Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 1067: Marriage of Budo

The first thousand sixty-eight chapters martial arts marriage

The crowd onlookers immediately took the initiative to give up a passage, looking at Zhuo Bufan with awe in their eyes, and some women were envious, and kept winking at Zhuo Bufan, hoping to be favored by this rich man.

"Wow, you were so handsome just now, did you see that, when you came out, those women couldn't wait to rush into your arms."

Sitting in the car, Wu Yuexin clutched his belly and laughed.

"Really? Why didn't I see it." Zhuo Bufan smiled, took out a box and handed it to Wu Yuexin, "This is for you, just as if you took me shopping today, you will be paid."

"Ah, I can't ask for such a valuable thing."

When Wu Yuexin saw it, her face suddenly changed color. Although her father was an antique of Aoye Hotel, he was worth only 500 million yuan. The gift that Zhuo Bufan took out was a pair of red diamond earrings, which was worth two. A hundred million, almost the average value of her family.

"Give it to you, you just take it, it may be very valuable to you, but it is very ordinary to me." Zhuo Bufan said lightly.

In this situation, it's like giving an insignificant gift casually.

Wu Yuexin was shocked again, what is Zhuo Bufan's identity?

Is it the son of the richest man in China? But it seems that the other party's surname is Wang Bu and Zhuo.

Even the son of the richest man didn't spend money like that. He always used a billion to buy things, and he even gave him two billion.

Although Wu Yuexin is beautiful, she also knows herself that she is not a fairy yet. With Zhuofan's identity and money, she can casually find many girls like her to accompany her.

"But it's really too expensive, I can't ask for it." Wu Yuexin shook his head embarrassedly.

"I'll give it to you, and you can hold it."

Zhuo Bufan said with a smile.

Although Wu Yuexin felt that the boy in front of him was a bit dull and ordinary, but what he said had an irresistible majesty. Wu Yuexin had no choice but to put the box in his pocket, but he was very uncommon for Zhuo. The identity has become more and more curious.

At this time, the sky was already dark, and the city was brightly lit.

"Well, I should also meet in the hotel, do you have time to give it a ride?" Zhuo Bufan asked.


Wu Yuexin's little chicken nodded like a peck.

At this moment, someone suddenly walked to the car window in a hurry, knocked on the car window with his hand, bang bang bang.


Wu Yuexin frowned and slowly lowered the car window. An old man appeared outside the window, wearing a straight suit with a clean face, full of wrinkles and a smile.

"Uncle Gao, why are you here?" Wu Yuexin said with her mouth curled, apparently knowing the other party.

"Master is looking for you everywhere. Tonight is Young Master Ma's birthday party. Did you forget the eldest?" Gao Bo said with a smile.

Zhuo Bufan frowned. Although this Gao Bo had been talking to Wu Yuexin, his eyes never left him. Even Zhuo Bufan felt the presence of qi from his body. The opponent was obviously a martial artist. It's just that it's still far from the realm of the master, and the age is already high, so there is no hope of being a master in this life.

Wu Yuexin patted her white forehead, "Hey, I almost forgot."

"Since you have a banquet, then I will go back by myself." Zhuo Bufan nodded and said.

Who knows, he was about to get out of the car, but Wu Yuexin quietly pulled his clothes, winked at him, and immediately looked at Gao Bo and said, "I will go later, but my friend will also go."

"This..." Gao Bo was obviously hesitant on his face.

"If you don't let my friend go, then I won't go either." Wu Yuexin said with a small mouth.

"Well, I hope the lady can make it to the time, otherwise the master will be angry." After Gao said, he walked towards an Audi car parked by the road.

Wu Yuexin breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Zhuo Bufan and said: "Zuo Bufan, I'm sorry, can you please do me a favor."

"What's busy?" Zhuo Bufan frowned and said.

"Today is the Ma family organizing a banquet, we will also attend, and my dad deliberately brought me and Ma Wenliang that Ma family together. I have no feeling for him at all, and he is a big **** monster, often looking for women outside. , Has a bad reputation in Las Vegas circles."

Wu Yuexin gritted her silver teeth, her cheeks full of resentment.

"Such a man, didn't your dad push you into the fire pit?" Zhuo Bufan asked suspiciously.

Although Wu Yuexin's family is not particularly rich, it is also a wealthy family, so she wouldn't easily marry a woman to such a person.

"In fact, we Lan people earn a lot of living in Las Vegas, but they are all suppressed by other foreign families and forces. My dad also encountered some difficulties and troubles during this period. The Ma family has a relationship with another foreign family. It's better, so my dad wants to rely on the Ma family relationship..."

Wu Yuexin said, her eyes flushed, and crystal tears flickered in her eye sockets.

Zhuo Bufan understood that Wu Yuexin's father wanted to marry his daughter to a member of the Ma family, thus relying on that local family.

"Well, I don't have anything to do at night anyway." Zhuo Bufan said with a smile.

Help others to the end, not to mention that the other party is also Chen Qingai's best friend, and can be regarded as one's own friend.

"That's great, but I'm afraid I will cause you trouble." Wu Yuexin said with some worry.

"Don't worry about this. In Eagle Country, I don't care about the others except for the Eagle Country." Zhuo Bufan said lightly, but his body showed a domineering arrogance.

"Eagle Country?"

Wu Yuexin buttoned his head, not understanding what Zhuo Bufan meant, thinking Zhuo Bufan was just joking.

"What, you said Xiaoyue was with a man?"

In a certain box, a middle-aged man in a suit furrowed his brows tightly, his tone was a bit cold.

Gao Bo said: "It's probably an ordinary friend of the young lady. Master doesn't need to be so angry.

"Can I not be angry? I have always wanted to match her marriage to Shao Ma. She has always sang against me. No matter what she is going to do, I will announce her engagement to Shao Ma today." Wu Qingyun snorted coldly.

"Master, I don't know if I should say it or not." Gao Bo bowed slightly: "We all know that Miss Ma doesn't like Ma Shao. If Miss Ma and Ma Shao are forced to get engaged, I am afraid that Miss Ma will not agree. , This will also make you father and daughter, turn your heads into enemies."

Wu Qingyun frowned and said with a solemn expression: "This matter can't help her, even if she hates me, she can't help it. If the family really falls, then she will turn from the daughter of a daughter to a beggar woman, how will she support herself? Besides, I have offended many people in the past. If our family falls, we will suffer fierce revenge, unless...unless she can find a family son who is stronger than Ma Shao as a backer."

"Okay, let's not talk about this matter, and prepare to go to Majiashan Shui Manor." Wu Qingyun sighed and slowly stood up, but the body that should have been straight was slightly rickety.

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