The first thousand one hundred and forty two chapters four elephants

Hong Zhangtian and several elders immediately began to gather all the external elite disciples of the gods, and put Zhuo Bufan's detailed information into the internal database of the gods.

The internal database of Shenmen is not connected to the Internet, and even top hackers and eagle abilities can't get in. Only the people of Shenmen have the key to check some internal data.

Inside the headquarters.

Hong Zhangtian strode in, looked at the ancestor of Shenmen sitting in the first place, knelt down on one knee and said: "Old ancestor, I have entered the information of Zhuo Bufan into the internal network of Shenmen, as long as it is a person from Shenmen. Seeing him, he will report to us immediately."

"Yeah." The ancestor of the gods nodded and frowned: "But that kid has a cunning character. I don't know if he will show up. He carries a lot of treasures on his body, and I don't know what secret method he used to escape me ."

Hong Zhangtian's eyes wandered around, then raised his head and said: "Ancestor, Zhuo Bufan has been collecting the keys to the ancient battlefield ruins in the Americas. I heard that the Paul family's ring was also taken away by him."

"Huh? I almost forgot about this. He has been collecting the keys to open the ancient battlefield ruins. He will definitely find a way to enter the ancient battlefield ruins." Looking for him everywhere, it's better to wait for the rabbit and wait for work with ease."

"You continue to be responsible for tracking his news. I will go to the gate of the ancient battlefield site and wait for him to appear." The ancestor of the gods snorted and turned into a cloud of blood before disappearing into the headquarters of the gods.

When the ancestor of the gods left, Hong Zhangtian stood up, his whole body was soaked in cold sweat.


The headquarters of the Super League.


Cursing sounds came from the office, the sound of various things crackling and falling to the ground.

Standing at the door of the office, Denton was very worried, cold sweat dripping from his forehead, "President."

"Come in."

An angry voice came from inside.

Denton opened the door and walked into the office. The mess inside was thrown on the ground. A blond young man was standing in the office with a temperament like ice thorns, which made his whole body chilly.

"President... Your lord, I haven't found Zhuo Bufan's whereabouts for the time being!" Danton was nervous and did not dare to look at Yuri's eyes.

"Trash." Yuri stared.

An invisible distance hit Denton's body, and Danton suddenly flew out and hit the wall behind him, knocking the wall out of a hole and landing on the corridor, and smoke and dust flew.


Denton spouted a mouthful of blood.

"Trash, I haven't found Zhuo Bufan's whereabouts for so long." Yuri scolded angrily.

"President, I will try my best to find his whereabouts." Denton got up with difficulty, knelt on the ground and said, his body trembling.


Yuri scolded.

Danton heard the sound of the immortal, and immediately walked towards the exit, while the others were silent.

"Zhuo Bufan, when you fall into my hands, I will definitely let you go to hell." Yuri's eyes burst into two bursts of thunder, crushing the table in front of him into powder.

But Yuri was also a little suspicious.

When fighting with the ancestor of Shenmen last time, the other party kept saying that Zhuo Bufan had stolen his things, but he immediately searched but did not find Zhuo Bufan's location.

"Does the ancestor of the gods lie to me, it's not that Zhuo Bufan stole my things?"

Yuri thought to himself.

Time passed, half a month later.

One is located two kilometers underground somewhere in the Niles Mountains.


The river followed the dark passage and hit the rock surface with a cool sound.


A harsh low growl suddenly appeared.

The Ice Emperor Rain Sword radiated azure blue light, faintly illuminating the surrounding twenty meters clearly.

A black-haired and dark-eyed teenager suddenly opened his eyes, and a golden light was wiped across his eyes.

"It's absorbed!"

Zhuo Bufan cracked his mouth and smiled, and there was a hint of excitement on that delicate face, and his eyes were a little bit scorching.

And in front of him, the stone that originally exuded a light blue light, the light had completely disappeared and turned into an extremely ordinary stone, no different from the stone beside the river beach, and several cracks appeared on the stone.


Zhuo Bufan took a sigh of relief. There was a different aura between his gestures, and his movements involved the vitality of the surroundings.

"Unexpectedly, I would encounter this kind of adventure."

Even Zhuo Bufan, who had a strong cultivation base in his previous life, couldn't help showing a bit of excitement on his face at the moment.

Although I don’t know how long this retreat has been, the Blood Demon King was actually absorbed by his body, his bones became harder, his strength increased geometrically, and his blood’s breath became tenacious. Several times.

"I feel like I have inexhaustible power, and after the blood demon stubborn is absorbed by the body, the blood demon stubby emperor will grow as my strength increases, so my strength will be even stronger."

Zhuo Bufan exclaimed.

Under the inside view.

Zhuo Bufan could clearly see that some tree and vine-like patterns appeared on his bones. These patterns appeared lavender, as if growing on the bones, occasionally emitting faint purple awns.

If the blood before it was like a big river, the blood now is like the raging Yangtze River, full of the energy of fierce qi and blood.

"The blood is more than ten times stronger than before."

Zhuo Bufan sighed.

Everyone's qi and blood determines the strength that bursts out in an instant, which means that if Zhuo Bufan bursts out of qi and blood, his strength can be instantly increased by more than ten times, but the qi and blood will also be depleted, and he cannot hold on for too long.

But even so, Zhuo Bufan has the qualifications to compete with Innate. As for the ancestor of Shenmen and Yuli, it is not a problem to draw a tie.

"It's amazing. My cultivation base has reached the pinnacle of foundation building. It is only one step away from the innate, but my body has reached the realm of the four elephants."

After the foundation is built, it is the innate cultivation base. After entering the innate, it is the real threshold to enter the monk. You can communicate with the spiritual aura of the world at all times, fight endlessly, and use more powerful techniques.

After entering the innate realm, the body will move towards a more powerful place, just like the transition of life. The first innate realm is the four elephants. Both limbs and bones and blood will undergo sublimation-like changes. The second realm is Hualong, the third realm is power, and the fourth realm is Zifu, becoming a true cultivator.

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that his cultivation base hadn't stepped into the innate. He actually relied on the Gorefiend Emperor to enter his body into the realm of the four elephants. He had a huge force of tens of thousands of jins, and even hundreds of thousands of them broke out. , Even if it is a strong god, it is estimated that it can almost exert such power.

"Now, even if I meet Yuri and the ancestor of the gods, I don't have to run away."

Zhuo Bufan's eyes flashed with coldness, and he slammed a punch, his whole body roaring like the rushing Yangtze River, his fist slammed upwards, the ground vibrated, and he hit one after another with one punch and one punch. At the entrance of the cave, Zhuo Bufan left the Dark River with the Ice Emperor Rain Sword.

"Sunshine, really good." Zhuo Bufan split his mouth, and a ray of gentle sunlight shone on his cheeks.

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