouth, and then said: "Yes, he used to have a ray of light on his body. Even at that time, I secretly regretted it. It's because of him, so I don't look down on any of the boys who pursued me in Harvard. He is my dream and pain."

Wu Yuexin looked at Chen Qingai in surprise, listening to her tone, she seemed to be telling things about the past, she hadn't paid attention just now, and now suddenly she felt from her own best friend that a strong person can only have it. confidence.

"What about now?" Wu Yuexin frowned Liu Ye and asked.

Chen Qingai put down the coffee cup in his hand, shook his head and said, "Now he is no longer a dream beyond my reach. I have a greater pursuit. The higher a person stands, the higher I will see different scenery. He mixed up with the people from Tang Sect. He must have offended someone in the country and he had to come out."

"We want three presidential suites." Tang Yitong walked to the front desk and said in fluent English.

"Madam, I'm sorry, our presidential suite on the first floor has been booked by the gentleman just now, so for the time being, only ordinary rooms are available for you." The receptionist said with a smile.

Tang Yitong frowned, clenched his fists, and said angrily: "Huh, what kind of person, he can live in a whole layer by himself."

"Forget it, normal rooms are fine." Zhuo Bufan said.

Tang Yitong had no choice but to open three ordinary rooms in the end. In the evening Zhuo Bufan originally planned to practice in the room, but he couldn't meet Tang Yitong's request and let him go out together. Zhuo Bufan had no choice but to agree.

The most famous in Las Vegas is the casino. Zhuo Bufan, Tang Yitong and Norman went to Caesars Casino. There are various gambling tools, free food and red wine, and the decoration is magnificent and well-dressed men and women. Shuttle through it.

And the casino is brightly lit, like daylight, and there is no clock set, which can make gamblers become obsessed with the gambling and forget the time. However, there are bodyguards and cameras everywhere in the casino to prevent people from making trouble or going out of business. This kind of large-scale casino has a very deep background, and most people don't dare to make trouble here, which also ensures the safety of gamblers.

Tang Yitong and Norman exchanged chips and prepared to play, Zhuo Bufan planned to look around. After all, if he gambled, it is estimated that he could win the casino and close.

"Hey, two beauties, why don't you let me play with you for a while?"

"Go away."

Suddenly, Zhuo Bufan heard a familiar voice, turned his head, and was taken aback for a moment. He saw two Lan Guo-faced women sitting at the gaming table playing blackjack.

"Chen Qingai?" Zhuo Bufan frowned when he saw one of the women.

Last time I was in Seattle, Zhuo Bufan didn't expect to meet her again in Las Vegas.

However, Chen Qingai also had a black youth and a white youth who seemed to be struggling with each other.

"Beauty, you might not know who I am? My father is the president of the Las Vegas Gaming Union, and my name is Dillon." The white young man said, his face showing arrogance.

You must know that Las Vegas is most famous for the gaming industry. The other party's father is the president of the union, and his status is already very high here.

Chen Qingai said with a smile: "I'll let you go, don't you understand English?"

"Beauty, you won't give me face, believe it or not, I won't let you out today?" Ti Long frowned, his face showing a cruel look.

Zhuo Bufan was planning to go to help, Chen Qingai looked at him coldly and said, "If you know Billy, leave here quickly."

Hearing Chen Qingai's words, the white youth and the black youth's complexion changed wildly, and they became stammered: "Are you a guest of Master Billy?"

"I'll let you go." Chen Qingai said without curiosity.

The two hesitated for a moment, and walked to the side dingy.

Zhuo Bufan is a little curious, who is Master Billy in Chen Qingai's mouth?

"Xiao Ai, who is Senior Billy? Why are they so scared?" Wu Yuexin frowned and asked curiously.

Chen Qingai said: "Billy's hometown is in Las Vegas, where 30% of the industry is owned by his family."

"Thirty percent of the industry?" Wu Yuexin covered her small mouth with an incredulous expression. "Before, Senior Billy was so low-key at school. I never thought that the family was so strong."

Zhuo Bufan had walked up to the two of them and said, "Xiao Ai."

"Are you here?" Chen Qingai had actually discovered Zhuo Bufan a long time ago, but he didn't take the initiative to ask for hello.

"Hello, my name is Wu Yuexin." Wu Yuexin stretched out her little hand very readily.

"Zhuo Bufan."

Zhuo Bufan gave her a light grip and released it.

Chen Qingai looked at Zhuo Bufan and simply stood up and said, "Shall we talk?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment, nodded, and walked to sit down on the sofa in the rest area with Chen Qingai.

"Xiao Ai, what are you doing in Eagle Country? Who is that Young Master Billy that you just mentioned?" Zhuo Bufan said straightforwardly.

Although the two had some unhappy pasts, Zhuo Bufan still regarded Chen Qingai as his friend in his heart and didn't want her to be harmed.

Chen Qingai frowned Liu Ye's eyebrows and said: "What I do in Eagle Country has nothing to do with you. Master Billy is my senior. But what are you doing in Las Vegas, and have you mixed up with Tang Sect people?"

"You also know Tang Sect?" Zhuo Bufan faintly felt that Chen Qingai seemed to have come into contact with something different.

Chen Qingai said with a cold expression: "Why can't I know? Everyone is an old classmate. I also remind you that it is best to stay away from the people of Tang Sect and don't get involved in their affairs. I know that you can martial arts and are very good at it. , But this world is more complicated than you think. You are not invincible in the world, and with your character, you will get into trouble sooner or later."

"My character?" Zhuo Bufan smiled helplessly: "You mean I don't understand and bow my head?"

"You don't understand the truth of being easy to break. You shined in Golden State a few years ago. At that time, you were so radiant and humiliated my parents. It also made me embarrassed, regretted, and even tempted. But that was a few years ago after all, and I am no longer the ignorant little girl back then." Chen Qingai's tone became a little harsh.

"Really? I was really too sharp at the beginning, but we have already figured out those things, haven't we?" Zhuo Bufan smiled indifferently.

A few years ago, he was like a sharp sword, but now his heart is like a vast ocean, which can contain everything. Only with this kind of Dao heart can he go farther and be the heart of a truly strong man.

"Okay, let's not talk about the previous things, but I remind you to stay away from Tang Sect and be careful of being used as gunmen by them." Chen Qing Ai took a deep breath and said.

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