Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 1088: Find the difference

Chapter One Thousand Eighty-Nine

In fact, from the distance just now, Zhuo Bufan heard clearly.

"Nothing, I don't like him." Guo Yan said with a sigh.

Zhuo Bufan frowned, his brother's sister, that is his sister, who would dare to harass her?

"Li Zheng looks good on the surface, has a good family background, good academic performance, and a gentle person, but he is actually a **** and I don't know how many girlfriends I have had. I don't like this kind of person."

Guo Yan muttered to herself and said helplessly.

But she also thinks that Li Zheng and Luo Xue are friends, so it's not easy to say too decisively with Li Zheng.

"If he dares to harass you, just tell me." A cold color flashed in Zhuo Bufan's eyes.

"I see, Brother Xiao Fan."

Guo Yan nodded obediently, and simply took Zhuo Bufan's arm and strode towards Sun Plaza.

"Brother Xiao Fan, let's play in the park for a while in the afternoon. You can feed the peace pigeons. You are telling me about your affairs." Guo Yan smiled happily.

"What can I do." Zhuo Bufan smiled helplessly.

In front of him, Guo Yan was still the same as before, just like a cute little sister.

at this time.

Standing at the door of the hotel, Li Zheng stared at Guo Yan holding Zhuo Bufan's intimacy. He gritted his teeth and squeezed his fists, a sulky color flashed deep in his eyes.

"What's wrong, Shao Li." Xu Gang walked over, squinted his eyes slightly, and asked with a smile.

"It's nothing, it's just a little upset." Li Zheng snorted softly.

Xu Gang looked at the situation outside the window and said, "Shao Li, you see that kid is upset, it's better to find someone to show him some color."

Hearing Xu Gang's words, Luo Xue, who was nestling beside him, frowned and said, "That's not good. After all, he is Guo Yan's brother. If Yanzi finds out, he will definitely fall out with me."

"It's nothing to do with you again. We just watched that kid get upset. Seeing his appearance, he doesn't have any connections. It's just a lesson to him." Xu Gang chuckled lightly.

"All right, remember not to make heavy moves." Luo Xue said worriedly.

Li Zheng's eyes flashed with a shadow, and immediately took out his cell phone to make a call, walked to the side and said a few words.

Hanging up the phone, Li Zheng said: "In the afternoon, I will invite you to play in the KTV. Tomorrow night I will take you to the boxing match."

"Really?" Luo Xue said with some excitement.

She had heard that underground boxing matches were very exciting, but it didn't matter that it was difficult to get tickets.

"Who is Shao Li? It has something to do with the Paul family. It's a simple matter of getting a few tickets." Xu Gang said with a smile, and patted Li You's flattery without a trace.

Li You's father actually worked as a senior businessman in a branch of the Paul family. He didn't even have the qualifications to see Paul's family butler in terms of status. But Xu Gang brags about face like this, and Li Zheng will naturally not refute it.

After speaking, the three left the hotel with a smile.

In the afternoon in New York, there is good weather and sunshine.

On the square, there are many people out shopping or playing in the park.

Zhuo Bufan bought pigeon feed to accompany Guo Yan to feed the peace pigeons and chatted about some life matters. Guo Yan looked very good.


Suddenly a can bumped to Zhuo Bufan's feet.

Zhuo Bufan frowned.

Guo Yan looked up and saw two black young men with strong physiques standing in front of them.

"Go away, go and play."

A young man cursed harshly.

"This is not the place of your home. Why don't you let us play?" Guo Yan frowned and argued.

Zhuo Bufan could see that these two people seemed to be rushing towards them directly.

With Guo Yan's character, it is impossible to provoke anyone.

He had just arrived in New York, and Zhuo Bufan instantly thought of Li Zheng. The other party was indeed a superficial gentleman. If Guo Yan fell in love with that kind of boy, he would definitely not be at ease.

"Hey, I will let you go, otherwise I will beat your boyfriend all over the floor looking for teeth, right, weak guy." The tall young man showed a mad look on his face, staring at Zhuo Bufan with a sneer.

"I'm in a good mood today, I don't want to kill anyone. Go away now, I can spare you."

Zhuo Bufan put down the feed in his hand, stood up slowly, and said lightly.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan's icy eyes, the two young men were taken aback for a moment, feeling a chill all over their bodies.

"This **** weather." The young man cursed in another year.

"Boy, you have a good temper. I will help you move your muscles and bones today." Suddenly a young man slammed Zhuo Bufan's face with a fist.


There was a muffled sound.

Zhuo Bufan stretched out his palm to seal the door, and the opponent's fist fell on his palm, making a muffled noise.

The young man who punched him was stunned for a moment. The fighting technique he learned could knock out an adult with one punch.

But although this punch didn't use his full strength, Zhuo Bufan caught it so easily, he didn't even shake his figure, he was obviously a practitioner.

"Go together."

Suddenly, the two of them attacked directly, and the wind screamed with their fists. They were obviously people who had learned martial arts.

To deal with such a small role, Zhuo Bufan can wipe out the two by blowing his breath.

But in front of Guo Yan, Zhuo Bufan didn't want to kill.

Zhuo Bufan's arms trembled like a dragon, his figure shook, and he appeared in the middle of the two in the next moment, with two fists hitting the chest of the two-year young man.


Two muffled sounds sounded simultaneously.

The two young men suddenly flew out and fell to the ground, turning over and over in pain.


Zhuo Bufan spit out a word.

The two looked at each other, grabbed their chests and got up from the ground, and fled away embarrassedly.

Zhuo Bufan did not leave the two of them, and asked who sent them.

Because Zhuo Bufan didn't want Guo Yan to feel that the world was too sinister, he hoped that with his own ability, Guo Yan could live in the "fairy tale" world forever.

"Brother Xiao Fan, you are amazing."

Guo Yan said in surprise.

Since Zhuo Bufan erased some of her memories, she also forgot about Zhuo Bufan's skill.

"I learned a little bit of fur kung fu from a master." Zhuo Bufan said with a light smile, but a flash of coldness flashed in his eyes. It seemed that he should help Guo Yan solve some problems this time.

Many foreigners around were surprised to see this scene.

"Wow, this is Lan Guo Kung Fu?"


Guo Yan only returned to school after the two played late, because there are classes in the evening.

Zhuo Bufan also found a hotel to rest.

Just walking into the hotel room, Zhuo Bufan said: "Come in."

Sure enough, a black man in a suit and a gold necklace suddenly came in outside. Two young men with black skin followed behind him. They were the two men who had been repaired by Zhuo Bufan in the square in the afternoon.

"Dear Sir, my name is Klaus." The middle-aged man headed by him was very polite.

Zhuo Bufan frowned, and it seemed that the other party didn't come to him for revenge.

"What are you looking for me?" Zhuo Bufan asked with a frown.

Klaus said, "I also received a call from Shao Li today and sent someone to trouble him. This matter has nothing to do with me."

As soon as the other party spoke, he put aside the responsibility for today's affairs, and told the envoy behind Zhuo Bufan that he was obviously here to ask for peace.

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