Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 1211: Let's talk about the death

The first thousand two hundred and twelve chapters die

"Xu Haiping, what are you, get out of here."

Qiu Jinse Liu Ye frowned and stared at Xu Haiping coldly.

"What am I, Qiu Jinse, don't think that Zhuo Bufan will support you, you can..." Xu Haiping snorted coldly, narrowed his eyes, and stared at Qiu Jinse coldly.

It's just that he hasn't finished speaking yet, a silver ray of light crossed the distance, elegantly and psychedelically flashed past.

Xu Haiping's head was thrown into the air, and blood came out gurgling.

The whole Zhenguan was round and deadly cold.

"I hate betrayed villains the most." Zhuo Bufan's indifferent voice spread throughout Zhenguanyuan.

Everyone turned pale, and there were even the timid, and their legs trembled like chaff, while the women were desperately covering their mouths and staring wide-eyed, not daring to scream.

Xu Haiping is the right-hand man of the Jiumen Admiral. This is something the entire Qinzhou people know, and it can be said to exist under one person.

When the Jiumen Admiral died, Xu Haiping immediately rebelled and took refuge in Luo Shaozhou, who was also the number one celebrity beside Luo Shaozhou.

But now.

Zhuo Bufan didn't say a word of nonsense, and directly cut off Xu Haiping's head.


Luo Shaozhou's eyes widened, staring at Zhuo Bufan, a cold sweat broke out from behind, and at the same time, Xu Haiping's head had already rolled under his feet.

"How dare you..."

Luo Shaozhou wanted to speak, but felt a cold breath, like a real knife, piercing his body from all directions, making him unable to make a sound.

Luo Shaozhou has seen ruthless people, fierce people, and top powerhouses, but he has never seen someone like Zhuo Bufan who kills people before he speaks!

The two sturdy bodyguards standing beside Luo Shaozhou immediately stepped forward to stand in front of Luo Shaozhou, with solemn expressions on their faces.

"Young Master Luo, the strength of this person is at least above that of the Grand Master, so don't underestimate it!"

A bodyguard said in a low voice.

"What about the master, my brother..." Luo Shaozhou's eyes burned with anger. Although he is not a warrior himself, he has never been afraid of anyone because of his brother's favor and family power.

"Go away."

Zhuo Bufan spit out two words, like thunder, the two bodyguards who stood in front of Luo Shaozhou immediately bleeds from their eardrums, slowly flowing out.

But the two were still standing in front of Luo Shaozhou, and they knew in their hearts that even if they stepped aside now, the Luo family would not let them go.

Zhuo Bufan took a step with his hands on his back.


The two bodyguards suddenly burst into blood on their knees and knelt on the ground with a thud.

Take another step.

Two bodyguards blasted two blood holes in their chests!

Taking another step, a hole was punched in the two of them again!

Facing death, the two looked pale, looked at each other, and immediately flashed to the side. If they were still in front of Luo Shaozhou, they would only have a dead end, but if they left now, they might still have a chance. Waste time to find.


"You stop it!"

Luo Shaozhou looked at Zhuo Bufan, his pupils contracted, the arrogant and sulky expression on his face disappeared completely, replaced by endless fear!

"You are Luo Shaozhou, forcing Zhang Huan to marry you?"

Zhuo Bufan said lightly, his voice was like a knife scraping, making his limbs cold.

"I belong to the Luo family, and my brother is also a martial arts master. Behind me is the first family of the Land of Land. You...what a thing."

Even if it is scared. Luo Shaozhou was not willing to show weakness.

Indeed, he has a strong background. Who in the entire Land of Land dared to offend the Luo family? No matter how strong Zhuo Bufan is, he doesn't believe Zhuo Bufan dares to treat himself.


Zhuo Bufan folded his five fingers and swiped down diagonally, with a cold light flashing.

A smooth incision appeared on Luo Shaozhou's left arm, and a truncated arm fell on the ground. Strangely, no blood flowed from the incision in the left arm.


A sorrowful scream suddenly sounded, Luo Shaozhou clutched his arms, his face was pale with pain, large beads of sweat penetrated through his forehead, he gritted his teeth tightly, and the muscles on his face twitched violently.

The eldest son of a big family, not to mention having his arm cut off, even if he was beaten, he has never suffered such pain.

For a time.

The top powerhouses in the entire Zhenguan circle were stunned.

Everyone thought that Zhuo Bufan had come to talk to Luo Shaozhou, but it seemed that it took less than five minutes for Zhuo Bufan to appear, destroying Xu Haiping, and cutting off Luo Shaozhou's left arm.

This is what the negotiation looks like, it is obviously crushing, and Luo Shaozhou is not in his eyes.

"The second youngest is still your second youngest!"

"too strong."

"Luo Shaozhou was crushed like this?"

"I thought I would negotiate?"

Many people secretly exclaimed.

"But Luo Shaozhou is a member of the Luo family. Although he is a non-core child, the representative is the Luo family, the first family of the land."

"The Second Young Master hit the Luo family in the face!"

Mrs. Zhang and Zhang Huan were very calm, Zhuo Bufan's sword flew, they had seen it with their own eyes, they were real immortals!

Nie Chengrong, Zhong Shousong, and Chu Feiyun were astonished as wooden chickens.

In the entire Zhenguan circle, the sound of inhaling air-conditioning sounded again and again.

"What else do you have to say?"

Zhuo Bufan asked like a god, overlooking Luo Shaozhou who was kneeling on the ground in pain.

"I said you are paralyzed, my brother will definitely kill you and your whole family..." Luo Shaozhou raised his head, his eyes were red, and there was a snake-like resentment in those eyes.


An arc-shaped silver light flashed past again, and Luo Shaozhou's right arm was also broken.


A sharp scream sounded in the quiet Zhenguan circle, startled a few birds that perched on the tree, flapping their wings and screaming soaring into the air.

"What else are you talking about?"

Zhuo Bufan's voice was still cold.

Luo Shaozhou rolled on the ground in pain, but the two wounds on his arm were strange but no blood came out.

"" Luo Shaozhou raised his head, enduring the pain, just about to speak, a cold glow appeared in his pupils, and a blood stain appeared on his neck, and he fell!

Luo Shaozhou is dead!

Less than ten minutes after Zhuo Bufan appeared, he directly killed Luo Shaozhou.

The top powerhouses from the entire Jiangnan face pale, this is the domineering of Zhuo Er Shaozhou, regardless of Luo Shaozhou's background, kill if you say kill.

Qin Yuanshan, Qin Mo, and Qin Wei sweated all over when they saw this scene.

As for the others, they didn't even dare to show up.

"Is Luo Shaozhou's eldest brother in Qinzhou?" Zhuo Bufan walked to the leading wooden chair and sat down and asked indifferently.

The bodyguards who followed Luo Shaozhou looked at each other. One of the bodyguards stood up and said, "Big...sir, Luo Danhua is in Jingzhou..."

"Notify him to come and see me." Zhuo Bufan said indifferently.

The bodyguard hesitated, nodded, and immediately took out his cell phone and made a call.

"Tell him I am waiting for him here."

Now that you are in Jiangnan, you should deal with the Luo family's affairs, otherwise it will cause trouble to the Zhang family.

Everyone was shocked again, Zhuo Bufan was going to clean up with Luo Danhua this time.

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