The first thousand three hundred and forty chapters of the wood spirit

"The fierce beasts have been removed, and the rest is to control the sacred tree." The black leather armor man said, his body disappeared in place, and the next moment it turned into an afterimage and appeared in front of Zhuo Bufan.

On his face, the face covered by the black leather armor showed only a pair of deep black eyes, a bit similar to the eyes of an Asian, looking up and down Zhuo Bufan.

"Your strength is good. If you hadn't defeated the Titan Python just now, I am afraid that our Rainforest Tribe and the Alliance of Human Supervisors would have killed more warriors."

"Forgot to introduce my name, you can call me ‘karma’."

Zhuo Bufan held the Ice Emperor Rain Sword in his right hand, and there was a blue arc jumping on the edge of the sword. He split his mouth and said, "My name is Zhuo Bufan."

"Zhuo Bufan?"

Karma nodded and said, "The fierce beast was created by the sacred tree to protect it. Now the fierce beast has been cleaned up. What we have to do now is to control the sacred tree. If we control the sacred tree, I will give you some rewards. "

"Reward? I don't want a few leaves of the sacred tree."

Zhuo Bufan secretly said in his heart.

"Prepare, control the sacred tree!"

Kye suddenly raised his head, and his majestic voice spread throughout the forest. Hundreds of figures gathered together, all dressed up in the same way. In this battle with the fierce beast, the rainforest warrior almost lost more than half of his warriors.

The alliance of supernaturalists was later, but it also lost almost one-third of superpowers, blood, severed limbs, mixed with the smell of grass, permeating the air.

"We are also going to go." Heller frowned and ordered.

The supernaturalists also gathered together one after another, and the supernaturalists who were lucky enough to stock up were more or less injured.

"Let's go, Zhuo." Kye's eyes flashed with brilliance, his knees bent, turning into a glimpse and rushing towards the sacred tree.

Zhuo Bufan held the Ice Emperor Rain Sword and disappeared in place, leaving a series of afterimages in the air.

The thickness of the whole sacred tree is equivalent to the size of an ordinary football field, and its height is 300 meters. The spreading branches, vines, leaves and branches cover a full range of 30 kilometers. Almost this piece of forest is composed of this sacred tree. The tree was born.

"Is this the sacred tree we are looking for?"

"I have never seen such a big tree."

"It's really amazing. Legend has it that the leaves of the sacred tree contain peculiar life force. No matter how serious the injury or illness, you can use the leaves of the sacred tree to heal."

"What are you kidding? How many leaves does this sacred tree have such a magical effect?"

More than a hundred people hovered in the air, surrounded by the sacred tree, chattering and discussing non-stop, but everyone's eyes were shining with excitement and joy.

"These unfolded leaves are just the most common ordinary leaves. Where is the real sacred tree leaves, where is the wood spirit?"

Zhuo Bufan floated in mid-air, and circled the sacred tree. Although the thickness of the sacred tree was comparable to the size of a football field, for the speed of a super player, he could make a circle in one or two seconds.

"Sacred tree, once the sacred tree helps, the king can recover faster." Kye's deep eyes also glowed with excitement.


"not good."

Zhuo Bufan frowned.

Turning his head, he saw that two rainforest warriors and three members of the Alliance of Supernatural Powers were suddenly entangled by the hanging branches, wrapped like dumplings, and the ever-extending branches were like steel wires, instantly entwining the five people.

"The sacred tree is making the final resistance, let it succumb."

Karma frowned, his fist was full of the power of true essence, and he condensed a giant starlight hammer. He dragged it up with both hands and slammed it against the sacred tree's pole. The rumbling, loud noise made people's eardrums tremble After encountering an external attack, a gravure appeared on the trunk, with a light cyan'blood' flowing out.


The two huge vines are like poisonous snakes, bringing up two confused blue rays of light in the air, speeding like lightning, and attacking Karma's back from both sides of the rear.


"Huh? Thank you."

Kye turned his head, a black afterimage flashed in front of him, and suddenly appeared behind him. The black-haired and black-eyed youth held a sharp sword in his hand. The sword body blocked two cyan-like vines, and it turned out to be metallic. The sound of impact.

"Broken." Zhuo Bufan frowned, and the Ice Emperor Rain Sword burst into blue thunder and lightning, shaking the two green vines into pieces of green shattered objects scattered around.

Although the vine branches are tough, they can't stop the first rank of the treasure, and the double attribute of ice thunder is like the fifth rank of the ice emperor rain sword.

It's a pity that other people don't seem to be so lucky. A few more supernaturalists and rainforest warriors were **** by vines, and then pieces of sharp green jagged leaves wrapped them and chopped them up!

The blood trickled down from the cracks between the vines and leaves.

"You must quickly subdue this sacred tree, otherwise you will sacrifice more people." Karma frowned, and the breath on his body broke out again. Although his face was covered by black leather armor, it was not difficult to see from his eyes. , Just now he suffered some serious internal injuries in the fight with the Demon Ape, and now he has been somewhat aggressive.

Zhuo Bufan didn't speak, and at the same time the karma turned into a glimpse of light, and rushed towards the **** tree, only attacking the trunk of the **** tree's main body, until it was beaten to yield, and it was beaten to surrender.

Bang bang bang!


The branches and leaves of the sacred tree are too wide, almost with countless vines and hanging branches. At this moment, they are like a frenzy dancing, madly attacking humans.


Zhuo Bufan pinched the magic formula in his hand, thousands of golden lights and shadows appeared out of thin air, and they kept cutting off the branches that were fluttering like steel wires, and the chaotic leaves were flying like a drizzle in the sky.

Karma is in charge of the stellar condensed hammer. Every time it hits, the space seems to tremble again. The power contained in it makes the heart palpitating. Every time the falling hammer hits, the air bursts like thunder, constantly moving towards The torso of the sacred tree smashed up.

Zhuo Bufan's body was protected by a golden lightsaber, and the branches and vines that came from the surprise attack were all blocked from the sword formation, and he could not get close at all.

Zhuo Bufan held the Ice Emperor Rain Sword and cut out the sword light in the air. With the shocking power of the carrier, a sharp sword air was drawn in the air, slashing towards the thick sacred tree trunk.

Every sharp sword aura left a mark several feet deep on the hard torso, and the cyan'blood' kept flowing out.

Gradually, relying on Zhuo Bufan and Karma’s attacks, the branches and vines controlled by the sacred tree began to stop attacking, and the sacred tree finally gave up... Wood spirit is the spirit of heaven and earth. Although it has magical effects, self-cultivation, no matter it is Attacks and defenses are too weak.

"What's that?" Guy also turned his head, his eyes showing shock.

Heller, Carlo, and King Lei turned their heads at the same time, looking at the place where Zhuo Bufan and Karma were, where there were some dazzling green lights shining.

"Mu Ling." Zhuo Bufan's face showed a hint of joy.

The real wood spirit was hidden inside this huge sacred tree. The wood spirit surrendered and opened a passage of the sacred tree. The green light radiated from the passage that appeared on the torso.

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