The first thousand and eighty-one chapters of blood family secrets

Located on the outskirts of Chicago, there is a remote villa area. The development was stranded for some reason, which turned out to be unfinished. Naturally, the built villas could not be sold.

The real estate development company is called "Xingao Real Estate Group", which is a real estate company under the Morgan family.

Dense one-meter-high weeds grow around the villa, covering almost all the buildings in it, a bit like a wild city after the end of the day.

At this time, in the distant sky, a black light pierced the celestial poles, and fell on the unfinished villa area, stopped for a while, and immediately flew towards a villa in the center of the villa area.

What fell outside the villa was a middle-aged man with black wings on his back, slightly curly hair, a Chinese character face, and his hands hanging weakly on both sides of his body. A closer look revealed that the bones under his skin showed signs of broken.

The middle-aged man had red eyes with endless anger, and the featherless wings growing on the back gradually twisted and gathered, making a very strange sound, all retracted into the body, and the two wounds on the back gradually closed, without a trace. Mark of.

"Damn Lan countryman, I will definitely kill you."

The man let out a low roar, and immediately looked at the door of the villa in front of him, his expression turned respectful, "Master, Morgan, please."

In the quiet villa area, there are only the sounds of insects and wind blowing weeds, and the atmosphere is a bit strange and scary.

The villa in front of Morgan was silent for a while, and a vicissitudes of ancient voice came, "Come in, my child."

Morgan dared to approach the villa, pushed open the door of the villa with one hand, and strode in.

There is no imaginary messy scene in the villa, and many flowers and plants can still be seen in the garden in front of the villa, but they are only organized.

"Master." Morgan swept across the garden and strode into the living room of the villa. In the living room, a thin old man with silver hair and a crouched body was facing away from him.

Morgan stood respectfully in the living room, with an admiring and respectful look on his face, bending his waist down.

He was extremely in awe of the elder man in front of him, who seemed to be about to die.

There are some old wooden furniture in the living room, each of which is of an antique level. There is even a very old piano with music scores on it, which is obviously used frequently. As for the old man, there are several bookshelves on it. It is full of various kinds of books, which can be distinguished from the color of the books, and obviously it is also some years.

"Child, I'm glad you can come to see me."

The old man turned around, his face full of smiles like a dry tree bark, and a pair of big framed reading glasses hung on the bridge of his nose.

"Master, Harmon... he has fallen!" Morgan said, his voice trembling.

The old man did not speak, and was silent for a few seconds. For Morgan, these few seconds were undoubtedly as long as a century.

"Harmon has fallen? What a pity... But he is also one of the few people chosen by the ancestors, not the most talented." The old man said slowly, "Oh, you seem to be injured too?"

"He was injured by a man from Lan Guo. He is very strong." Morgan nodded, his eyes resentful.

The old man put down a book in his hand, and immediately walked to the side and stretched out his hand and pressed it on a bronze wall lamp. A row of bookcases made a chuckle and moved horizontally to the right. There was a huge iron cage hidden inside. The youth and maidens were kept inside, with expressions of horror on their faces.

"A strong Lan Guo youth, no matter who he is, if he dares to block our blood rejuvenation plan, he must die." The old man said, hooking his finger at a man in the iron cage.


The man’s eyes were horrified, and a blood hole suddenly appeared on his neck, and the blood of Gugu ran out. It actually flew up into the sky, pulling out a long bloodshot. The man’s face showed pain, but he couldn’t make any noise. The muscles of his face twisted violently.

And those boys and girls who were also locked up in the iron cage saw this scene, all showing a desperate expression, and tears of fear flowed silently.

The bloodshot flying in the air immediately flew to Morgan's arms, immediately pressed against the skin, and poured into the injured arms, constantly repairing the injured bones.

Morgan had a slightly enjoyable expression on his face, and his arms gradually healed intact as before.

"Thank you Master!"

"Well, you have been exposed now, and the Morgan family does not need to go back. As for our plan, we must not be exposed. I believe that other bloodlines are starting to prepare for the return. We must speed up." The old man looked solemn. Tao.


A azure blue light cut through the sky and suddenly appeared in the sky above this area.

"Well, that guy seems to be here?"

That azure blue light stayed in the sky above the dark night, on a giant sword about two meters long and thirty centimeters wide. Standing a young man with black hair and black pupils, his eyes were staring at the unfinished villa area below.

In the evening, when Morgan escaped, Zhuo Bufan did not chase him, but left a divine mind on his body. As long as the opponent did not escape too far, he could judge the opponent's location.

It is estimated that Morgan did not find his spiritual sense at all, otherwise he would not dare to stay in downtown Chicago.

Zhuo Bufan slowly controlled the Ice Emperor Rain Sword to fall vertically, and did not directly rush into the villa area. Morgan is a Western blood family and Joe is also a vampire, but Joe has been asleep for a hundred years, and has been disconnected from the blood family. , I don't know the situation of the blood race now.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan deliberately let go of Morgan during the banquet. Otherwise, he could kill Morgan with a single blow at the time. Letting go of the opponent was just to investigate some blood family information.

After falling to the ground, Zhuo Bufan gathered the Ice Emperor Rain Sword into his body, and then walked slowly toward the inner area of ​​the villa along a road with relatively few weeds.

The rustling sound was particularly harsh in the quiet night.

At this moment, in the dark shadow corner of a villa, a black guy hanging upside down, with two bright black eyes, was watching a teenager walking slowly among the weeds in front of him.

This black guy has a round head, two pointed ears, and a layer of fluff growing on its curled wings. Suddenly, it opened its mouth, revealing two sharp fangs, spreading its wings, and toward the center of the villa. A villa flew away.

Zhuo Bufan raised his head and took a look, with a trace of contempt at the corner of his mouth.

The black bat flew into a villa and immediately landed on the shoulder of an old man.

"Morgan, you have been followed, and someone has come." The old man said calmly.

Morgan's face changed suddenly, "Could it be that Lan Guoren, how did he follow me?"

"Since he is here, we will destroy him today. After all, the noble blood of our blood is flowing in Harmon's body. People who have destroyed our blood will dare to come to you, huh!"

The old man snorted coldly, took off the glasses from the bridge of his nose, his face showed a bit of hideous color, "The blood of the strong is the most delicious."

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