Chapter One Thousand and Eighty Two


Zhuo Bufan stood on top of Qiao's head and stepped down.

Just stepping on top of Joe's head, Joe suddenly fell like a cannonball, knocking a deep pit mark on the ground.


Qiao flew up from the ground immediately, but at the same time Zhuo Bufan shook again and appeared on Qiao's left side, punching Qiao in the face.

The other party flew away again.

Zhuo Bufan's speed was so fast that ordinary people's eyes couldn't catch his movements at all, as if he had disappeared.

I can only see Joe flying up and down in the sky.

As for Yula, Huofeng and others, they could see a little bit of Zhuo Bufan's shadow, but they were already shocked.

Zhuo Bufan's speed surpassed their imagination. Even Yola, who is known for his speed, is far behind Zhuo Bufan's speed at the moment.

Moreover, carrying on such a high-speed movement, the load carried by the body is huge, even Hades dare not maintain such a fast movement for a long time.

But Zhuo Bufan seemed very relaxed.

Treating Joe as a sandbag, he kept beating.

Qiao suffocated and almost vomited blood, but Zhuo Bufan's fists didn't hurt him much.

But being hit by Zhuo Bufan all the time, he didn't have time to react, it was the thing that made him most depressed.


Zhuo Bufan knocked Qiao away again, and then did not catch up. Instead, he stood in the air and squeezed his fists. "I vented a bit, and I felt a lot better."

At this time, among the guests who came to visit the Tang Sect, everyone was dumbfounded.

Humans can fly in the air, and the destructive power of humans is no less than that of magic weapons.

These people are like the super powers in the Avengers.

"Damn it, you have successfully angered me."

At this time, Joe had revealed his original mask. He was a European and American man with a pale face. He was a bit handsome, but his face was pale, which made him look a bit more sullen.

Zhuo Bufan originally thought that he should be an old man with a dry face, but he did not expect to be a handsome young man.

It's just that Zhuo Bufan felt a strange power from the opponent's body.

"God curse!"

Joe opened his arms, revealing two thin and white arms. A little drop of blood appeared on the arms, floating in the air, and immediately in front of Joe, forming a strange and complicated pattern.

A faint blood glow emanated from the pattern, and a strange breath spread.

Everyone present felt a trembling from the soul.

Those guests who had originally stood at the entrance of Tangmen suddenly widened their eyes, the figure in their pupils spread out, and a drop of blood appeared on the top of their heads, and their souls were directly extracted by Qiao's technique.

Zhuo Bufan frowned, a finger fell, and a golden light fell on the crowd, covering Ada and some people around it, blocking the attack of Bloodlight.

Ada was frightened and looked at the tough young man in the sky, with a hint of gratitude in her eyes.

Suddenly, a pillar of blood condensed as thick as a tree suddenly fell on Zhuo Bufan's body.

For a moment, Zhuo Bufan felt that the aura and true essence in his body seemed to be infested with evil aura, and he couldn't use it.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan's palm radiated a golden light, and the first golden light flew towards Joe.

Joe stood there, facing the flying golden light, he didn't even have the idea of ​​avoiding it.

Zhuo Bufan wrinkled, and Jin Guang suddenly penetrated through Qiao's body.

A scar suddenly appeared on Joe's body, and the back could be seen from the front.

Just a moment, the blood on Joe's body began to flow to the wound, the bloodshot squirming together, slowly began to repair the wound that was injured, and after a short while, it returned to its original appearance.

"You can never kill me, but I can slowly consume you, even if you are strong, you will still hate it today."

Joe grinned and showed a pale smile.

"Is it?"

Suddenly a cold light appeared in Zhuo Bufan's pupils.

Immediately stretched out his left hand, on the palm of the left hand, a blood-red demon sword slowly rose up, about three inches, from above it exuded an oppressive force.

"This, what is this?"

When the Demon Saber appeared, everyone present had a kind of fear from the heart, feeling that their own life and death had been controlled by Zhuo Bufan.


The Demon Blade left a **** glow in the air, and it reached Joe in a flash.

Joe's eyes widened and his soul trembled. From birth to now, he had never felt this kind of fear and horror.

"Master, spare my life!"

Suddenly, Joe knelt down and shouted loudly.

The demon knife finally stayed less than half an inch from Joe's forehead, making a humming sound.

The cold sweat fell on Qiao's forehead, and he could feel that this knife could easily strip his life away.

Yura, Huofeng, and Kenneth were all stunned at the same time.

Joe is the leader of the dark night, and his position in the Western world is the highest level of existence, and following Joe's side, they know more about Joe's fear and Joe's pride.

But in the face of life and death, Qiao actually kneeled to this Lan Guo boy.

"Master, go around me, Joe is willing to serve you all his life."

Qiao said tremblingly, the arrogant temperament he had just lost at all.

At this time, it was like an ordinary person with a strong desire to win.

"Oh, are you scared?"

Zhuo Bufan said lightly.

A drop of essence and blood slowly emerged from Qiao's brow and flew towards Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan hesitated for a moment, grabbed the essence and blood in his hands, sealed his hands, immediately pulled the blood, and made a blood oath.

In the dark, Qiao's body trembled, and he felt that his life was completely in Zhuo Bufan's hands. As long as Zhuo Bufan's thoughts in his heart, his soul could be annihilated.

"Well, if you dare to have fancy ideas, I can wipe you out from thousands of miles away." Zhuo Bufan said lightly.

Joe lowered his head and exclaimed respectfully: "Master."

A flash of horror flashed in Qiao's eyes. He did donate his essence and blood just now, but he still had a way to cancel the blood oath, but just now he didn’t know what secret technique Zhuo Bufan used, he actually felt that he could not escape Zhuo Bufan’s. palm.

"See the master."

At this time, Yula, Huofeng, and Kenneth also knelt down on one knee and shouted respectfully.

Tang Rulong, Tang Yitong and others were surprised.

Zhuo Bufan actually conquered several super powers in an instant, and the combined strength of these powers could become a super power.

Tang Rulong felt even more sad.

Even if the ancestor of the Tang Sect came back, facing Zhuo Bufan and Qiao, he might not have the strength to overcome.

Zhuo Bufan left Qiao just wanting to know about the ruins of the ancient battlefield, and immediately led Qiao, Huofeng and others into the Tangmen lobby.

The bodyguards in the Tang Sect took the initiative to give way, with awe and horror on their faces.

"I'm just here waiting for Tang Sect ancestor to come over."

Zhuo Bufan Dama Jindao sat in the first place and said lightly.

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